The Silver Society Grants
The Society gives grants for activities that relate to the study and display of silver and gold, such as:
• to help fund publications
• towards research costs
• to subsidise study visits connected with research
• the cost of museum displays
Please apply to the Secretary with details of your project.
Please see to the bottom of the page for special grants available under the Barker Bequest.
Robert Barker Bequest Grant
The Silver Society received a generous legacy in the will of noted silver researcher, Robert Barker. The terms of the will state that the legacy should be used to encourage original research in the field of ‘eighteenth-century silversmiths from Great Britain, its colonies and possessions and their works’.
The Robert Barker Bequest will fund grants to individuals to assist with costs associated with research in these fields. Grant amounts will vary depending on the project but will not exceed £5000 and are not intended for projects involving commercial profit.
Grant applications should include an abstract of the proposed research, an academic reference and detailed budget.
Grantees will be expected to submit the results of their research to the Silver Society in the form of a paper, which may be published in the Society’s Journal. They may also be invited to speak at future Silver Society meetings and conferences.
For further information about applications and conditions, please contact the Grants Secretary Emma Paragreen on