On Monday 20th September 2021, a small group of members from the ECSG visited the premises of London silver dealers Koopman Rare Art.
Koopman Rare Art is one of the world’s leading dealers specialising in antique silver, gold boxes and objects de vertu. The company was founded by brothers Jacques and Eddy Koopman in 1952 and, after trading at the entrance to The London Silver Vaults on Chancery Lane since 1969, Koopman Rare Art has now moved to Mayfair.
The Early Career Group was warmly welcomed with champagne by directors Mr Lewis Smith and Mr Timo Koopman and assistants Chiara Scotto Pasanisi dei Foscarini and Giorgia Zen. After an introduction about the history of the company and its role in liaising with important institutions and collectors, the group was then given a tour of the gallery and discussed highlights in the current collection. Members were then treated to a handling session and were given the opportunity to study rare and interesting pieces ranging in date from the Elizabeth I period to the Regency era. The interactive discussions included manufacturing methods, provenance, hallmarking, design, and so on, with everyone contributing to the lively discussions.
The ESCG visit to Koopman Rare Art
Overall, it was such an enjoyable evening, and wonderful to be able to get together face-to-face with some members meeting in person for the first time! Many thanks indeed to the entire staff at Koopman Rare Art who welcomed and treated us to their collection.
Do spread the word about the group and encourage prospective members to visit our website to learn more about the activities of the Early Career Silver Group including how to join.