Journal 36 (2020)
No 36 -2020
Malcolm Airs: David Papillon, Philip Burlamachi and the Roehampton set
John Andrew: Don Porritt: Silver – light, texture and form
Rachel Conroy: Uncontrollable beauty: large scale work in silver by Junko Mori
Elsabeth Dikkes: Painted in gold: Jacob Van Dort (circa 1575-1629) and his family
Jonathan Ellis: A survey of silver held in Suffolk churches
Micael Ernstell: The Nationalmuseum, Stockholm: a unique collection of argent haché
William Irvine Fortescue: Freeman goldsmiths and their apprentices in eighteenth-century Edinburgh
Hazel Forsyth: Museum of London – a trencher plate belonging to Samuel Pepys
Perry Gauci: The London private banker: status, culture and commerce in eighteenth-century society
James Lomax: A plate inventory from Hoar Cross, Staffordshire
Marina Lopato: Fabergé: a cultural phenomenon of the modern age
Kenneth Quickenden: Eric Clements
Barry Shifman: The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts: a masterpiece by Fabergé in the neo-Russian style
Obituary: Robert Barker (1960-2019)
Obituary: Keith Grant Peterkin (1941-2019)
Obituary: Marina Nikolaevna Lopato (1942-2020)
Obituary: Anthony Sale (1924-2019)
Book Review
Timothy Schroder, ‘A Marvel to Behold’ Gold and Silver at the Court of Henry VIII