Through this area of the site you can investigate unpublished research. Some of this is on open access but some is available only to members of the society or journal subscribers. Click here to subscribe.
The Silver Society Journal digitized archive
The back issues of the Silver Society Journal have now been digitized and are in searchable format at this link.
Parker & Wakelin
The records of the retail silversmiths Parker & Wakelin from 1767 to 1770. You can search a list of their clients and the silver they purchased. Access open to all
Information extracted from Arthur Grimwade’s ‘London Goldsmiths 1697-1837’
A searchable database of silversmiths and goldsmiths listed in that work by address, date, name and shop sign.As an example: John Horton, whose trade card is illustrated here, is not listed by Grimwade, but by searching on ‘Horton’ we find that in the early nineteenth century George Horton worked near to John’s former address: were they connected? By searching on John’s address, Little Turnstile, we find Andrew Killik there: were they colleagues?
Database (in development):
(a) Supporting material (such as inventories and invoices) that is too lengthy for publication in Silver Studies. (b) Miscellaneous notes, contributed by researchers, that may be of use to other researchers but which are insufficient for publication.
Accessible to members and journal subscribers