Search index of issues 1-25
Index A
Abbo: 15/7
Abbotsford: 12/67
(Chaser) 13/129
Collection 12/153
Stephen 14/60
Abbott [watchmaker] 18/83
ABDS: 8/517
Abdy, William: 10/71; 10/75; 12/28; 12/33;
Abercromby, Robert: 7/365, 22/23, 26/27
Aberdeen: 14/8
Apprentices 14/84
Abergavenny, Lord: 11/134
Abondio, Antonio: 5/213
Aberdeen silver: 36/119
Abraham 4/135-6
(Auctioneer) 7/357
des Sciences: 12/10
of Arts: 20/75
Academy of St Luke 19/57
Acceptance in Lieu 25/29
Accountants, Inst of Chartered 19/149
Accounts: 26/18
(16th c) 8/439-42
Amadas, Robert 16/38
Beaufort, Duke of 9/544
Boulton & Fothergill 12/45
Coke 9/552
William Cripps account to Prince Galitzin 28/48
Day books 26/19
Drury, Dru 10/75
Exeter Borough Receiver 13/107
Fitzwalter 8/469, 10/60, 26/19
Fox-Strangways 8/469
Frederick, Prince of Wales 8/470
Thomas Germain, ‘Mémoire’ 28/64
Gloucester 16/48
Gordon, Robert (clients of) 19/55
Gunmakers 10/55
James Ker to: Ludovick Colquhoun 28/136, Lord Deskford 28/138, Lord Glenorchy 28/134, George Innes 28/135, William Nisbet 28/118
Lamerie, Paul de 12/86
Longleat 10/26
Mellerstain 19/56
Oriel College (15th c) 16/68
Personal and household 26/19
Royal (visit) 6/257
Sherborne family 22/47
St George, Oliver 22/35
Nichola Sprimont ‘Mémoire to Semyon Kirillovich Naryshkin’ 28/46
Tracquair 19/62
Trier 5/241
Whipham, Thomas 13/109
see Bills, Billheads, Cost of plate, Inventories, Invoices, Ledgers, Parker & Wakelin, Shopkeeping, Wills, Workshop
Accounts illustrated:
Amadas, Robert 16/38
Cleaning 22/75
Coke/Lamerie 9/554
Oriel College (15th c) 16/68
see Inventories, Workshop
Achilles, Shield of: 10/11
Acklam, John P. 19/17
Ackworth, Sir Jacob: 13/104
Acton: 13/113*
James Philip 25/107
John 6/258, 6/307
non-importation agreements 23/85
of Parliament see Laws
Plate offences 1738 18/24
Adair, James: 15/95
Charles 26/44
Frank 14/8
Jean 6/320
Johann Jakob 16/52
Robert 6/313, 8/522, 9/609, 10/115-16, 16/131, 25/31
WW 13/24
Adams, G.W. see Chawner & Co
Adams, George: 17/34, 25/38
Adcock, Daniel: 10/75
Addis, William: 12/100-1
Adie Bros: 8/522
Adie & Wedderburn 27/105
Adis, John 19/122
Adkins, Edward: 8/469
Francis 18/83[jeweller] 18/83
Admiralty: 10/17-18
Adnet, Henry: 10/115
Adrian [jeweller] 18/83
Advertisements: 19/46-7
(18th c) 7/414, 10/27
(20th c dealer) 21/48
Bermuda 13/23
Blatchley, Thomas 13/19
Canadian 26/72
Cleaning (ill’d) 22/75
Cookson, Isaac 9/535
Dixon, James & Sons 21/105
Goldsmith’s shop 18/20
Gorham 21/118
Illustrated 16/64; church plate ill’d 19/12; (1750) 19/49
Purcell, Henry 13/29
Retail prices (15th/18th c) 15/99
Sparrow, Thomas 11/232
Thefts etc, 18/24-32
Tregent, 16/118
see Catalogues, Notices, Old Bailey Proceedings, Shopkeeping, Trade cards
Agents for plate 27/97
Agricultural prize: 21/85
Countess of 12/116
Earl of 6/301
Ailsa, Marquess of: 14/36, 19/49
Ainslie, Gilbert 25/15
Aitcheson, Alexander: 14/83
Aitchison, Alexander II: 36/72
Alexander 14/83
Peter 11/211
Akin, James: 13/29
Al Tajir, Mohammed: 1/3, 1/53
Alanson, Matthew: 11/162, 16/99
Duke of 7/379
George Monck 26/34
Isaac 12/91
Prince Consort 27/5
Alberti, Leon Battista: 16/58
Albrecht, Andreas: 15/15
Albrecht, Cardinal of Brandenburg 23/58
Alchemy: 12/8, 19/171
Alchorne, Charles: 13/121
Alcino, Manuel: 16/19
Alcock, John: 18/83
Aldobrandini tazza: 6/320, 7/364, 12/149
& Green 8/513
& Stamper 8/509, 22/100
Charles 8/510, 19/47, 26/42
Edward 6/323, 8/509, 12/100, 26/42
James 4/121, 4/161, 6/323, 7/368, 19/17
William 12/33
Alessi: 2/66, 4/177, 13/135
Alexander, William: 12/152, 26/42
Alexandra, Queen: 12/141
Aleyn, John: 16/45
Aliens: 4/49, 14/109
Breaking of plate 10/51
Endenization/naturalisation 10/12, 19/72
Language problems 15/82
Marking for 10/58
Papists (1678) 19/46
Working in London (16th c) 16/38
see Craftsmen, Goldsmiths’ Company, Workshop
Allambridge, John: 8/476
All England Lawn Tennis Club 19/4
Colin 14/84-5
George 26/22
Hannah 26/23
Allen, Elizabeth, Lady Dryden 27/19
Allcock, G.F. & Co 23/95
/Allyn/Allin [broker/pawnbroker] 18/83
H. 7/345, 7/348
John 7/345, 7/348,12/91
Joseph 12/105
Thomas 4/154
William 15/121
Alleson: 13/113*
Allome [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/83
Alpacca 2/109
Britannia Metal 21/108
British Plate 21/106
Dutch 17th c 23/144
Early use 12/8
Fine silver 12/45
Germanium 10/106
German silver 21/106—8
Mazak 5/218
Melting point 12/27
New Zealand 14/6
Ormolu 7/343
Pewter 10/46
Plated wares and base metal 10/80, 10/90, 12/12, 12/26, 12/33, 12/38, 12/40-1
Wells metal 16/116
see Assay, Close plate, Germanium, Hard metal, Plated wares, Sheffield Plate, Standards, Techniques
Allwood, Thomas: 14/61
Almac[r]k: 13/113-14*
Almshouse, see Morrell
Almsmen: 18/21
see Walkmen
/Allsop [watchmaker] 18/83
Robert 14/57
Altar, Johann Andreas Thelott, Augsburg, 1719 : 36/116
Altenstetter, David: 21/18
Alston, James: 10/89, 12/78
Alterations to plate: 21/89
(17th c) 6/257
(18th c) 6/276; 7/suppl
(19th c) 6/301, 6/309, 7/360, 7/362, 7/364, 7/suppl, 9/546
(20th c) 4/116, 7/367
After theft 15/83
Marine Service 21/26
Reade Salt 21/78
Regilding 9/611
see Basics, Cleaning of plate, Cost of plate, Engraving, Fakes, Invoices, Repair of plate
Althorp 22/5
Alves, James: 14/81
Alvey (goldsmith 17th c): 10/51
Alvin Corporation 25/22
Robert 8/439, 16/35, 19/126
William 16/37
Ambassadorial plate: 8/443, 10/112, 11/134-8,
11/172, 12/115, 14/18, 20/17, 22/7
(15/17th c) 15/51;
(1823) 19/46
in Dublin 23/124
Marking of 21/89
Perquisite abolished 22/49
see Embassies, Jewel House/Office, Officers of state, Royal
Amelia, Princess: 14/37
Amen Comer 25/43
English silversmiths in 19/15
Exports to 21/105
American silver: 13/14, 13/27
manufacturers 25/28
Maryland 20/87
New York 20/95
Pennsylvania 2/75
Seattle 16/79
Wine syphons 10/16
American flatware 28/173
American captures, Committee on 26/79
Amherst: 10/91
Amiraux, Pierre: 9/540, 9/543, 10/15
Amman, Jost: 16/58
Amphlett, Samuel: 6/279
Amson/Almson [goldsmith]: 18/83
gold cup 16/80, 16/146
Carsten From 23/31
D.N. 7/337
James 14/81
John 14/83
John 36/82
Thomas 14/84
William 36/72
Andrássy, Count Emanuel: 15/12
André, Alfred: 13/138
Andrewes, Mathew: 12/119
John (caster) 15/87
Lancelot 25/18
William 21/65
Andrieu, F.: 13/128
Angel(l), Joseph: 7/336, 15/86
Angers: 10/12
Eva 26/76
John 26/76
John Julius 26/75
house in Greenwich 26/76
Anglo-French relations: 20/116
Anglo-Saxon silverworking: 19/137
Anjou: 10/12
Anna, Ivanovna, Empress of Russia 28/41
Annanapolis 28/26Anne:
of Austria 4/163
of Russia 8/493
Queen 26/35
Anne, queen, wife of James I of England 36/37
Annesley, Arthur: 19/170
Annets, Mr: 9/533
see Hanet
Ansill & Gilbert: 7/338-9
Admiral/Baron 4/120, 5/246, 10/98, 13/107, 14/124
Admiral George 23/118
George, 1st Baron 20/38
Anstey, Christopher: 16/123
Dirick (Derek) 11/190-1
Edward 3/15
Joseph 13/20
Hallmarks 15/114
see Attitudes to plate, Auctions, Collecting, Curiosity shops, Patronage, Second-hand plate
Antiquaries, Society of 19/110
George 12/119
Sir Edmund 4/182
City Archives 36/47
Goldsmiths in 36/46
Reformation in 36/49
Seige of 36/49
Charles 6/294
Isak 6/293
Apmericke, Thomas (Glos): 16/47
Apostle figures: 13/40
see Spoons
Appleby, Malcolm: 1/24, 1/55, 4/173-4,
5/217-18, 12/5, 12/153, 13/9, 13/11, 15/155, 16/5, 16/7-8
Children, care of 10/57
Missing register 10/63
Premiums 10/57, 14/52
System 7/345
see following entries, Workshop
Apprentices to:
Amadas, Robert 16/44
Clayton, David & John 9/599
Cooper, Richard 19/59
Cruickshank, George 23/87, 23/92
Daintrey, Marmaduke 10/63
Denziloe, John 16/128
Sandylands Drinkwater 28/60
Ficketts, Anthony 11/172
Freeman, John 19/68, 19/70
Gordon, Robert 19/54
Gould, William 27/32
Hawkins, Richard 10/63
Houle, John 6/287
Hyde, Thomas 10/18
Johnston, Alexander 23/84
Kandler, C. & C.F. 8/496
Ker, James 27/35, 28/129
le Roux, Alexander 12/91
Manwaring, Arthur 11/171
Mitchell, David 27/45
Nau, George 10/31
Palmer, William 10/53
Penman, James 27/34
Rock, William 2/89
Rutty 10/52
Sadler, Thomas 13/94
John Hugh le Sage 28/154
Smith, Abraham 12/122
Starkey, Henry 12/122
Stone, R.E. 15/150
Storr, Paul 6/277
Tyler, William 11/168
Welsh, James 21/53
White, John 8/469
Willaume, David 10/59, 11/140
Warminster silversmiths 10/20
Watchcase makers 10/30
Wright, Charles 16/126
Apprentices, in Edinburgh 36/63:
Age 36/67
Discipline of 36/79
Essay 36/84
Fees 36/69
Indenture 36/66
Parental Occupations 36/65
Parental Social Status 36/64
Registration 36/70
Working Hours 36/71
(20th c) 19/151
absconding 19/46
in Edinburgh 27/45
Apprenticeship of:
Archambo, Peter 16/146
Bridge, John 2/101
Channel Islands silversmiths to London makers 9/542
Cornman, Philip 8/481
Denziloe, John 16/126
Duck, John Illustrated 14/99
Hyde, Thomas 10/18
Rundell, Philip 2/94
Scottish goldsmiths 14/79
Storr, Paul 2/89, 6/277
Apprenticeship System, Edinburgh, Eighteenth-Century 36/63
Appse, Robert: 13/72
Apulian vase, illustrated: 1/34
Aramaic inscription 27/55
John & Robert 9/545
Viscount 27/39, 27/53
Bulgaria 19/174
East Anglia 19/137
Heracleion 19/173
& Meure 11/142
Peter 4/118, 5/244-5, 6/311-12, 7/424, 8/469, 8/471, 10/111, 11/135, 13/120-1, 16/52, 16/146, 18/83, 20/30, 20/59, 20/ 61, 20/83, 20/88, 20/120, 20/131, 22/23, 23/27, 25/29, 26/58[watchmaker] 18/83
Archbold, William: 11/148, 11/151
Archdall, William: 11/152-3, 11/162, 11/166,
Archenholz, von: 12/58
Raymond 15/153
Thomas 12/123
William 26/23
Archers, Royal Company of: 5/192
Archives: Saxony 20/106
Archives:(18th c) 26/17
Anthony 3/16, 9/590
Anthony I 16/33
John (Crewkerne) 13/61
Mary 26/111
Oliver 3/47
Walter 26/9
Ardennes: 14/140
Arfe, Juan de: 1/11
Argent haché, in Sweden 36/106
Duke of 11/212
and Greenwich, John Campbell, Duke of 20/30
Aris/Adsit [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/83
Arlaud/Arnoux/Arnaud [jeweller]: 18/844
Armada service: 5/205, 5/244, 7/359
Armfield, Edward (button makers) 27/6
(19th c) 4/182
Beaufort 7/381, 8/473
Books of pulls : (Soc Ant)19/110; (V&A) 19/111
Botetourt, Baron 7/386
Coke, Thomas 9/552
Gloucester 16/50
Hyndford, Earl of 13/98
London 8/471
Meynell 8/489
Royal 14/21
Strangways/Vaughan 8/476
Strathmore, Earl of 13/91
William & Mary (unusual) 7/375
see Engraving
Armorials, illustrated:
(14th c) Illus 16/70
(18th c) Illus 4/181-2, 6/275, 7/411
Campbell 28/119
George I as Elector of Hanover 19/108
Haddington 28/120
Inst of Chartered Accts 19/149
Knesworth 27/28
Montagu, Elizabeth 19/20, 19/34
Evelyn Pierrepoint, 5th Earl of Kingston-upon-Hull 28/36
Russian imperial 44, 64
Arms and Armour Society: 21/10
Armstrong, Mrs Ellis 26/92
Armsted [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/83
Arnett, Hugh 26/44
Arnold, John (Birmingham plater): 15/86
Arnoldi, Michael 23/87
Arnot, David: 14/84
Arnoult, Nicolas 15/55, 15/58
Arran, Earl of: 14/33
& Co 21/13
Prince 8/438
Reinhold Vasters, Goldsmith (Metropolitan Museum Journal) 28/181
Artificers’ Guild: 15/126
Art Journal 26/98, 27/11
Arts & Crafts:
Exhibition Society: 11/224, 26/99
movement 26/99
see Exhibitions
Art-Union of London: 5/216
Art Unions 27/11
Art Workers Guild 26/107
Artist, The 26/100
Arundel, Earl of: 14/107
Ascot Stakes: 14/11
Ash, Thomas: 1/52, 22/45, 22/158
C.R. 10/115, 12/136, 26/99
Gilbert 10/67
Ashbourn [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/84
Ashbrook, Dowager Viscountess: 9/583
Centrepiece 21/27
Earl of 7/364, 7/368
2nd Earl of 21/36
Sir William 26/35
Ashby, Mr: 13/113*
Ashe, Mary: 4/153-4
Ashes, the: See Cricket
Ashforth, George: 10/76
Ashly/Ashley, Jeconiah: 18/84
Ashtray, Fabergé, 1890, master Julius Rappaport 36/44
Ashwell, Mrs of Watford: 13/112*
Askew, Richard: 18/84
Aspole (cutler): 11/151, 11/153
Aspremont-Lynden ewer: 5/200-1
& Loyd 7/391
C. 7/359
Ltd 4/174, 12/152
Asquith, Brian: 2/66, 12/153, 13/11, 16/112, 23/148
Assay: 1/3, 11/131, 11/253, 12/45, 12/48, 12/87
(17th c) 9/584, 10/40
(18th c) 19/41
1682 plate 10/29
1773 Act 14/131
(1999) 10/110
Birmingham 12/66, 16/103, 19/21
Chester 4/146, 21/45
Cost of punches 5/191
Dies 9/614
Dublin 11/143, 12/80, 16/26, 16/87, 22/36
Dublin records illustrated 11/143-57
Edinburgh 5/187, 7/419, 11/220
Forging dies 15/88
Fraud 27/28
Germany 5/235
Items excluded 7/343
Lille 6/298
London 12/82, 13/119
London plate (1797) (illus) 22/110
Marking of flatware 14/123
New Geneva 19/18
Nuremberg 15/73
Oporto 15/101
Output marked 11/143-57
Pennsylvania 2/75
Pewter 10/46
Philadelphia 12/36
Quantity/weight of silver marked 5/190-1, 7/343, 9/533, 12/63, 12/76, 12/112, 13/601; Dublin 16/87; Edinburgh 21/54
Salisbury 3/4
Sheffield 12/32, 16/112
Table of carat/standards 9/533
Turin 21/31
UK 2007 changes 22/115
Watchcases 10/29
see entries below, Calendar, Date letter, Diet, Duty, Goldsmiths’ Company, Hallmarking, Laws, {tab} Marks – Maker’s mark, {tab} Marks, Standard, Workshop Management
Assay Masters
Edinburgh 28/124
St Petersburg 28/62
Assay Office:
Birmingham: 16/131
London date letters 23/116
Norwich 36/14
Sheffield 36/5, 36/93
Assay records illustrated:
Dublin 16/87, 16/95
Assay year: 11/127
Dublin 11/143, 11/158
Edinburgh 11/127
Exeter 13/103
London 11/127
Assayers: 12/98, 26/47
Edinburgh 27/42
Garden, Phillips 23/98
Miles, George 23/108
Assemblies, general:
Goldsmiths’ Company 16/36
Asser, Myer: 10/76
Assistance to Craftsmen Scheme 36/93
Assum, Johannes: 13/123
Asteley, John: 13/50
Astor spoons: 5/204, 7/359, 13/46
see Spoons
Athlone mace: 11/161
Atkin Brothers 22/68, 23/17
Theodore 8/451
William 23/74
Atky[i]ns, Thomas: 3/13
Atocha, Nuestra Señora de: 11/258
Atocha wreck: 16/147
Attercliffe forge: 12/28
Attitudes to plate: 20/35
see Taste
Attwood, Mr: 14/58
Artemii L. 8/522
Louis 6/328
Louis-François 12/103
Aubertin, Daniel 25/66
Auction houses: 20/26, 20/130
Gwilt 23/82
Auction Mart: 7/358
Auctions: 7/357, 10/7, 16/146
(17th c) Ingram 6/260
Auctions (1728) Coke, Thomas 20/44
(1791) 22/44
(18th c) Beaufort 7/386, 9/545; Waldegrave 20/26
(19th c) Cawdor 10/100
(20th c) Meynell 8/500
(1803) 19/147
Boulton 7/351, 12/36
Coke 9/552
Ingram 6/262
Ormonde (early 18th c) 23/124
Romney 16/81
see Antiquarianism, Second-hand plate
Auctions, annual review:
(1992) 4/180
(1993) 5/246
(1994) 6/323
(1994/5) 7/424
(1995/6) 8/522
(1996/7) 9/614
(1997/8) 10/115
(1998/9) 11/258
(1999/2000) 12/149
(2000/1) 13/138
(2001/2) 14/146
(2002/3) 15/46, 15/157
(2003/4) 16/52
(2004/5) 19/170
(2005—06) 21/136
Audinot, Phillip: 14/64
Auld, George 36/65
Augrton, Alex: 13/113*
Augusta, Princess of Denmark 36/46
Henri 7/363, 7/424, 11/139, 21/136
Robert-Joseph 2/68-9, 5/246, 7/338, 7/340, 14/18, 16/137, 16/139, 28/76
II 7/424, 9/615, 10/115
II & III 22/123
III 4/180, 20/13, 20/47
The Strong 12/149, 22/152
Austen, Jane (family): 8/468
Austin, of Bedford Row: 13/113*
Australian silver: 1/53, 2/71, 15/133
Aveline, Samuel 22/42
Awards, Don Porritt 36/57
Axford, John: 10/52
Aylesford, Earl of: 11/134, 13/113*, 21/92
Aylwin, Thomas 26/73
Andrew 36/66
William: 14/81-3, 36/64