Upcoming Society Events & Talks
Visit: January, 2025
Visit to Salters Hall
Talk: Wednesday 29th January.
Speaker: Patricia Ferguson on ‘Silver on porcelain: mounted, painted, inlaid and overlaid, 800-1950’
Zoom Lecture: Wednesday 5th March.
Speaker: Ulrike Weinhold & Theresa Witting, on Aspects of the Goldsmiths’ art at the Dresden Court.
More details in Members Area
Talk: Tuesday 25th March
Speaker: Beth Carver Wees and Sheila Smithie on ‘Marcus & Co.: Three generations of New York jewellers’. To help us with planning for this joint lecture, please sign up here.
Talk: Wednesday 28th May
Speaker: André Afonso (title TBC)
Talk: Wednesday 29th October
Speaker: James Rothwell on ‘Courtesans, melt-pots and miracles: the history of a centrepiece by Alfred Brown for Hunt & Roskell’
AGM: Saturday 29th November, AGM