Search index of issues 1-25

Index K

K**k, bucklemaker: 10/69
Kaendler, J.J.: 8/501
Kaiserheim: 13/137

Reliquaries 12/149
Kames, Lord: 12/54
Candler, Charles 18/88
Charles 7/391, 8/487, 9/606, 10/113, 11/252, 13/138,14/21, 20/14, 20/50, 20/61, 20/63, 20/76, 20/131, 21/127, 22/124, 22/154, 36/32
Charles II 8/498, 9/606
Charles Frederick 8/471, 8/487, 11/252, 16/147, 20/13, 20/18, 20/28, 20/63, 20/73, 20/76, 20/79, 20/131
Frederick 1/52, 5/214, 6/314, 7/366, 7/387, 7/390-1, 8/522, 9/606, 9/616, 13/138, 14/95, 23/27, 36/32
Johann Joachim 20/48, 22/123, 22/152
see 8/487 for 1996 research, entries have not been retrospectively altered
Kane, Marion: 13/9
Kariba Dam: 14/9-10

Kassborer, Samuel or Hans: 15/137
Kassterrel (chaser at Soho): 7/345, 7/354
Kayle, Hugh: 13/51
Keating, Michael: 8/510, 12/154

Keatley, John 36/99
Keay, R. & R.: 5/189
Keble, Robert 26/42

[watchmaker]: 18/109
Kedder, Thomas: 7/422
Kedleston 25/31

vases 4/122
Keiker, Mr (metalworker): 21/86
Keir, James: 1/33, 12/39, 12/50

& Co 19/12
John 16/64, 17/31-3
John James 27/21
Sir Robert 11/205-6
Sir Robert Murray 12/48
Hans 14/46
Maison 22/79
James 11/164-5
Rod 4/139, 4/174, 10/105, 12/2, 12/5, 13/11, 14/11-12, 14/89, 1 6/5, 16/7, 16/150, 17/41, 27/81, 36/98
Kelsoland, Ayr 27/53
Kemp, John 22/27
Kemsey 26/7
Kempton, Robert: 9/606
Kendall, James: 13/29
Kendell, Arthur: 21/110

(Marquess of Ailsa) 19/49
Stephen (cutler) 11/148-9, 11/151
Bishop 26/34
John 26/46
Duke of 6/309, 14/35, 19/16
University of 27/81
William 5/247, 7/424, 8/522, 9/609, 10/99, 10/113, 11/138, 13/138, 14/14, 14/16-17, 15/168, 20/42
Kentish & Haynes 22/58
John 14/60
Kenton, Thomas/Francis: 3/50
Kenzie, James: 11/154

Admiral 6/314, 8/504, 9/536, 13/103, 14/78
Frederick 13/105
& Dempster 6/327, 27/33
James 6/318, 14/82-4, 15/119, 19/52, 27/33, 36/64
Thomas 27/34, 36/67
William 14/83, 36/83
Kerdley, William: 10/76
Keroualle, Louise de: 15/53

James 19/165
William 15/135, 27/70
Kerry, 3rd Earl of: 11/202, 11/204
Keswick School of Industrial Arts: 12/134

Kettle, Fabergé, aluminium, c 1915 36/41
Kettwych, Friedrich: 14/14, 19/107-8
Key, Thomas: 14/82
Key-marked silver 27/54
Keyser, Thomas (Hendricksz) de: 14/146,

John 10/75
Vincent 11/147-52
Kidney, William: 1/52, 8/469, 10/59, 11/142, 12/98, 20/120, 20/131, 26/27
Kielman, Hero 25/6
Kirkby Gregory & Co: 19/17

Earl of 7/422, 11/161, 11/163, 11/166-7, 12/14, 22/35
Marchioness of 4/165
see Leinster
Kilian, Lucas: 14/112-13
Kilkenny: 7/430

Castle 23/123
Design 21/137
Killright?: 11/153
Kilner, James: 12/78
Alexander 14/81, 36/65
John 36/65
Kindt, Christian: 11/153
King family, (Adam, John, Thomas): 13/76

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/110
David 5/205, 11/147-8, 11/150-3 11/165-6, 16/89, 16/96
Fiona 22/70
Francis 26/40
Gregory 26/37
John 16/32
J.T. 4/135
Lord Chancellor 7/424, 8/470, 11/138, 14/144
Mary 36/103
Parks & King [watchmaker] 18/116
Peter, 1st Baron 20/68
Richard 16/44
Thomas 2/100, 21/6, 36/103
[watchmaker] 18/109
William 12/91, 26/32
King’s Lynn: 14/106

Duke of 6/308, 12/15
Duchess 6/292
Evelyn Pierrepoint, 2nd Duke of 20/13, 20/17, 20/20, 20/25, 20/32, 20/127, 20/133
Kinnaird, Baron: 8/482, 10/102
Kinnear, William: 14/85
Kipling [watchmaker]: 18/110
Kirby[broker/pawnbroker]: 18/110
Kirchgessner & Kraft: 2/109
Kirchner, Gottlieb 22/123
Kird, William: 13/9
Kirk, J: 23/119
Kirkcudbright: 10/44
Kirkland, John: 14/86
Kirkleatham centrepiece: 6/311
Kirk’s toyshop: 16/117

James (Newcastle) 9/536
John 8/509
Kirkwood, Thomas: 13/103
Kitchin/Kitchen [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/110
Klette, Andreas: 9/615
Klinkosch, J.C.: 10/119
Knatchbull, Sir Edward: 12/58, 26/21
Kneller, Godfrey: 13/112*
Knesworth, Sir Thomas 27/27
Knevett, Sir T.: 8/439

Henry: 8/470
Fabian James 26/96
Chris 16/9-10, 16/80, 19/103, 19/160, 21/125, 36/5
Elisha & Son 21/108
Mr 12/117
Knightwick, Worcs 26/5
Knole, Kent: 15/161, 19/174
Knopfull: 9/553
Knowles, Charles: 13/104

Archibald 8/520,11/227, 11/229, 13/135, 14/146, 19/165, 26/100
Jno 13/112*
Koch, Hans Bernard: 14/46
Kochert: 36/42
Kokhun, Robert: 2/70
Kolberg, Löffelholz von: 16/61

Konovalenko, Vasily 36/43
Koopman, Jacques: 2/60
Koppel, Henning: 12/150
Koroinen, communion vessels from 25/86

Fabergé, 1899 36/42
Fabergé, Moscow, 1899 36/105
Krall, Charles: 17/31, 17/43
Kraftshof: 16/53
Kramer, Sigmund: 7/371
Krause, Samuel: 13/30
Kremlin: 1/4, 2/105
Küchler, Konrad Heinrich 22/57
Kytson, Sir Thomas: 4/124