Search index of issues 1-25
Index J
Jaccard, E & Co: 21/112
(Cutler) 11/151, 11/153
Elizabeth 27/101
Francis 9/561-3, 16/33
George 14/85
John I 27/18
Joseph 11/154, 11/156
Orlando 14/83
Randall 10/76
Sir Charles 19/144
Thomas 27/101
Walter 8/522
[watchmaker] 18/108
William 14/57
Zachariah 7/413
John 25/29
William: 4/159
Jacobi, J.E.: 4/133
Jacobites: 19/49, 19/67, 20/29, 36/66
Ormonde family 23/123
Silversmiths 14/82
Jacobs, John: 12/106, 14/53, 14/65
Arne 27/80
Jacobsen [broker/pawnbroker] 18/108
Joel 7/407, 10/75
Jacomb, Thos: 13/113*
Jaersvelt, Reijnier van 22/96
Jagger, Charles Sargant: 15/124
Jamaica: 2/75, 8/454
Silver made in 36/119
I, King of England, loans to 36/37, 36/63
II, 7/370-1, 26/32
VI of Scotland 13/52
Richard 26/9
Thomas 3/13
Jameson, W & J: 21/108
Jamieson, William: 14/81, 14/85, 36/70
Abraham 16/58
Christoph 4/147, 5/240, 12/149, 14/46-7, 15/159, 16/57, 16/80
Hans II 4/149
Wenzel 7/363-4, 14/110, 15/14, 16/58
Wenzel III 4/149
Henry 20/17, 20/29, 22/129
(Sir) Theodore 8/489, 20/17, 20/29
Contemporary 16/80, 21/120
Export wares 14/141
influence on silver design 26/99
Jaques, William: 10/32
Jarmyn, John: 9/563
Jarvis [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/108
Jay, John: 13/138
Jays: 11/247
Jeafferson, Col 22/49
Jean Dieu de Saint-Jean: 15/55
Jeannest, Pierre-Emil 27/14
& Jones 15/96, 21/89, 11/139
/Jefferies/Jeffries [watchmaker] 18/108
Nathaniel (includes Jefferys & Drury, Jefferys & Co) 7/391, 10/71-9, 11/246, 12/46, 12/58
Thomas 15/96
Jeffrey, William: 14/82
Capt 13/112*
John 8/491
Jeffs, Thomas: 14/99
Jekyll, Sir Joseph: 7/411, 14/144
Jenings/Jennings[broker/pawnbroker]: 18/108
Jenkes, Robert: 18/15, 18/22, 18/33, 18/141
James 18/13
Thomas (19th c) 6/283
Thomas 11/176-7, 3/19, 6/309, 8/450, 13/73, 14/113
Jennell, Thomas see Genoels
Jennens & Bettridge (papier-mâché) 27/6
& Knewstub 8/470, 26/96
Emanuel 11/258
Frederick 26/96
Edward 18/108
James 13/113*
Sarah, Duchess of Marlborough 22/6
Georg 7/424, 10/119; 12/150, 14/139-40, 16/152, 19/170-1, 21/136, 26/99
George 22/158
Gerrit 11/176
Sidsel Dorph- 27/91
John 16/32-3
Sir Thomas 9/540
Jernegan (Jerningham):
Henry 5/214, 6/273, 7/412, 8/487, 10/114, 18/108, 20/76, 20/133
Edward 8/487
Jerom, John: 7/344
Jersey, 3rd Earl 22/13
Jervis, Admiral Sir John: 8/503
Jerwood Applied Arts Prize: 19/116, 19/160, 21/122
David 21/63
John 21/136
Jessen, Peter 22/122
Jessop, Hugh: 19/116
Jewel House/Office: 7/369, 7/382, 7/430,
7/suppl, 8/438, 10/112, 11/133, 11/183, 11/245, 11/251, 12/115, 12/120, 12/122, 13/50, 14/21, 14/138, 14/145, 15/48, 18/12-3, 19/75, 20/17, 20/28, 20/40-1, 20/60, 20/130, 21/26, 21/88, 26/18
(17th c) 15/26, 23/139
Berlin buffet 22/118
Construction 11/249;
Delivery Book 26/33
Inventories (16th c) 16/39, 16/45
Lord Pembroke 11/189;
Marlborough, 1st Duke 22/7
Ormonde/Butler (illus) 23/124
Pacot 22/12
see Ambassadorial, Ambassadorial plate, Coronation, Garde-meuble, Inventories, New Year gifts, Officers of state, Regalia, Royal
Jewellers, 26/47
Borrett, Phineas 26/44
Brignall, Edward 26/73
Coles, Henry 26/72
Joseph, Barnet Henry 26/97
Neville, John 26/24
Webb, Peter & Arthur 26/23
Jewellery 26/23
Illustrated 7/416-18
Retailing of 3/25
see Mounted wares
plate 22/27
silversmiths: 15/95
wedding inscription 27/55
see Judaica
Jewit, Ludwick: 13/71
Jodrell family, Salop: 8/452
Johansson, Lars-Yngve: 36/106
John V (of Portugal): 12/22
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/109
Dr 12/56, 16/132
& Matthey 22/46
Gen E. 13/113*
James 12/106
John 25/97
Robert 19/128
Samuel 13/138
Sons & Edmonds 7/420
Thomas 7/420
Alexander 23/83
Alexander & Son 12/47
Hugh & Co 10/88
James 14/84
Joshua 10/75
Johnstone, John: 14/84
Johnys, John: 14/62
Jolit, Francis 25/69
Joly de Fleury, François 22/123, 22/130
Jombert, Antoine: 4/170
Jones, Bruce, Mr Robinson’s conviction for counterfeit marks: 23/107
Jones, Evan: 15/135
& Jeffries see Jefferys & Jones
& Willis 19/12
A.E. 11/227-9
A H 26/101
Edwin 12/70-6
Elizabeth 8/457
Fancy goods 16/118
[jeweller] 18/109
John 3/13
Joseph 11/151, 11/153
Lawrence 13/76
Lows & Ball 21/107
Owen 19/102
R. & Sons 13/130
Robert 10/76
Robert II (Liverpool) 22/103
Sarah 14/11
Thomas 11/154, 13/112*, 36/71
Jonyn, goldsmith of York 26/114
Mrs 14/32
Thomas 15/116
Jordens, Edward: 7/387, 7/389-91, 16/124
Jordis, Henry 26/71
Jorey, Colonel: 13/106
Barnet Henry 26/97
J.G. & Co: 21/112
Jowitt/Jovitt/Jovett [goldsmith] 18/109
Peter 16/78
Jourdaine [g’smith] 18/109; [watchmaker] 18/109
Matthew 14/54
Birmingham Journal 27/7
The Ecclesiologist 27/22
See Articles, Books
Journeymen goldsmiths, Edinburgh: 36/63
Society of 36/82
Jousselin/Jewslin/Joslin [jeweller]: 18/109
Jubilee, HM’s golden: 14/4
J R Bramah, Sheffield 36/96
Judaica: 6/310, 9/608, 11/258, 16/148, 21/22, 21/127, 22/155
card case 19/170
see Church plate, Jewish silversmiths, Jewish plate
Curvilinear, Don Porritt, Sheffield, 2000 36/59
Don Porritt, Sheffield, 2004 36/60
Don Porritt, Sheffield, 2008 36/62
June, Glorious First of 26/79
Jutland, ACB: 10/88
Juvarra, Filippo: 20/75