Please complete, delete or tick where applicable and send using the button at the end of the form. Alternatively download a form, complete and send it by email or post (see details at the bottom of this page).

    If applying to be a Joint Member, please give the name of the second person you would like to nominate

    I/we understand that the information given may be kept on a database for the purpose of the administration of the Society only, and will not be disclosed to a third party without my/our permission. I further understand that, as a member of the Society, I/we will have privileged access to areas of the Society’s website, and that I/we may be party to confidential information concerning other members and their collections which I agree not to divulge to others, nor to use for commercial purposes

    Gift Aid Declaration (for UK taxpayers only) Please tick this box if you would like to use Gift Aid and then print, complete and return the Gift Aid form attached to this Membership application. Gift Aid*


    Download application form post or email

    Please either complete the application form on-line and send it by email to The Secretary or download the form, complete it clearly in block capitals and send by post to The Secretary, PO Box 84, Dartmouth, TQ6 6AX.
    Please note that all new membership applications are subject to formal approval by the committee.