Search index of issues 1-25
Index B
Babb/Budd [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/87
Bacchus & Sons, George (glassworks): 27/6
BAC castings: 4/174
Bache, John: 11/137, 12/121
Backhouse, Thomas: 26/79
Alderman 15/48
Edward 11/172, 12/111-24
John 26/80
Sir Nicholas 14/143
Badcock, William: 9/584, 10/32, 10/42
Baden, Samuel: 10/75
Bargemaster 10/17-18
Boleyn, Anne 22/93
Boleyn family 23/23
Dogget’s 10/17
Firemen 13/138, 19/170
French Hospital 25/72
Porter’s 12/119
Royal household 7/379
see Freemasonry, Medals/medallions
Badley/Bagley [watchmaker]: 18/84
Badminton House: 7/381, 7/suppl, 8/465,
Family (Strasbourg) 15/109
Jean-Frédéric 15/107
Bagard, César: 4/169
Edward 8/450
goldsmith of York 26/114
Lord 6/309
Bai(e)r, Melchior: 8/522, 15/14
Bailey Chapman & Co: 21/110
John 14/86
Lady Grisell 19/56, 19/56, 27/34
Baily, Edward Hodges: 2/70, 2/92, 9/615, 11/221
Baines, Robert (Australian): 9/610
Baird, Chief Major-General Sir David 26/93
Francis 10/46
Harry 26/110
J. or G. 7/348
Oliver 11/227, 26/98
Samuel Henry 26/110
W. 7/359
Balaam, S.:
Ballame 8/484
Correction to Ballame 9/531
Balcarres, Earl of: 8/482
Balasheva, Ekaterina Andreevna 28/40
Balchen, Sir John: 13/104
Balechou, Jean Joseph 22/124
Balfour, David: 14/81
Black & Co 21/110
William (Truro) 15/87
Claude 22/123, 22/131, 22/135
Claude I 14/120, 19/81
Claude II 9/615, 12/148, 19/94, 20/30, 20/50, 20/108, 21/26, 21/32
Samuel 10/75
Ballow, William 16/44
Baltimore, 5th Baron: 21/14, 21/26
Balzac, Edme-Pierre 22/158
Bamford, Thomas: 26/44
Bamme, Sir Adam 19/122
Bampfylde, Sir Richard: 13/104
Richard 3/45-6
Thomas 7/373
Banester (spoonmaker): 9/562
Bangor Cathedral: 16/125
Banister, Judith: 5/242
Premises, in London 36/22
Interiors 36/23
Relationships with Customers 36/26
Staff 36/24
Bank account: Bertrand, Paul 26/17
Bank of England: 18/31
Bank of England ledgers 28/58
City 36/22
Private consumption of 36/27
Professional reputations of 36/26
West End 36/22
Banker/goldsmith: 14/102, 19/117, 27/41, 27/97
Bult, J Son & Co 25/106
Cox, Robert Albion 23/95
Hoare 26/17, 26/28
Thursby, John 26/10
see following entries
Sir John 23/143
William: 26/72
Banking: 12/53, 12/111, 15/47, 18/19, 28/127
Dividend Day illustrated 12/62
see Banker/goldsmith, Bankruptcy, Currency, Mint, Shopkeeping
Private, in Eighteenth Century London 36/22
Profession, in Eighteenth Century London 36/22
Bankruptcy: 10/66
Allen, Joseph 12/105
Clayton, David 9/594
Clayton, John 9/598
Cleaver, William 7/398
Cox & Grace 12/104, 12/109
Crichton, A 27/107
Cunst 14/57
Dennett, Thomas 12/110
Explanation of 8/467
Germain, F.T. 9/545
Gould, William 27/32
Govers, Daniel 12/101
Hatton (laceman) 12/108
Lewes, Sir Watkin 2/64
Lewis, Henry 27/108
Sweden 6/294
Vyner, Robert 12/121
White, John 8/467
Wilson, Joseph 12/37
see Crime, Insolvency
Banks, Sarah Sophia (trade cards) 23/99
Bannerman, John 36/73
Bannister, John: 2/100
Banoion (?Benoimont), Louis & Son: 13/114*
& Falize 16/80, 22/18, 22/78
Germain 16/145
Baptista, Pedro: 16/19
Barbados Altar plate: 11/137
/Barbott [goldsmith] 18/84
John 12/149
Barber Surgeons, W. Co of: 19/75
Barber Surgeons’ Company 28/11
Barbedienne: 25/82, 27/11
Barberini, Carlo: 12/20
Barbot: 10/73, 14/53
John 14/53
Paul 14/55, 14/59
Barbut(t)/Barbot/Bartue: Joseph 9/616, 18/84
Barchi, Ludovico: 12/20
Bardin, Jean: 19/95
Barentyne, Sir Drugo: 19/122
Barfield 22/75
Bargemaster’s badge: 10/17-18; see Badges
Alexander 26/95
Sir Francis 26/77
& Krall 16/12
Jes 6/265, 15/168, 17/31-2, 27/92
Albert Ltd 6/316, 7/420
[jeweller] 18/84
John 26/45
Mr [goldsmith] 18/15
Joseph 26/27
Robert 26/22, 36/119
Susannah 26/45
Susanne 9/605, 26/45
William 13/24
Barkstead, Sir John: 15/88
Barling, Aaron: 10/75
Barlow, Francis: 26/34
1851 exhib 9/537
Barnard, Edward and John 28/150
Edward & Sons (includes E.E.J.& W., etc) 2/112, 10/115, 10/117, 13/12, 13/128, 16/146, 21/84, 22/100, 27/5, 27/68
House of (J.Fallon) 25/42
see Emes
Mr 13/113*
William 10/69, 18/84
Barnett, Thomas collection: 16/6
Barnstaple: 8/520
see West country
Barret [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/84
John 9/603
Edward, Mary 11/152-3, 22/43
Barrington, John Shales 22/158
Barritt James L.: 6/279
Barron/Barrow [jeweller]: 18/84
Barros, João Gonçalves: 15/100
Barrow [watchmaker]: 18/84
Barry, John Smith: 6/313
Bartels, Friedrich August: 19/122
Fairing 23/125
John 4/139
Nathanial 16/38
Thomas 8/469
William 12/113
Bartolotti, Giuseppe 22/100
Bary, de/Debary/Debarry [jeweller]: 18/93
Base metals: 12/26, 12/139;
early 18th cent 27/20
see Alloys, individual materials
see French plate
Basel, Cathedral treasury: 14/140
Baseley, J.G.: 13/113*
Bashley [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/85
Desk and writing equipment 22/98
English eighteenth-century candlesticks 23/26
Basingstoke, Richard de 19/121
Basire, James 26/36
Baskerville, at/of St Albans: 13/112-13*
Basketmaker: 10/8;
see Trades
John 15/150, 15/153
Norman 15/150, 15/153, 16/17
Bastier, Le 22/13
Baston & Sheppard: 13/112*
Basyngham, John: 14/88-9
Basyngham, John, Norwich, 36/21
Bateman family: 19/173, 21/69
Ann 9/605
Hester 9/605, 11/258, 13/114*
Jonathan 6/283
P. & A. 8/510 , 19/14
P. & W. 8/511, 8/526
Peter 9/605
Peter & Co 15/86
Peter & Jonathan 21/62
William 7/364, 8/460, 22/100
William, 1st Viscount 20/17, 20/27, 20/133
William II 8/511-12
William (diplomat) 11/135
E 7/348
Samuel 26/47
city of 26/17
Earl of 4/124, 16/132
Goldsmiths 15/79, 15/81
Lady 12/119
Margaret Countess of 4/124-9
Toyshops 14/56
Benjamin 14/144, 26/33
Countess 15/130
Batoni, Pompeo, 23/117
Batter, George: 3/15-18, 3/24-9, 3/35, 3/38
Battine, William: 8/493
Battle [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/85
Camperdown 26/81
Cape St Vincent, 26/81
Corunna, battle of 26/93
Batty, Francis (Newcastle): 9/535
Batut [jeweller]: 18/85
Baty/Batey/Batty [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/85
Bauch, Meinrad 23/62, 23/65
Bauhaus: 9/615
Bauhaus, Influence on British Design 36/56
Baur, G.I.: 9/608
Bavaria, Electress of: 14/146
Bavarian royal family: 20/47, 20/51
Bavarin, Antonio: 8/440
Bawcheret see Boucheret
Bawer, Lienhard: 15/15
Baxendale, R.G.: 16/7
Baxendale, Ralph 36/88
Baxter, William: 10/75
& Dyott 12/47
Richard 13/120, 21/75, 21/84
Baylis, John: 15/92
Baynard (Barnyard), John 16/43-4
Bayne & Napier: 11/211
Baynes, Thomas: 3/19
Bayrheed, William (Durham): 10/111
Bazin (porcelain merchant) 22/154
Beadles (of Goldsmiths’ Company): Journal 18
Those referred to are: Samuel Balston, John Bodington, James Burgess, Samuel Cawthorn, John Hastings, Robert Jenkes, David Nash, Benjamin Pyne, Ralphe Robinson, Peter White
Beafort Family 36/118
Bea(s)man, John: 13/71
Beal/Beale [goldsmith]: 18/85
Beale/Beele, Richard: 18/85
Beale, Simon: 15/168
Bearn, William: 13/24
Beast, John: 11/190
Beauclerk, Capt Amelius 26/78
Duke of 7/381, 7/suppl, 8/465, 9/544
Henry Somerset, 3rd Duke 20/17, 20/21, 20/25, 20/27, 20/32, 20/68, 20/133
Lady Margaret 16/42
Beaulieu, Peter: 11/153
[watchmaker]: 18/85
Beck, Frank: 14/8
Beckensteiner, Johann: 15/74
Alderman 8/454
Ralph 11/243
William 1/12, 4/121, 4/161, 4/169, 6/323, 7/358, 7/362, 9/615, 10/97, 14/140, 26/43
see Fonthill Abbey
Beckley, Richard: 15/86
Earl/Duke of 7/340, 7/384, 10/99, 12/118
James 10/70
John Russell, 4th Duke of 13/104, 20/17, 20/38, 28/94
Beebe, James: 4/137
Beedall, Samuel/Mary: 7/394
Beefsteak Club: 14/65
Beer, Simon: 4/178
Beere, Hercules: 13/31, 13/36-7
Begeer, Carel J: 7/424
Beggs & Smith: 21/112
Behrens, Balthasar Friedrich: 5/247,
14/16-17, 19/108
Beighton/Boyghton [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/86
& Bewick 13/103
Family, 6/314, 9/536
see Bewick
Belanger, Francois-Joseph: 11/197-8
Belcher, Lieutenant Governor Jonathan 28/24
Andrew 19/51, 19/59
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/85
Henry 14/107
Joseph 17/45
William 27/32
Bella, Stefano della: 14/112, 14/114
Bellers, Richard: 3/4
Belleuse, Carter: 25/82
Giovacchino: 6/324, 7/427, 14/146
Valerio 12/152
Bellingham, Daniel: 11/146, 11/162, 11/164
John 14/88
Robert 3/25
Belvoir Castle: 21/5—6
Bemmell, Christoph von: 15/111
Bendel, Giovanni Paolo: 2/68
Benham, John: 11/172-3
Benn/Ben [watchmaker]: 18/85
Bennet, Mr (Salisbury): 15/85
Bennett: 11/151
Edward 9/603
Jno 13/112*
Miss 13/112*
Murrle 11/229
Sampson 4/117, 13/105, 13/137, 21/84
Thomas 13/19, 13/22-4
William E 25/6
Gerald 1/51, 4/139, 4/143, 4/174-5, 10/115, 11/253, 12/145, 13/11, 14/11, 16/7, 17/38, 17/40, 19/149, 21/22, 21/129, 23/148, 27/76, 27/92, 36/88, 36/56
Simon 27/73
Benoimont (?Banoion), Louis: 13/115*
Benois, Leonti N.: 8/522
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/85
Frank Robert 23/46
William Arthur Smith 23/46
W.A.S. 19/171
Bentinck: see Portland
Bentinct, Lady Geo: 13/113*
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/85
John 7/342, 7/345-6, 7/348, 10/91, 12/31, 12/50
Richard 7/345
Bentzon, Peter: 13/14
Jean 11/196, 19/80
Jean I 4/169-70
Jean II 4/171
Beran, Gustav: 10/115, 14/141
[Spoonmaker] 9/562
William 15/29
Berens: 13/113*
Bergen, John van: 10/75
Bergmann, Andreas: 9/614
3rd Earl 13/103-4
Augustus, 4th Earl of 20/17, 20/27, 20/29, 20/32, 20/41, 20/133
Castle 7/337, 7/suppl
Family 15/28
(Glos) 16/76
George: 11/151, 26/35
Gold cup 5/205
John 7/suppl
Berlin: buffet 22/117, 23/135
Bermuda: 13/18
Church plate 4/122, 11/137
see Colonial silver
Bernal, Ralph: 7/360, 7/363, 7/367
Bernard, Counsr: 13/113*
Berndorf Metalware Factory 23/148
Bernstein, Ladislaus von: 15/17
Berrey [watchmaker] 18/85
Jean duc de 23/62
Sir Benjamin 12/130
Bertéaud, M 22/130, 22/135
Berthold (shop): 21/86
Family 14/56
Paul 14/56, 14/66, 14/72, 14/74,16/119, 26/17
Berwicke, Brian: 16/37
Beschefer, James: 12/125
Besnier, Nicolas: 4/165, 11/135, 19/92, 19/95, 20/18, 20/27
Bessborough, 2nd Earl of: 21/91
Best, Nicholas 26/9
Bethlem Hospital: 8/525, 10/50
Bethune, Henry: 14/80-2, 27/40, 36/64
Betoyne, Sir Richard: 19/121
Bettati, Giovanni: 7/427, 12/25
Keith 25/7
Lois Etherington 25/5
Beutmuller, Hans: 5/240
Beuvron, Marquis de: 19/83
Beuzeville, James and Elizabeth 25/69
Bevault, Thomas 25/66
Bevis Marks synagogue: 19/170, 22/27
Bewick, Thomas: 6/314, 9/536
see Beilby
Bewicke, Calverley 26/81
Anthonis 36/48
Catharina 36/48
Bezoar stone: 1/7-8
Bhuj: 13/12
Bickerstaffe, Edward: 9/588
Biddell/Biddle [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/86
Bielinski, Count 22/124
Biennais, Martin-Guillaume: 2/69, 5/246
Bierfreund, Sigmund: 16/55-6, 16/80
Bigge, Thomas: 2/93-7
Biggin, Cecilia: 14/33
Biggins, John 23/17
Bilby [watchmaker]: 18/86
Billam, Thomas: 10/70
Billard, AE 22/70
Biller family 22/19
Albrecht, Lorenz II & Johann Ludwig 22/117
Billhead, illustrated:
Godbehere, Samuel 25/99
See Accounts, Bills, Cost of Plate
John 11/147-9, 11/151
Thomas 11/149-51, 11/153
Billings [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/86
Bills: see Accounts, Inventories, Invoices,
Laws, Trade cards illustrated, Workshop
Bimbenet-Privat, Michèle 28/35
Binckes, George 26/36
Binfield, Miss: 13/113*
Binger, Christopher I: 8/481
Lord 11/137-8
William 7/343-4, 7/349, 22/52
Bingley House 27/9
Margaret 9/605, 10/75, 13/110, 13/113*, 26/45
Richard 9/605, 26/45
G. & A. 12/33
John 12/36
Birch: 13/113*
& Hunt 7/342
John Peploe 15/93
Josiah & Son 10/78
Birchmore/Burchmore [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/87
Bird, Joseph: 14/145, 26/44
Birken, Sigmund von: 16/54
Birkett, John: 12/135
Birkhead/Burkitt [goldsmith]: 18/87
Assay Office 16/103
College of Arts and Crafts 36/88
Guild of Handicraft 11/228, 21/84, 26/99
Jewellers & Silversmiths Assn 19/154
Museum & Art Gallery 16/5
School of Industrial Design 36/97
School of Silversmithing and Jewellery 36/97
School of Arts 26/103
School of Jewellery and Silversmithing 19/151
Silversmiths listed in Birmingham Plate Registers 1773-1807 on pp 16/105-9 are not separately indexed here; see index on pp 16/110-11
Birr, Martin: 13/71
Bishop, Sampson 28/160
Samuel 13/104
Sir John 18/19
Black, Gilbert: 14/84
Blackader, Adam: 14/84
Blackband, W.T.: 16/6, 19/154
Blackburn, B: 21/11
Blackett, Sir Walter: 8/487
Richard I & II 15/19, 19/48
William 15/24
see Church plate
Blair, Charles: 14/81-2, 36/69
Blair, Claude, letter to editor 23/22
Blake, S. & Son: 2/111
& Child 15/50
/Blainshard [watchmaker] 18/86
Robert 11/171, 12/111-25, 15/48
Cornelius 13/138
Dorothy 14/32
James & Elizabeth 14/42, 19/64
Marquess of 10/97
see Marlborough
Blatchley, Thomas: 13/19, 13/22-4, 13/26
Blathwayt, William 22/119, 23/115
Blenheim Palace 22/12
Blessington, Earl 22/39
Bleuzen, Alice, The French origins of the Harache, Margas and Pantin families 28/12
Blewett, Adrian: 4/174
Bliss, Simon Museum focus – new displays 22/77
/Bisset [goldsmith] 18/86
Elizabeth 18/16
Bloomer, Frances 26/9
Bloxidge Bros 19/156
Bludworth, Sir Thomas: 12/114
Circle 16/131
Dinners 19/25
J. & Sons 2/108
Richard 10/32
Blunt, John I: 15/121
Boddington, Edmund 26/58br />
Bodeker, Clawes: 13/69
Bodendeich [Bodendick], Jacob: 5/244, 5/248, 12/119, 13/66, 13/137, 14/45, 14/109, 15/51, 15/96, 19/165, 25/79, 27/91 28/110
Bodington, John/Jonathan: 6/309-10, 7/364, 18/11, 18/33-5, 22/45
Font cup 16/35
Francis 16/42
Bogaert, Thomas: 7/424
Bogert, William: 8/521
Bogerts, Peter: 6/279
Boehm, Sir Joseph 27/108
Bogle & Scott 23/85
Bohle, David 23/86
Boileau, Jean-Jacques: 8/481, 16/148
Boitard, Louis Philip 19/60
Edmund 15/26
John 11/135
Anne 22/91, 26/33
cup 23/22
family 23/121
Bolingbroke, Henry St John, 1st Viscount: 20/17, 20/25, 20/133
2nd Viscount 22/26
Bolitho, Zachariel: 13/24
Bollen, Hugh: 14/99
Bollermann, Jean-Baptiste: 15/112
Bollingbroke, Nathaniel 21/76
5th Duke of 21/36
Mayoral Jewel 36/93
Thomas 11/147-53, 11/160-2, 11/165-6, 12/81, 16/89, 16/96, 21/136, 22/42, 23/124
Bolze, Franz 23/42
Boman, Johan: 5/236
Andrew: 26/76
Thompson 26/76
Bond Street Silver Galleries: 15/140
Sir Thomas 12/123
William 11/154
Bonham, John: 8/475
Bonnart Nicolas, Henri, Robert: 15/55,
Bonnestrenne, P-F.: 10/115
Bonnor, John: 15/126
Bonvallet, Lucien 22/78
Boocke, Frederick: 7/359
Bookbinding: 6/279, 11/240, (20th c) 23/40
see Trades
Book covers: 16/146
Andrew, John and Styles, Derek, British Silver from Studios established 1930-1985 36/100
Church of Saint Paul at Halifax, Nova Scotia 1749-1949, R V Harris 28/31
Clifford, Helen, Silver in London, The Parker and Wakelin Partnership 1760-1776 (2004) 36/119
Edinburgh Directory (1752) 28/129
Ellis, Martin (ed), Eric Clements Silver and Design 1950-2000, 2001 36/99
Enseignes: Renaissance Hat Jewels, Yvonne Hackenbroch 28/181
François Thomas Germain orfèvre des rois, Christiane Perrin 28/65
Hartop, Christopher, East Anglian Silver 1550-1750 (2004) 36/15
Hilliard, Nicholas, Treatise on the Art of Limning 36/50
Inventaire de l’Argenterie conserve dans les garde-meubles des Palais Impériaux:Palais d’Hiver, Palais Anitchkov et Château Gatchino, Baron Armin von Foelkersam 28/62
Kent’s Directory 28/162
Les orfèvres de Normandie du XVI au XIX siècle, Claude-Gérard Cassan 28/12
Nelson, Louis, Architecture and Empire in Jamaica (2016) 36/119
Renaissance Jewellery, Yvonne Hackenbroch 28/181
Schroder, Timothy, ‘A Marvel to Behold’ Gold and Silver at the Court of Henry VIII, 2020 36/108
Snowman, Kenneth, The Art of Carl Fabergé (1953) 36/44
Spirit of the Regiment, Roger Perkins 28/146
Books, catalogues and articles: 23/146
see {Tab} Regular features
Richardson Memorandum 26/7
See Accounts
At the end of the tab ‘Regular features’ see an index of books and articles referred to by authors. This indexing was started at issue 26 (2010).
Boore, William: 7/359
Booth: 13/115*
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/86
Lady Mary 4/118, 25/30
George see Warrington
Boothby, George: 18/86, 22/27, 22/29, 26/36
Borer, Reuben: 8/469
Giovanni Battista 12/18
Prince Marcantonio 16/146
Borrett, Phineas 26/44, 26/44
Borrie & Sons 27/105
Patrick: 6/317
John 36/68
Bos, Cornelis: 5/201-2
Admiral & Frances 16/132
Edward 13/104
Boshad [goldsmith]: 18/86
Bossard: 7/430
Bosse, Abraham: 10/116
Boswell, James: 16/134
Bostwick, Zalmon: 11/258
Bot, Hans: 15/171
Botetourt, Baron: 7/386
Botler, Thomas: 16/44
François 7/367-8
Joseph 18/15, 18/33
Juste-François 11/207
Pierre 10/13
Boucheret, William: 16/31
Boucheron 36/42
Boucheron, Andrea: 21/30
Bouchet, Rowland: 15/86
Boudaens, Catharina 36/48
Bouillier, Antoine 28/87
Boulogne, attack on 26/86
Boulsover, Thomas: 12/27, 16/113
Michael 12/152
Richard 10/16
Boulton, Matthew (includes Boulton & Fothergill and Plate Co):
2/62, 4/175, 5/215, 7/335, 7/337, 7/342, 8/521, 8/525, 9/609, 10/71, 10/77, 11/196-208, 12/12, 12/28, 12/33, 12/35-6, 12/39, 12/44-5, 12/147, 13/137, 14/65, 14/82, 15/159, 15/163, 15/168, 16/115, 16/131, 19/19, 21/133, 23/29, 28/112
Agents: Richard Chippendall, John Stuart, John Wyatt 22/52
Matthew & Plate Co 22/51
Boulton, Matthew 28/94, 28/112
Agent of, William Matthews 28/114
Boulton Papers 28/112
Bouquet, David: 10/31
Bourdett, Stephen: 4/117
Bourdon: 15/159
Boursin, Philippe-August 19/84
Edme 25/65
Philippe-August 19/84
Bouvett, George: 12/91
Bowditch [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/86
Bower/Borer [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/86
Bowers: 12/123
George 13/75, 19/146
Arms 8/472
George 8/469, 8/476
John and Josephine 25/79
Martin 16/37, 16/41
Museum 25/79
Sir Martin 19/127
Bowie, Hamish 36/97
Bowker of Watling Street: 13/113*
Henning Kopel for Jensen, Copenhagen, 1956 36/89
Merton College, Eric Clements, 1951 36/91
Bowles, J.P.: 7/429
Nathaniel 14/104
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/86
[Goldsmith] 5/187
James 14/84
Robert 14/84
Bowyare, Richard: 11/190
Cocoon, Don Porritt, Sheffield, 2020 36/62
Cyril Shiner, Birmingham, 1936 36/89
Boxes: 12/65, 19/170
Makers 14/49
Stamp 15/158
see Freedom boxes, Gold
Bentley, John 12/50
Haxton, Robert 5/192
Boxwell, Ambrose: 11/154
Boy, Peter: 7/430
Boyd, Capt: 13/114*
Henry 14/144
Lady Margaret 14/36
Roger (Earls of Cork) 13/33-5
Boylsetone 25/34
Boyton, Charles: 13/138
Brabant, J.W.: 10/115
Brabazon, Chambre (Meath): 14/16
Bracy/Brassey/Brassay, John & Nathaniel: 18/86
Frederick 22/67
Thomas: 7/345-6, 7/349, 22/68
& Sons 21/83
Braddock/Praunock [goldsmith]: 18/118
Bradley, A. H. 25/75
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/86
Samuel 2/62-3
Bennett 8/469
Richard 7/372
[watchmaker] 18/86
Bragg, T. & J.: 9/537
Brais, Samuel de: 20/50, 22/123, 22/127
Brancker, Benjamin: 21/44
delegation from 23/139
Elector of 5/246
Friedrich of 22/117
House (sale) 7/362
Brandt, Reynier: 15/158
Branicki, Count: 10/111
Braquemond, Felix: 9/615
& Co 10/91
& Slade 12/37
Joseph 2/101, 10/77, 13/111, 22/36, 22/59, 22/63, 25/38
George 26/18, 26/26, 27/111
Martha 26/25
Richard, 26/30
v Tayleure 26/25
Braun, Emile 19/9, 27/6, 27/8
Andrew 27/80
Emil 27/6, 27/8
Henry 13/14
Reginald M. 8/488
Countess of 6/312
Earl of 11/134, 13/136
Breaden, Robert: 11/154
Breading, Robert: 11/156
Breakspeare, William 19/123
Brechtel, Hans C: 12/119
Brecknoll, William: 10/76
Brennan, Frances: 21/125
Brent, Moses: 15/85
Brenz, Johannes 19/115
Charles 13/112*
Simon 23/12
Vanessa 25/3
Brewen, de: 12/123
Brewerton, Lady: 16/84
Brewood, Benjamin II: 20/97, 20/99
Brewster, William: 10/75
Brice, Sir Hugh 19/125
Bridewell: 8/525, 10/50, 12/100
John, biographical 2/94, 2/101
John Gawler 2/97
see Rundell’s
Bridgeman, Sir Orlando: 14/143
Bridges, Dame Margaret: 9/583
1st Duke 22/10, 22/12
3rd Duke of 19/170
2nd Earl 27/91
Bridgman, James: 12/116
Bridport, sale 26/85
Brigham[broker/pawnbroker]: 18/87
Brighton: 12/67
Pavilion 26/54
Brignall, Edward 26/73
Henry 23/120
Walter: 10/76, 23/120, 25/30, 26/42
François 19/8, 27/11
Nicholas 5/214, 16/148
& Morrison 15/99, 16/46
Stafford 1/4, 16/116
4th Earl 25/32
Corporation plate 15/84, 16/46
Earl of 4/165, 12/118
Silversmiths (19th c), list of 23/96
Richard: 18/87
Robert 26/35
Britannia metal: 21/105
see Pewter
Britannia, Royal Yacht 26/92
British Designer Silversmiths, Association of 36/59
British Silverware: 22/70
Ltd 23/17
British army silver 28/146
Britsyn, Ivan 36/42
Broadbent, Joseph: 12/28-9
Broadhurst [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/87
Broadley, Ian Rank: 5/220, 14/133
Brock, Neil: 14/85
Brocket, William 16/43-4
Brodie (chaser): 13/130
Brogden, Alex: 4/176, 13/11
Brokers: 15/97
Brome, Jno: 13/113*
Bromley, Jonathan: 9/598
Brondsted, Peter: 19/5
Bronhead, Capt: 13/112*
& Ellis 13/113*
Jonathan 18/87
Brophy, Andrew: 11/224
Brosamer, Hans 22/97
Brothers (of the fellowship): 16/36
Brougham, Lord: 14/20, 14/145
Broughton, Sec of State: 21/89
Alfred 8/505
Benjamin 26/46
Bill, collection 16/112
H.S. & Co 7/420
Hugh 36/73
Joshua 14/103
Thomas 10/76, 16/89
/Brown [toyman] 18/ 87; [watchmaker] 18/87; John 18/87
Elias 14/88
Thomas 11/152
Browning: Arthur Giraud 25/72
Collection 6/300, 6/308, 6/323, 7/365, 7/368
Earl 15/4
Tankards 12/149
Browsing through bookshelves: The Connoisseur (1943) 22/90
Lady 12/116-17 15/51
William 14/83
Bruckmann & Son: 14/140
George 11/136
Hon James 11/134, 26/35
Robert 36/67
William 36/73
Bruggen, Jean van der: 15/56
Bruglocher, Jakob II: 19/170
Brühl, Count von 22/123
Probate inventory 22/139
Brühl, Count Heinrich von: 20/13, 20/48, 20/50, 20/108
Brunet/Brunnett [jeweller]: 18/87
Brunetti, Gaetano: 20/75
Brunkhorst, August: 15/135
Brunner, Martin 22/9
Brunswick, Dukes of: 14/15, 14/17
Brussell, Alexander 16/38
Bruyn, Michiel de: 7/423
Bry, Theodor de: 1/55
Bryan, Philip: 10/75
Bryce, Sir Hugh: 16/37
Brydon, Thomas: 16/146
Bubb[broker/pawnbroker]: 18/87
Buccleuch, Duke of – see Scott
Bucellati, Lorenzo: 5/250
Buchamdge, H.B.: 13/114*
Adam 11/148, 11/151, 11/153
Jonathan 13/32
Buckingham, Duke of: 7/363
Buckinghamshire, 1st Earl: 13/104
Bucklemaker: Mynd, Thomas: 12/50
silver 26/47, 26/60
Buckley: 13/113*
Buckmaster, Thomas 23/76
Bucknall: 13/113*
Bucknor, John: 13/35-6
Buffet: 10/112
Buffet, Berlin 22/19, 22/117, 23/135
Bugatti, Carlo: 1/55
Bulgari: 4/176
Bulke, James (clockmaker): 13/51
Bullard: 13/113*
(18th c) 22/45
Book (17th c) 12/121
Boulton 12/45
cost of (1770s) 19/20
Dealers: 26/45
Cox & Merle, 23/94
Cox, Robert Albion 23/94
George Prestland 22/45
in Canada 23/87
to Parker & Wakelin 23/94
Price (2007) 22/2
Solomon, Samuel 12/110
dealing 25/103
Export (18th c) 12/85
Price (1999) 11/128, all subsequent journals page 2, 21/7
Spanish 11/237
Supply 11/236-9, 12/33
see Cost of plate, Currency, Diet, Refiners, Standard, Weight
Bullock, William: 8/483
Richard 12/116
William 18/11, 18/23, 18/68—9
George Frederick 25/104
James Son & Co 25/94
Bulteel, Jean and Mary 25/71
Bumphrey, Nigel: 14/89
Bunbury, Thomas: 7/344, 7/349
Bunde, Hans: 10/111
Frantz-Peter 28/76
Johann-Daniel-Conrad 28/91
Bunsen, Frantz Peter: 2/69, 14/18
Buntyng, Hans: 16/38
Buontalenti, Bernardo: 5/210
Bureau, Thomas: 14/75
Burfeld, Daniel: 11/146
Burg, Hans auf der: 10/115
Thomas 14/64
William 10/115, 12/151, 27/92
Burgess (Burgis), James: 18/15, 18/33
House 6/327, 7/364, 16/152
Lord 16/152
Burke, Edmund: 16/132
Burlamachi, Philip 36/36
Burmese silver: 9/613
Burn, Anthony: 7/344, 7/346-9
Burnap, Daniel: 13/28
Burnett, Gordon: 13/9
Burney: 8/460
Fanny 16/134
Burning glass 26/18
Burnisher: Shufin, Ann 13/71
Clive 14/133, 15/167, 16/149, 36/117
Martin 13/71
Burrell: Peter 26/35
Burrows, George: 10/76
Burrett, Elihu 27/9
Burstyn, Dorothea, A Canadian wine jug 23/69
Burt, Leonard 36/92
Benjamin 11/149
Jocelyn 1/55, 5/220, 12/151, 13/136, 15/5-6, 27/72
Joseph 7/345
Mary 25/38
William 25/31
William 19/170
William & Sibley, Richard 15/158
John Jacob: 13/29
Shirley 26/100
Bury St Edmunds, Mark 36/15
Busch, Evert: 5/237
& Co 10/79, 12/46
Bishop 11/233
(Spoonmaker) 9/562
William 12/91
3rd Earl of 9/610, 11/138
House 13/9
Bute(a)ux, Abraham: 4/169, 8/469, 8/471, 8/476, 11/135, 20/131
Business and Techinical Education Council 36/98
Butcher Works, Sheffield 36/54
Butler, Chief of Ireland 26/40
See Ormonde
John 13/76
(Ormond) family 23/121
Buttall, Thomas: 14/87
/Butterfeild [watchmaker] 18/87; [broker/pawnbroker] 18/87
William 15/168, 27/22
Making 6/294, 7/342, 12/29, 12/40, 12/44,16/114
Makers (Dublin) 11/154
see Costume, Smallwork
Buttons 28/53
Butty & Dumee: 7/360, 10/70; see Holmes
Buxton family: 19/131
Bylivelt, Jacques: 5/210
Byllyold, Augustine: 16/38
Bynes, Edward (Bristol): 15/88
George 19/170
Robert, George and John 13/104
Byres, William: 14/85
Lord 7/421
Nicholas 11/142