Search index of issues 1-25
Index D
D’Angelo, Giuseppe: 1/26, 8/522
Sir Augustus 14/34
Isabella 8/436
Leonello 5/212
d’Eu, Comte 22/129
Dache, Jacques 26/70
Dadler, Sebastian 36/52
Daigremont, Marguerin: 19/80
[jeweller] 18/93
Samuel 18/93
Dakin/Dokins [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/94
Daintry, Marmaduke: 10/62
Daley, Jacob: 21/108
Dalton, Edward (Wigton): 9/581
Damann, Johann Wilhelm: 16/52
Damodé, Giovanni: 21/30
Danbe, Robert: 3/10, 6/306
Danby, Earl of: 13/103
Dane, Patrick: 10/6
Dangeau, Mme de: 15/55
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/93
Henry 11/153
Jabez 9/603, 13/114*
Jacob 21/108
of Bristol 13/112*
Thomas 10/76, 13/113*, 26/46
Danorisse, Gaspard 22/16
Danser, William: 14/65
Danyell, John: 3/9
Darby, Col: 13/115*
Ellen 4/153, 8/525, 10/26
John 4/153, 8/525, 10/26
Thomas 4/153, 8/525, 10/26
Thomas II (Taunton) 15/88
Darlington, 2nd Earl: 11/134
Darnley family/Jewel: 13/52
Darthus, Peter: 10/59, 11/142
Dartmouth, Lord: 12/48-9
Robin 36/90
Thomas: 12/34
Daser, Simon & Co: 10/79
Dashkov, Prince Worontsov: 2/70
Dashwood, G.R.: 13/113*
Dassier, Jean: 14/139
Date letter:
Dublin 12/81
London 12/82
Nuremberg 15/73
see Assay, {tab} Marks
Daun, comte de: 19/95
Burrage 10/75, 17/46, 21/136
Isaac 9/592, 9/595, 18/93
David, John: 13/20
Davidson, John: 13/113*
Adam 36/67
William: 14/83, 36/67
Davies, Jenkin: 12/152
Davies & West 22/59
Davis: 13/113*
[watchmaker] 18/93
Davison, Alexander: 19/38, 26/83
George 15/92
John 15/116
William 16/37
Richard 1/23
Samuel 10/76
Dawkins, James: 8/455
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/93
Edith 11/224, 26/110
Nelson 11/224, 15/126, 26/110
Rebecca 13/14
Benjamin 13/115*
Robert 11/143
Thomas 21/112
Dayrell, Tucker: 10/111, 12/130
De Beers: 4/139-40, 14/11
De Bray, Dirck: 23/143
De Certeau, Michel 27/75
De Genouillac, Jeanne 28/21
De la Cour, William: 20/42
De Lamerie, Paul: 11/135, 12/15, 12/86, 12/108, 12/110, 13/95, 13/121, 14/29, 14/44, 14/144, 15/119, 16/146, 20/11, 20/14, 20/23, 20/37, 20/59, 20/120, 20/131, 22/105, 22/155, 25/66, 25/109, 27/91, 28/40
Accounts/invoice 8/480, 9/552, 9/555, 10/60
Basket 5/246
Biog 1/52, 4/160, 4/175, 6/267, 7/360, 8/471
Candlestick 7/364, 8/523
Church 8/476
Coffee 5/247
Cooler 10/113-14
Cup 7/423, 9/614
Dish 2/70, 6/276, 8/476
In museums 4/118-20, 6/310-12
Inkstand 10/115
/Lemery/Delamarie, Paul 18/93
Salver 7/367, 7/411
Sauceboat 5/247, 8/452, 19/166
Toilet set 4/166
Trade relations 8/469, 9/533, 10/58, 10/69
Tureen 5/246, 9/616, 10/115
Wine coolers 19/170
see Maillet
De Riemer, Pieter: 20/98
(19th c) 21/86
(20th c) 21/48
Crichton, Lionel 19/110
Jessop, Hugh 19/116
see Auctions, Antiquarianism, Curisotiy shops, Individual names (eg Crichton, Durlacher), Obituaries, Retailers, Second-hand plate, Shopkeeping
Dealtry, Thomas: 13/113*
Dean [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/93
& Co 19/47
All Saints 6/306
Edward 14/75
Family 26/17
John 14/56, 16/117, 22/47
Mary 16/119
[toyman] 18/93
William 14/57, 16/119, 22/31, 26/19
see Chenevix
Dearing [goldsmith]: 18/93
Debate 19/147
Debegar, Charles: 6/280
Debenham & Storr: 7/357
Decane, Edward 26/5
Decorative Arts Society: 2/109
Dedeke, Lewin: 13/138, 14/15, 15/67, 19/108
Dee, Thomas W.: 8/485
Defer, Daniel (De Fer, Deffer): 11/193
Deffan, Madame du: 12/55
Defoe, Daniel: 12/58, 15/21, 16/119
Deichmann, Zacharias: 14/45
Delafons/de la Fons/Delafonds [jeweller]: 18/93
Delafosse, Pierre: 19/81
Delamarre: 19/89
Delamotte: 21/86
Nathaniel 10/32
/Delaunder/De Lander [watchmaker] 18/94
Delany, Mary: 20/31, 26/21
Delarbre, Louis-Philippe: 8/522
Delaune, Etienne: 4/122
Delaunay, Nicolas: 19/81, 19/92, 19/97
Delavan: 21/108
Delaware, Lord: 8/489
Christian 9/615
Samuel 4/153, 10/52
Delves, Thomas 26/34
Demass/Duemas, John 18/95, [jeweller]: 18/95
Anatole 6/329
Service 10/115, 12/151
Demoor see Moor
James 36/67
William: 14/83-4, 27/33, 28/117, 36/67
Denham, William: 14/83, 36/77
Denisov-Uralsky, Alexey 36/42
Petition 11/193
see Aliens
King of (1694) 19/83
Royal silver: 2/104
Denneistoun, Andro: 10/111
Dennett, Thomas: 12/110
Dennison, Lady: 13/114*
John 11/137
William 12/121, 23/27
Denton, Hon Alexander: 8/470
Denziloe, John: 16/125
Deramore, Lord 25/31
De’Rossi, Angelo: 12/20
Countess of 19/81
Earl of 6/309
Family 14/58
John Andrew 14/55
John I 14/58
John III 14/59
Desbovery, Jacob 26/35
Desbrough, Thomas: 11/151
[watchmaker] 18/94
Deshayes, Gaspard: 15/55, 15/59
Design: 4/169, 7/371, 14/109, 16/13, 16/18, 19/111
Ballin, Claude II 19/94
Boxes 12/31, 12/65
Berain, Jean 4/170
Bos, Cornelis 5/201
Boulton, Matthew 11/206, 22/51
Chambers,William 7/335
Coffee pot 13/8
Coomber, Tara 12/7
Crichton, A and Crichton & Curry 27/107
Elkington & Co 19/7
French surtout 19/79, 19/97
Germain, Thomas 7/336
Giardini, Giovanni 12/19
Jamnitzer, Christoph 4/148, 5/241
Jernegan cistern 8/490, 8/495
Luti, Benedetto 12/19
Luzi, Filippo 12/20
Maini, Giovanni Battista 12/21
Masson 4/171
Orléans 19/79
Ornament prints 12/150
Puiforcat, Jean 22/158
Rococo 20/17
San Lorenzo vase 8/444
Schlick 19/7
Source of teapots 26/50
Spanish 1/9
Tatham, C. H. 8/482, 8/484
Vico, Enea 5/198
see Advertisements, Catalogues, Designers
Design, in Britain, post Second World War 36/56, 36/88
Designated collections: 23/49
Brown, Alfred 8/505
Hatton, Richard 8/525
Ladeuil, Léonard Morel 15/124
Magnusen, Erik 21/113
Styles, Alex 8/525
Tirebuck, G.F. 15/124
see Design
Designs, illustrations of: 7/426
19th c cigar holders 16/18
Anon English (1735—47) 20/47
Anon tureen (18th c) 22/129
Ballin, Claude II 20/50
Berlin buffet 22/117
Bonnor, John 15/126
Burges, William 27/92
Burton, Jocelyn 27/72
Crichton 27/107
Eginton, Francis 22/55
Faris, William 20/87
Germain, Pierre 20/55
Green, Amos 22/54
Holbein, Hans 15/175
Marot, Daniel 22/122
Meissonnier, J-A 21/36
Mouton, M.P. 23/16
Puiforcat, Jean 15/145
Sheffield (20th c) 22/70
Solis, Virgil 15/15-16
Sprimont, Nicholas 21/36
Wyatt, James 16/135
Designs for silver 28/81
Deskford, Lord – see Ogilvy
Desportes, Nicholas: 6/298, 6/301
Desprès, Jean 22/81
D’Esterre Darby, Captain Henry 26/82
De St Pol, Marie 25/16
Devaynes, William 26/78
Deveer, Frederick: 14/53, 14/60
Devenish, Thomas C.: 13/110, 13/112*
Devlin, Stuart: 7/423, 14/11, 15/168, 22/15827/92–93
Duke of 4/162
William Cavendish, 1st Duke of 20/60, 20/133
5th Duke of 21/91
Dewar, Henry: 14/81
Dewez, Michel: 16/151
Deykin, William: 10/76
Dials: 16/152
Dick: 13/113*
Alexander 26/76
Lexi 2/108, 4/174, 13/11
of Prestonfield 27/53
Dicken, Arthur: 13/120
Dickens, Charles: 12/60, 36/65
Dickenson, John: 23/140
Charles 19/53, 27/40
John 11/151
Die sinking: 11/218
Illustrated 13/28
Soho 22/56
see Engravers, Techniques
Diemar, Emanuel M.: 8/486
Annette 23/42
Christoph 23/41
Diet: 11/158-9, 12/52
Trial of 18/19
see Assay
Dietterlin, Wendel: 14/113
Isaac 26/43
Robert 21/74
Dill, Joseph: 13/24
Dinglinger, J.M.: 7/364, 10/120, 12/149, 14/46
Dingwall, John 36/77
Dining: 19/19, 19/24, 19/38
American, evolution of 25/19
Dresden 22/126, 22/152
Hanover services 19/108
Tea 16/153
see Domestic arrangements, Food, Use of plate
Dish, silver-plate brass, Sweden, 1760 36/106
Diocese see Church plate, Provincial
Diplomatic gifts: 8/442-44
see Ambassadorial, Civic
& Smith 21/105
Arthur 26/99
David 22/70
James & Sons 2/66, 6/323, 8/524, 15/124, 21/105, 21/134, 22/44, 22/70, 19/173, 26/99
John 11/148
Thomas 7/345, 7/350, 13/19, 13/24
Dixwell, John: 7/423
Dobson (arms): 8/472
Dockra/Docher [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/94
Dodd, Robert: 7/342, 7/350
Doddington, George: 13/104, 26/35
Dodgson, Charles 27/106
Dodson, William I: 16/33
Dogget’s badge: 10/17
Domes, Hans: 5/210
Domestic arrangements:
(late 18th c) 19/22, 19/38
see Use of plate
Dominick & Haff: 4/158
Donald, John: 8/521
Donovan, Peter 21/137
Dontremer, Gille Joseph: 12/107
Doran, W.: 2/91, 26/88
Dorn, Gerhard & Ferdinand: 2/108
Dorner: 13/113*
Dorset, Duke of: 11/162, 14/31, 26/35
Dotte, Franz: 16/60
Doughty [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/94
Douxsaint (toyseller): 14/68
Dover 26/33
Dovery, Richard: 10/75
Dovet [goldsmith]: 18/96
Downes, John: 15/87, 15/92
Downing Street: 13/10
Thomas 9/605, 26/27
William 26/27
Drais, Pierre François: 16/52
Sir Francis 13/104, 13/107
Sir William 15/169, 16/147
Dransfield, Richard: 3/46
Cresheld 26/32
Gawden 26/32
John 16/30
Robert 11/245, 16/44
Drapers’ Company: 2/94
Drawback: 4/130-1
see Assay, Duty
John 19/124
William 11/148, 11/150-1, 11/165
Dreesmann collection: 14/146
Dreiser, Peter: 4/174
Drentwett, Abraham: 4/170, 28/88
Dresden 22/123
Dresden doppelhochzeit: (1747) 20/47
Dresser, Christopher: 2/66, 6/323, 6/329, 10/115, 12/64, 12/149, 13/137, 14/140, 16/152, 19/170, 26/99
John 13/130
Sandylands 10/18, 26/45, 27/28, 28/50
apprentices 28/60
investments 28/58
Droz, Jean-Pierre 22/56
Andrew 18/94, 28/127, 36/26, 36/64
George 28/124
William 4/83, 36/80
Drummonds bank 36/24
Drury :
Close plate 15/116
Dru 9/574, 10/70, 10/79, 12/29, 26/18
Dryburgh Abbey: 12/679
Drybutter, Samuel: 2/104-7
Dryden family 27/17
Duarte, Don: 12/113
Dublin: 11/127, 11/143, 11/158
Assay records 11/143, 11/158
Castle 23/123
Corporation 11/150, 14/124
Goldsmiths’ Company 11/143, 11/158, 12/80, 16/87, 22/36
Population 11/149
Tholsel dinner 23/124
Silversmiths listed in Dublin assay records 1708-48 are not separately indexed here. See pp 16/90,16/94, 16/97 & 16/101
Dubois/Du Bois [jeweller]: 18/94
Ducane, Benjamin: 8/525, 10/50
DuCerceau, Paul A.: 4/169
Duck, John: 7/359, 10/11, 12/149, 14/97, 14/106
Ducket, Laurence: 19/120
Ducrollay, Jean: 16/52
Dudds [watchmaker]: 18/95
Duddell, James 27/64
Duff of Drummuir Castle 27/53
Dugan/Dogan/Dugin [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/95
Duge/Dugh, John: 18/95
Duhamel/du Hamel:
[jeweller] 18/95
[watchmaker] 18/95
Duivenvoorde castle/family: 11/178, 11/182
Dukinfield, Samuel 28/135
Dulin, William Thomas: 23/73
Dumarest, Rambert 22/57
(Chaser at Soho) 7/345-6, 7/350
Nicholas 10/70
see Butty & Dume(é)e, Holmes
Dumenil: 4/8
Dumfries: 4/175, 10/44
Apprenticeships 14/85
Dummer, Jeremiah: 16/79, 21/63
Admiral 26/81
Andrew 12/114
Charles 14/80-1, 36/65
Charles 12/113
Davies & Ingram 10/87
Dundas, George MP 27/39
Dundee: 8/520
Apprenticeships 14/85
Dundonald, Earl of: 19/46
Dunham Massey: 4/165, 5/244, 6/311, 25/29
see Warrington
Francis 15/138
Sibyl 15/138
[watchmaker] 18/95
Dunmore, Earl of: 14/33
Dunn, Richard, watchmaker 26/74
Dunsford, William: 13/104, 13/106
Dupain [jeweller]: 18/95
Duponchel, Henri: 16/149
Dupuy, Thomas 26/70
Duquesnoy, François: 14/14
Durand (Durant), Antoine-Sébastien: 15/158,
Durbin, Leslie: 4/173, 5/220, 7/430, 10/103, 12/139, 14/4, 14/9-10, 17/46, 19/116, 19/174, 36/90
Durell, Admiral: 4/173, 5/220, 7/430, 10/103, 12/139, 14/4, 14/9-10, 13/104
Dûrer, Albrecht: 11/258
Durham: 10/111
Hercules 14/80
Durlacher (dealer): 6/305, 7/358
Duron, Charles: 10/111
Durtnall (silversmith): 7/391
Dutalis, Joseph-Germain: 6/323, 16/152, 23/148
Colonial silver 14/140
Fakes 13/123
Reformed Church 14/119
Dutens/Dutems [jeweller]: 18/95
Elizabeth 26/21
Peter 26/24
William 26/21
Dutton, Charles: 10/52
Duty: 12/31, 12/37, 12/64, 12/85
Chester 14/129, 22/104
Dodging 4/180, 8/472, 8/475-6, 9/610, 22/106
Dodging (1720-58) 9/533, 13/119
Export 4/130-1
Marks 23/111
On ambassadorial/royal plate 21/89
On imports from France 20/27
On plate 19/46, (1769) 21/33, 22/105, 23/111
Purchase tax 15/153
Rate per oz (1805) 4/130, 14/18
Tax on plate 23/114
To colonies 23/85
see Assay, Cost of plate, Customs, Goldsmiths’ Company, Laws
Charles 23/87
Duval’s 10/71
John [& Sons] 2/97, 7/344, 7/347, 7/351
N. Soret: 19/18
Philip Smith 25/71
Duvaux, Lazarre 22/26
Duveen, Lord: 4/115, 7/358
Dwill [Duwill], J.F.: 14/65
Dyce, William 27/14
Dyck, Sir Anthony van: 11/253
Dyer, Joseph 27/28
Edward 26/35
family 25/75 see Emes
Lionel Tollemache, 4th Earl 16/147, 20/17, 20/20, 20/22, 20/28, 22/39, 26/19
daybook of 26/19
agent’s receipt book 26/19
Countess of 15/53
Dyson, John & Sons: 1/24, 1/56
Dyxson, William: 15/29