We enjoyed a wonderful evening in the splendid surroundings of Goldsmiths’ Hall. Thirty members attended and there were a number of apologies and proxy votes. The formal part of the meeting included the Chairman’s review of a very busy and successful year for the society and the announcement of an exciting programme planned for 2023. Our finances are in good heart and our membership remains reasonably stable. Draft Minutes will be available on the Silver Society website.
Following the AGM Dora Thornton gave a fascinating talk about the Goldsmiths’ Company’s collection which was richly illustrated with slides. With the help of the curatorial team those attending also had the opportunity to see some of the items Dora had discussed.
As ever thanks are due to the unsung heroes, Luke Schrager and Chris Blackler, for their work sorting out our name badges and for manning the wine bar – including Christmas nibbles on this occasion. The Society is very grateful to the Wardens of the Goldsmiths’ Company for the generous loan of the Hall for our AGM.
Zoom of AGM: We understand that the quality of the Zoom was poor and not up to our normal standard. We are very sorry about this; we tried very hard but unfortunately technology was against us. It was also not possible to record Dora Thornton’s lecture. Please accept our apologies.