Search index of issues 1-25

Index R

Raban, Ze’v: 21/127
Rabbits, J.: 21/11
Rabel, Daniel: 15/21

Chesterman 36/98
J. & Co: 10/89
Racine, Benjamin: 16/91
Racing trophies see Presentation plate
Radcliffe, Ann and William 25/101

Jno 18/118
[toyman] 18/118
Rae, Richard: 14/80
Raeburn, Henry: 36/66
Raghavji, Mawji: 13/13
Raglan Castle: 7/suppl
Railton, George: 6/306
Railways: 12/64
Rainaud, Philip: 18/118
Rainbow, William: 16/146
Ralph, Robert: 15/86, 15/92

Able 1/164
Johannes de 18/9
Ramayone, Francesco (Gibraltar) 27/66

James 16/78
Alex 27/91
Ramsden, Omar: 2/88, 7/429, 10/103, 14/9, 15/174, 17/37-8, 17/43, 19/170, 27/ 93
Rance, Edward: 6/284
Rand, Richard: 10/75-6
Rankin, Gered: 16/38Ranking, George: 13/25
Rapillairs, Mr: 9/533
see Rapilliart

Samuel 10/56-9, 11/141-2
Marie 10/56-9
Rappaport, Julius: 5/246
Rasier, Theodore de: 12/149
Raudnitz, Schloss: 1/11
Ravasco, A.: 2/105
Raven, Andrew: 4/164
Ravensworth, Lord: 11/206
Rawde, Philip: 3/9
Rawle, William: 8/486

Charles 27/88
Charles Edward 13/129
Rawlings [broker/pawnbroker] 18/118
Thomas 10/111, 11/236
Rawnsley, Revd Hardwick and Edith: 12/134

& Montague 7/399
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/119
Jacob 18/20, 18/31, 18/33
Jacques 25/67
John 9/609
Rayes [broker/pawnbroker] 18/119
R.B.& R.: includes entries for R.& B., P.R.
& J.B.
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/119
John 12/33, 17/27
/Road, John 18/119
Real, Da-Costa Villa-: 4/121
Reason, William: 15/83
Reay, Lord: 10/99
Recipes [receipts]: 12/117-18
Redfern, Keith: 13/11, 27/76
Reece, Stanley: 16/5

Clement 16/37
John 15/87
Sir Bartholomew 16/37
George 3/16, 10/22
Matthew (Bath) 4/153, 15/79
Reeves, William: 18/119

(18th c) 16/138
Norwich 21/78
see Alterations to plate, Cost of plate, Melting
Refiners: 12/33, 12/52, 26/45
Cartlitch, John/William 12/108
Foxall & Floyer 12/108
Frende, John II 16/44
Mason, Mathew 12/120
Plumbe, Samuel 12/109
Scott, John 12/108
see Bullion
Reform Act (1867) 27/85
Reformation: stripping of silver 27/18
Regalia: 7/369, 8/524, 11/133, 14/138

Black Rod 8/522
Coronation (1465) 19/123; (1689) 5/205
Lord Mayor/Alderman of London 22/30
Tower of London 6/330
see Coronation, Jewel House/Office, Royal
Goldsmiths’ Company, illustrated 19/74
Kandler, illustrated 8/497
Of apprenticeships 14/79
Strachan, A.J. 8/506
Yardley, Wm & John 7/395
see Goldsmiths’ Company, {tab} Marks illus
Regnal dates: 11/127, 11/250
Regnard, Pierre Louis: 7/424
Regnault, Jean: 19/89

Marking 9/586, 10/31-2
Restriction on silver production (Holland) 11/182
see Assay, Dublin, Goldsmiths’ Company, Laws, {tab} Marks, Melting of silver, Workshop
Rehwendt, Thomas I: 5/246
Reid, Alexander: 36/85
Reich, John: 3/30

& Sons (Newcastle) 9/537
John D. (Gibraltar) 27/59-60
Sir Bartholomew 19/125
William 10/101
W Ker 22/100
Ker: David 25/46
William 25/46
& Storer 9/537, 10/18
John 9/607
Reinhart, Hans the elder: 5/213-14
Reitlinger, Gerald: 7/358
Reksten collection: 2/70
Rennie Mr: 12/101
Repair of plate:

(16th c) 16/39
(18th c) 19/22
Maryland 20/89
see Alterations, Cost of plate, Workshop
Report, Parliamentary (1773) 27/63
Reproduction/replica (Weininger): 8/523
Repton, Humphrey: 6/314

18th c 26/17
Connell’s 11/227
Robert Gray & Son 11/211
records 26/21
see Workshop management
luxury 26/17, 27/—
plate (17th c) 27/97
Revelstoke, Lord: 7/364, 7/368
Revere, Paul: 4/116, 5/244, 10/115
Reynold [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/119

Frances 16/137
Sir Joshua 16/134, 19/19
William 8/496
Rhind, William: 36/83
Rhodes, Benjamin 26/18, 36/102
Rhodesia & Nyasaland, University College: 14/9
RIBA: 14/8
Ribeaud, Rachel 25/69
Rice, Joseph: 11/230

Fred 5/218, 8/520, 12/3
Lord 22/158
Sir Robert 7/345, 12/48
Alexander 16/100
John 9/562
Samuel 13/29
T. & T. 10/84, 10/88-9, 10/91
(Chester family) 26/5
J. 12/136
James 14/83
Joseph 2/75, 2/79, 6/323, 9/604, 10/16, 13/19-20, 20/96, 20/102
Joseph Sr 11/230-2
Richard 4/146, 8/509, 19/67
Richard III 14/129
Richard IV 14/129
Richetti, Francesco: 6/324
Richmond & Len[n]ox: 15/179, 26/19

4th Duke 15/30
6th Duke 15/30
Charles Lenox, 2nd Duke of 20/17, 20/20, 20/25, 20/31, 20/133
Duke of 19/48
Frances, Duchess (d 1639) 15/22
Frances, Duchess (d 1702) 15/57
Richmond race cup: 1/3, 2/108, 5/250, 6/313
see Presentation plate
Rickman: [broker/pawnbroker] 18/119
Thomas 22/104
Ridgley/Ridgly/Rigly, Richard: 18/119
Ridgway, Canon Maurice H.: 4/145
Ridley, William (Devon): 15/87
Ridout, George: 9/607
Rigal, Antoine: 14/56, 14/66
Rigby, James: 8/497; 14/76
Ring[e], William: 3/16-19

Rings, as essay, in Edinburgh: 36/84
Ringlemere cup: 15/168, 16/148
Riou, Captain 26/84
Riquet, Alexandre: 9/615
Ritchie, William: 5/189
Ritman collection: 7/424
Ritzau, Frederick: 21/36
Riva, de family (Turin): 21/31

4th Earl 13/104
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/119
Rives, Capt John: 12/116
Rivière, John 22/47
Rizzello, Michael: 5/218, 15/5
Robbertsen, Helmert: 16/10

& Belk 21/82, 22/70
[goldsmith] 18/119
J. (engraver) 8/526
Samuel 8/524, 12/32
Roberts & Cadman 22/54

George 10/111,14/84
James 14/84
Linda 13/9
Mrs Norman S 26/52
Patrick 12/46, 12/49, 14/82-3, 36/73
Patrick (Edinburgh) 9/603
Robert 36/67
Robes, coronation 26/35

George/Henry 7/358, 7/360, 7/363
John 4/121, 27/16
Richard 25/74
& Fisher (auctioneer) 7/360, 7/364
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/119—20
E. 17/45
[jeweller] 18/119
Edward 26/44
John 8/453, 10/59, 11/142
John (Bishop of London) 11/137
Mr 12/101
Philip 18/120
Richard (confectioner) 22/30
Thomas 4/177
[watchmaker] 18/119
William 1/10
Robotham & Sykes: 10/70
Roche, Sopie von la: 12/58
Rochefoucauld, Duc de: 12/56
Rochester: 19/48

Cathedral plate 15/30-1
Rock crystal: 8/435, 8/463
Rock, William: 2/89, 6/277 (NB: refs in

notes 2 and 3 should be reversed)
Rockingham, Marquess of: 11/206, 12/30,
Rodimtseva, Irina Alexandrovna: 36/44
Nathaniel I 14/89, 21/78
Nathaniel II 21/74-5, 21/79
Ebenezer 12/28, 12/31
John 12/33
Roehampton: 36/36
Peter van 6/324
‘the pseudo’ 14/146
Jacques 7/337, 20/27, 20/29
John 5/214
George 14/84-5
Richard 18/120
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/120
William (Bath) 2/94, 2/101, 14/59-60, 15/99
William (Norwich) 14/88-9, 36/21
Wm A Ltd 25/22
Roiton (close plate): 15/116
Rokeby, 4th Baron: 19/37
Rokesley, Gregory de: 19/119

John 14/82, 15/119, 19/62
John (Edinburgh) 27/48
John, 6th Lord 36/64
Rollos, Phil[l]ip: 7/424, 8/476, 10/113, 11/135,
Roman catholic see Aliens, Catholic
Roman silver: 4/175, 6/326, 7/423, 8/462,

Romano, Giulio: 7/426

Christopher 13/112*
Emick 20/97
John 7/340
Peter 25/70
Stephen 25/69
Romman, Thomas: 3/43
Romney, 26/33

Earl of: 16/81
Simon 26/5
Walter 26/12
Rommieu, David 22/36, 22/41
Rooker/Roaker [watchmaker]: 18/119
Rooney, Peter: 8/496
Rooper, Elizabeth, Lady Dryden 27/20
Roos, John: 7/409
Roper, J.: 6/315
Ropers, Claus: 5/236
Rorer, Mrs 25/20
Rösch, Johann E.: 15/74
Rose and Crown Club: 19/56
Rosebery, Earl of: 6/300
Rosen, Anthon: 7/424
Rosenberg, Marc: 21/41
Reattributions: 15/12
Rosenborg Palace: 7/428
Rospigliosi cup: 1/55

(Close plate) 15/116
13th Earl of 27/53
Lord 27/39
George 14/81
Hugh 14/80, 14/86, 19/165

Francesco dei: 7/426
John 26/84
Rothe, Edward: 13/38
Rothermere collection: 6/323
Rothes, Lady 27/34

Baron 12/60
Baroness Batsheva de 13/138
Collection 2/86, 2/107, 6/301, 6/313, 14/146
Family 2/86, 2/107, 6/301, 6/313
Karl 15/12, 15/17
Lionel 25/108
Nathan Mayer 25/103
Salomon 15/17
Rotton, John (brass founder) 22/59

Louis 14/65
Louis François 2/66, 20/11, 20/80, 20/82, 20/131
Rougemaille, Philippe: 6/299
Roulx, Peter de (Rues/Rows): 11/191
Roumieu, John: 12/108
Round, Daniel: 12/121
Roupert, Abraham: 14/73
Rouse/Rowse/Rous [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/120
Rousseau [watchmaker]: 18/120

Louis 14/73
Peter (Russel) 16/120
see Russel
Routh, Revd Mr: 13/113*

Alexander le 12/91
Charles le 5/244, 16/79
Rowbotham, John: 12/32
Rowden, Richard: 3/47, 3/58

Michael 12/5, 13/11, 15/161, 16/7, 16/10, 16/13, 16/80
Peter (Plymouth) 4/153-4
Robert 16/6, 25/109
Thomas 12/113, 13/112*
William 4/154
Rowbotham & Sykes: 12/29
Rowland, John 26/114
Roy, Jean le: 12/123

Albert, Prince 27/5
Arms 14/21
Bavaria and Saxony 20/47
Bounty 19/75
Christening (1737) 19/46
Collection 14/4-5, 14/20, 14/40, 14/140, 27/5
Coronation cup 26/32
Dresden court 20/47, 22/152
Engraving of 19/67
Family tree 14/26-7
French 19/79
Household 11/133
Plate, use of (christening) 19/46
Wales, Prince of 27/3, 27/28
Silver 14/20-1, 14/37, 14/40
see individual names, Garde-meuble, Jewel House, Officers of state
Royal Academy 27/108
Royal Clock Salt, Pierre Mangot: 36/109
Royal College of Art: 4/139, 14/48, 36/89
Royal Copenhagen Porcelain Co: 12/141
Royal Exchange: 13/138, 26/80
Royal George, the 26/77
Royal inventories: (16th c) 16/40
Royal Mail: 12/1
Royal Mint: see Mint
Royal Ontario Museum: 15/174
Royal Plate:
 6/319, 7/365, 7/369, 7/430, 8/435,
8/461, 8/524, 11/133, 11/183, 11,245;
(16th c) 16/38
George III service 21/87
Marine Service 21/25
Marking of 16/39
see Ambassadorial plate, Individual monarchs, Jewel House/Office, Maundy, Mint, Officers of state, Regalia
Royal Society of Arts: 12/146
Royal Society: 12/11
Royal Westminster Regiment: 7/392
Roycroft, Saml: 13/112*

Peter Paul (Sir) 7/368, 12/149, 14/112
Ruckert, Fedor: 5/250
Rudder, Ledsam & Co: 12/76
Rudge [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/120
Rudolf II: 10/119, 16/58, 16/62
Ruffin, Francis (chain maker) 22/30
Rugg, Richard: 4/116, 4/182, 9/456, 9/607
Rühl, Reinhold: 16/55
Ruiter, A.J.H. de: 13/123
Rummiou, David: 11/151-53

Edmond Waller 2/97
Philip 2/89, 2/91, 2/98, 7/427, 10/72, 10/75, 25/97
Rundell’s: 22/54-55, 22/63
As dealers 7/363, 7/365
Auction 5/246
Barnard’s 25/44
Beakers 8/523
Beaufort 7/387, 7/391
Coffee jug 9/615
Cornman, Philip 8/481
Cups 1/27, 6/315
Dishes 7/364, 7/366
Garniture 9/616
Gold cup 26/40
Ludgate Hill shop 22/49
Marine Service 21/26
Miscellany 22/49
Patriotic Fund 26/82
Teaset (1821) 26/55
Salver 4/182, 14/145-6
Seal (illus) 22/49
Service 4/122
Staff/suppliers 6/279, 6/281, 6/285
Sword 7/396, 8/503
Tankard 6/315
Teapot (1820) 21/84
Teaset (1821) 26/55
see also individual entries Bridge, Cornman, Pickett, Rundell, Scott, Smith, Storr, etc; Antiquarianism
Rundell’s (Direct references): includes
Rundell Bridge & Rundell; Rundell & Bridge; Rundell & Co; and most references to Philip Rundell and John Bridge (including objects with their marks and retailing stamp)
2/89, 2/93, 2/101, 4/161, 10/8, 10/9, 10/66, 12/59, 12/149, 13/138, 14/19, 14/23, 14/29, 14/39, 14/43, 14/145-6, 15/114, 15/158, 15/168,16/148, 19/38, 19/171, 25/97
see Storr
Rupert, Prince: 12/12, 12/112, 12/122
Rus, William: 19/123

Richard 12/54, 12/59, 22/49
Samuel 26/27
Ruskin Linen Industry: 12/135
Rusper chalice: 9/610

Allan 14/84
Elias 14/65, 14/72, 16/120
Family 14/56, 14/72
Peter 14/56, 14/73-4
(Roussel) 16/120
Edward 13/38
Elias 10/75
Toby 12/4, 12/5, 13/10-11
Russia, gifts to: 15/27, 22/155
Ruston: 11/153
Rutherford, James: 14/82
Ruthin Craft Centre 27/91

4th Duke of 21/26-7
8th Duke of 21/5
Duchess of 7/387
Daniel 10/50, 14/99
Jane 10/50
Ryan, Ben 27/95
Rye 26/33
Rye House plot: 16/81

Edward 10/76
William 10/52, 12/40
Ryley, Isaac: 7/345-6, 7/355
Rynck, Carel de: 5/246

George 5/189
Michael and Robert 13/54
Ryrie Bros: 15/161
Rysbrack, Michael: 6/273, 8/490, 8/498,

11/252, 20/63, 20/76, 20/80, 20/82