Search index of issues 1-25
Makers’ Marks
A incuse 10/115
AB (17th c) 16/28
AF 21/133
AF mullet/pellets 11/173, 16/47
AH 21/136
AH crowned 16/77 (illus)
AH script (19th c) 4/137 (illus)
AH star above 19/146
AHD, Hanover 19/108
AM monogram 11/168-9 11/179 (illus)
AP (16th c) 6/320
AV/VA, Breslau 19/170
B 14/46
B (Ireland) 13/34
B (Paris) (14th c) 16/65, (16th c) 6/319
B (14th c) 16/70 (illus)
BC (1487) 19/170
BG (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
CC (Chester) 8/526
CC key 27/62
CE (Dublin 19th c) 8/510
CG monogram (17th c) 6/308;
CH (Kempten) 19/107
CL 11/187
CSAC 14/7
CW (17th c) 10/32 (illus)
CW/TF 10/63
D (1518) 17/13, (1589) 17/16
DA 12/152
DD 11/193
D in script (17th c) 6/327
DGM (Bermuda) (illus) 3/25
DM (Bermuda) (illus) 3/25
EC 9/580, 13/104 (illus)
EJ in lozenge 27/1
EO 27/101
ES 22/100
EV 12/152
FL bird 11/176
FR 27/66
FR (16th c) 7/367
FSS 12/153
FSS (17th c) 6/308
GB 19/146
GC (18th c) 7/390
GH (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
GR (Bermuda) (illus) 3/25
GR conjoined 11/187
GT key 27/59
HA conjoined, Braga 19/170
HA crowned 16/77, (illus)
HB (1631) 17/22
HB conjoined (Ireland) 13/31I
HB (Youghal) 13/39 (illus)
HC key 27/55
HC key 27/60
HI crossed (1507) 17/16
HPM, Osnabrück 19/108
HS (1570) 17/16
HW (1567) 17/15
IB (1613) 17/17
IB 22/100
IB (Limerick) 13/39 (illus)
IC (1774) 17/45
IC (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
IC 27/55, 27/62
ID (18th c) 16/80, 16/120, 16/147
IE 10/111, 12/128, 12/131, 12/133 (illus)
IG 15/121
IG (ChIsl)10/13, (illus)
IH 15/158, 21/136
II above a fleur-de-lys 27/18
IK 12/129, 12/133 (illus), 13/76
I over M 11/185
IM 21/54, 21/56
IM figure between 21/49
IM (Clonmel) 13/39 (illus)
IM/WI 21/56 (illus)
IP (16th c) 3/10
IP (19th c) 6/323, 7/365
IP (Bermuda) (illus) 3/25
IR (17th c) 10/50
IR lozenge (17th c) 8/525
IR (Jane Rutty) 10/52 (illus)
IS above a crescent (1607) 17/19
IS (Edinburgh) (17th c) 5/190
IS (Taunton) 19/173
IT (Dublin) 11/164, 12/80
IT 25/64
IV star below (17th c) 4/122-3
IW figure between 21/49
IW (Irish) 11/167
JC 10/63
JC key 27/62
JD (Norwich) 21/76
JG (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
JE (17th c) 10/28 (illus)
JM (18th c) 10/28 (illus)
JN key 27/62
JR key 27/59
JS (Dublin) 21/85
JWD (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
JWH/WH (Edinburgh) (19th c) 4/137 (illus)
L (15th c) 6/305
LA crowned (ChIsl) 10/12, 10/13 (illus)
M (India) 13/13
ML cie 12/149
MO monogram 11/178
MR (India) 13/130
NR (1591) 17/17
PD (Paris 17th c) 2/67
PLB (ChIsl) 10/13 (illus)
PM 15/158
PP 11/77
PPL (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24-5
PR 18/118
PR (1684) 17/23
PR fake 4/117
PR in cypher with pellet below 26/5
R in script 26/5
RA (18th c) 10/58 (illus)
RB 15/19, 15/23 (illus)
RB (Ch Isl) 9/541
RC (17th c) 7/422
RC in a dotted circle 26/40
RF 9/535
RF (17th c) 7/372
RG script (18th c) 2/66
RH 10/63, 21/66, (18th c) 10/28 (illus)
RS 12/149
S crowned 11/176
S over A (17th c) 7/370
S over V 10/23, (17th c) 10/28 (illus)
SD 12/152
SH conjoined 13/62
SH conjoined 13/62 (illus)
SJC (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
SL (Bermuda) (illus) 3/25
SP with a crown and fleur-de-lis above 26/71
SR in a plain shield 26/6
SR in a shaped shield 26/6
SR with cinquefoil below 26/6
ST 14/24-5
T over H (Glos 17th c) 4/146
T over M (West 17th c) 3/19
TA (17th c) 19/165
TA 9/602, 11/177
TA monogram (West 16th c) 3/10
TA in a monogram 26/52
TB or JB (1661) 17/24
TB (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
TE/GS 10/63
TC (17th c) 10/28 (illus)
TC monogram (Zurich) 15/134
TD in monogram (1638) 17/21
TD (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
TE monogram 11/258
TF (1612) 17/19
TGM 18/123
TH 12/117
TH (18th c) 10/16 (illus)
TH Co (Birmingham) 9/537
TI 11/177
TI (17th c) 4/117
TK 21/6
TK mullet below 19/116
TL 11/177
TM monogram 11/173-74, 11/183
TP 11/177
TP in a shaped cartouche 26/74
TR in a monogram 26/5
TS above an eagle (1587) 17/18
TS (18th c) 8/508
TS (Bermuda) (illus) 3/25
TS/ST conjoined (Norwich) 21/76
TT (16th c) 5/205
TW 21/68; (18th c) 4/137 (illus)
VC (18th c) 10/28 (illus)
Vn (18th c) 7/365
WB (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
WC 9/602
WC (17th c) 10/28 (illus)
WE (17th c) 7/375
WE mullet above & below 14/145
WF 11/142
WF (17th c) 5/250
WF shaped shield (17th c) 4/117
WL 8/452
WM 12/127, 13/70, 13/76 (illus)
WP (19th c) 12/70
WP (Bermuda) (illus) 3/25
WR conjoined (Newcastle) 9/536
WT 21/134
WW 13/61
WW above a fleur-de-lys 14/115
ZB (Bermuda) (illus) 3/24
Badcock, William 9/589 (illus)
Baer, Jean-Frédéric 15/110 (illus)
Batter, George 3/63 (illus)
Beebe, James 4/137 (illus)
Bennett, Anthony 16/28 (illus)
Benney, Gerald 19/149 (illus)
Bentzon, Peter 13/15 (illus)
Bermuda (illus) 13/24-5
Bird 11/187
Birmingham 16/103
Blackwell, Richard 15/19 (illus)
Bodendick, Jacob 13/67 (illus)
Boucheron, Andrea 21/30 (illus)
Branch 19/133
Bunch of grapes (16th c) 6/307
Callard, Judith 10/64 (illus)
Carpenter, Thomas 12/94 (illus)
Crossley, Richard 4/137 (illus)
Campanula 16/33
Crescent encl mullet (16th c) 6/305
Cross 8/435
Delander, Nathaniel 10/32 (illus)
Denziloe, John 16/125 (illus)
Devices (16th c) 16/40
Duck, John 14/97 (illus)
Eaton, William 4/137 (illus)
Elkington & Co 19/5 (illus)
Elston, John 13/104 (illus)
ER (Waterford) 13/39 (illus)
Ernst, Jörg 15/12 (illus)
Espetillo, Andres Francisco 11/234 (illus)
Evans & Smith 10/64 (illus)
Evans, Thomas 10/64 (illus)
F:sil (Norwich) 21/76 (illus)
Figure between 21/49, (illus)
Fleur-de-lys (16th c) 5/205, 6/306
Folman, Heinrich II 13/69 (illus)
Garnier, Daniel 12/126 (illus)
Garrard 5/234 (illus)
Gemini (16th c) 5/204
Gilbert, Jefferye 9/572 (illus)
Gilbert, Lawrence 9/572 (illus)
Girard, Francis 16/92 (illus)
Gloucestershire makers 2/74, 16/48 (illus)
Golding, Stephen 16/91 (illus)
Goose in dotted circle 10/11, 14/97
Gougon, Stephen 12/93 (illus)
Gray, Robert 11/219 (illus)
Green, Nathaniel 13/76 (illus)
Greene, John I 3/63 (illus)
Grimwade 12/152
Harache, Pierre I & II 19/71 (illus)
Harper, Thomas 19/15 (illus)
Haslewood, Elizabeth 21/76 (illus)
Hawkins, Richard 10/64 (illus)
Hayward, Thomas 3/63 (illus)
Heart 16/35 (illus)
Hill, Thomas 4/146 (illus)
Hooper, Thomas 3/63 (illus)
Hopwood, Peter 21/43 (illus)
Hawthorn spray 11/188
Head 11/188
Heart 16/32, 16/35
Hound sejant 15/19 (illus)
Hunter (Hamburg, late 17th c) 17/27
Ivie, John 3/63 (illus)
Jaques, William 10/32 (illus)
Kandler, CF 8/497 (illus)
Kandler, Charles 8/497 (illus)
Ker, James 27/33
King, Thomas 13/76 (illus)
Lattey Brothers & Co 4/152 (illus)
Lawrence, Thomas 12/94 (illus)
Lees, Edward 4/137 (illus)
Linnit, John 27/83
Lizard (16th C) 6/307
Lloyd, Michael 10/102 (illus)
Lowe & Co 4/151 (illus)
Lowe, George 3/62 (illus)
Mardon, Thomas 13/104 (illus)
McKenzie, James 21/58 (illus)
MH monogram (16th c) 6/307
Mitchell, James 21/49 (illus)
Mitchelson, James 21/49, 21/54 (illus)
Moor’s head (16th c) 16/41
Moore, Andrew 11/179 (illus)
Morion head (16th c) 16/41
Mouse family 13/76 (illus)
Mullet over annulet 16/33
Murray, James 8/497 (illus)
Norwich 21/73
Number punches 11/219 (illus)
On 17th c steeple cups (not individually indexed) 12/128
Orb and cross (1524) 17/13
Owen, Simon 5/202 (illus)
Pacot, Elie 6/298 (illus)
Paio, João Coelho de S. 15/100 (illus)
Patten, William (WP) 16/91 (illus)
Peacock 11/188
Pelleted circle 3/62 (illus)
Pittar & Co 4/151 (illus)
Plumpton, Henry 15/123 (illus)
Priaulx 3/63 (illus)
Queen’s head (1545) 17/15
Ramsden, Omar 15/177 (illus)
Rapilliart, Marie & Jean 10/58 (illus)
Richardson, Joseph 11/230 (illus)
Roe, Nathaniel I 21/78 (illus)
Rose (16th c) 6/306
Sadler, Thomas 13/94 (illus)
Scallop 16/33
Scallop (16th c) 6/305
Sceptre (1529) 17/10
Schlick 19/5 (illus)
Schmidt, Arnold 15/13 (illus)
Senior, Thomas 3/62-3 (illus)
Shaded roundel 3/62 (illus)
Sheaf of corn (16th c) 5/204
Silk, Robert 12/42 (illus)
Smith, Ambrose 3/62 (illus)
Smith, George & Fearn, William 4/137 (illus)
Smith, John 3/63 (illus)
Stag’s head cabossed 25/70
Star 11/185
Summers, William 27/86
Thornburgh, Thomas 3/62-3 (illus)
Three flowers 22/91
Three storks (17th c) 6/308
Tooley, John 11/187 (illus)
Tower (1549) 17/14
Tower (Antwerp 17th c) 7/424
Trefoil 14/43
Twentyman & Co 4/152 (illus)
Two triangles (16th c) 5/196, 5/200, (illus)
Tyte, Robert 3/62-3 (illus)
Use of 10/31
Ward, John 12/93 (illus)
Watchcasemakers (not individually indexed) 12/90
Welsh, James 21/49 (illus)
Widows 10/50
Woman’s head (1507) 17/9
Woods & Filkin 10/64 (illus)
Yardley, John 7/395 (illus)
Yardley, William 7/395 (illus)
see Marks, Marks ill, Scratchweight, Shop signs, Signatures ill, Trade cards ill
1607 (illus) 5/202
1682 plate 11/176
1701 (illus) 10/32
1704/05 (illus) London 19/75
1756/57 (illus) London 19/42
18th c Nuremberg 15/73
Alien’s work 10/51
Barbed rose 10/23, (17th c) (illus) 10/28
Britannia (illus) 5/193, 9/533, 10/32
Chester (illus) 14/130
Close plate 15/115
Common control (illus) 11/131
Date letters 11/127, 11/158, 12/84
Date letter Dublin 11/432, 11/146, 16/26, 16/99
Dies 1839 (illus) 9/614
Discharge (Holland) 11/182
Drawback 4/131
Dublin (illus) 16/92
Dublin date letters (illus) 11/164
Duty 12/86, 16/152, 19/44, 19/173, (illus) 4/137, 22/105 (illus)
Duty dodgers 13/121-2
Eagle displayed 16/48
Eagle (Gloucester) (illus) 16/48
Edinburgh (illus) 11/219
Edinburgh assay plate (illus) 5/193
Europe 1992 2/59
European assay offices (illus) 11/131
Fake Dutch 13/126-7
Fleur-de-lys (17th c) (illus) 10/28
Foreign plate with English marks 15/27
Gibraltar (illus) 27/54
Glasgow (illus) 11/219
Gloucester (illus) 4/146
Gold (illus) 27/83
Inventory (Hanover services) 19/108
Key (illus) 27/54
King’s 12/86
Legislation 15/97
Leopard’s head (illus) 10/49
Lille (illus) 22/10
Lille regulations 6/298
Lincolnshire (illus) 11/185
London 1685/86 (illus) 13/62
London Assay Office (illus) 10/102
Maker, use of 18/16, 18/28, 18/31
Management (16th c) 16/40
Millennium 11/128-9
Millesimal (illus) 11/129
Missing registers 10/62
Munster (illus) 13/39
Netherlands archduke (illus) 6/298
Norwich (illus) 21/76
Number punches 11/219
Numbering 19/17
Nuremberg 21/39, (illus) 15/75
On ambassadorial/royal plate 21/89
On plated wares 12/37
On royal plate (16th c) 16/39-40
Overstriking aliens 10/58
Ownership (16th c) 16/39
Pacot, Elie 22/11
Patent Office 19/5, 19/7
Pewter (illus) 10/47
Placing of 4/135; (18th c) 19/41
Plated wares 9/608
Platinum 5/220
PODR, 27/107
Punching 19/41
Re-attribution, Crouch 6/313; Harache 19/71
Re-use of 8/496
Registration (illus) 19/74
Salisbury vol 3 scratchweights (illus) 6/276, 9/576
Star (Limerick) 13/34
Sterling (17th c) (illus) 10/28, 11/230
Trade, register of 26/98
Turin (illus) 21/30
UK 1999 (illus) 10/110
UK cycle 11/128
Understanding of 7/360
Variations to regulations 11/176
Warminster (illus) 10/28
Watchcase-makers 12/90, (illus) 10/32, 10/37
Watchcases 10/29
West Country (illus) 3/62
see Assay, Hallmarking, Maker’s marks, , Provincial marks, Regulations, Scratchweight, Shopkeeping, Shop signs, Standard