Search index of issues 1-25
Index H
Haas, Michael: 23/43
Haberdashers� Company 26/8, 26/47
Hackney almshouse: 18/23
Hadden, Henry: 14/75
Haddington Kirk: 6/317
& Co 25/107
Henry 25/107
Haglund, Birger: 13/137
Haig of Bernersyde 27/53
Haines, Christopher: 1/154-5
Hainhofer, Philip: 16/55, 16/63
Halck, Johan C.: 6/292
Hale, James: 21/110
Halek, J.C.: 14/76
Haley/Hally, James: 14/82
Haliday, James: 14/85
1st Marquess 15/32
Earl of 14/144
Edward, 3rd Viscount and 1st Earl 36/32
Canada 26/71
Charles, 2nd Viscount 36/32
Halkerstone, Robert: 14/82
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/103
George 15/32
Jacob 23/120
Ralph 10/46
Unidentifed mark 15/116
William 11/171, 26/85
Hallaicher, Tobias: 11/254
Haller, Ernst: 16/63
Hallifax [watchmaker]: 18/103
Hallmarking: 21/7
Birmingham 16/103
Bradbury review 14/134
Dublin 11/158, 16/26, 16/87
London 11/127
Paris (14th c) 16/75
Russian 14/140
UK 1999 changes 11/129
UK 2007 changes 22/115
Vienna Convention 11/129
Viennese 14/140
see Assay, Duty, {tab} Marks, Maker’s mark, Standard, Workshop
Hallon, John: 10/76
Hallows, Thomas: 10/76
Hal(l)sey, Charles 25/97
Halls, see individual livery companies
Hally [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/103
Ham House 26/19
& Co 8/512, 10/117
& Inches 13/11, 14/9, 27/105
Duke of, (includes collection and sale (1882)) 1/12, 4/161, 6/321, 7/364, 7/368
Emma 26/82
Gavin 19/60
Hon Revd 13/113*
Hugh 14/80
James 14/85
John 11/153, 11/166-7, 16/96, 16/100
Paul 13/18
Sir William 26/82
Hamlet, Thomas: 7/364
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/103
Richard 4/153
Hammer, Armand 36/42
Hammermen, of Edinburgh: 5/187, 15/7-8;
see Guilds, Incorporated trades
Hammermen, of Canongate 36/70
Hammond: 13/113*
S. 14/8
Hampden, Lady: 12/117
Hampton, William: 11/144-6, 11/164
Hams Hall: 14/6
Hanckel (silversmith): 7/344, 7/353
Charles Frederick 23/74
Joseph 12/28-35
William 3/25, 7/34-46, 7/353
Hand, Mr (Dublin): 16/89
Handcock, William: 11/161
Handicrafts Co, Newcastle: 9/537
(16th c) 16/39, 16/41
George 10/76
Hannell, Paul 18/103
Hannet [watchmaker] 18/103
Paul 10/58, 10/63, 17/28
Hanger, John: 14/75
Hanid, Miriam 27/95
Hannay, William: 5/192
Hanover: 14/14, 14/18;
Royal arms and successions 14/21, 14/26
Service 16/139
Schloss Marienburg auction 21/136
Hanoverian plate: 19/105
Hanson, Maria: 16/7, 16/11
Abraham 14/63, 16/77
Anne 19/74
Family 14/62, 21/8, 21/73, 21/133
Family tree 19/76
Francis 2/66, 10/73, 14/54, 14/59, 14/61, 14/63
Jean 14/62
Pierre 6/309, 6/327, 7/364, 8/447, 9/605, 22/7, 22/12-13, 22/34, 22/41, 22/45
Pierre I 14/73, 19/71
Pierre II 12/149, 19/71
Thomas 2/66, 12/102, 14/53, 14/64, 25/31
Harbord, Sir H.: 2/62, 12/46
Countess 22/49
Earl (and collection) 5/246, 7/339
Lord 12/153
Mr 13/113*
Simon, 1st Earl 20/17, 20/25, 20/133
Hardenberg, FK von 22/131
Jayne 22/70
Neil 27/76
Robert: 19/125
& Co (Birmingham) 17/33
John & Co 6/327, 12/153
Powell & Co 19/12
(Medici) 5/206;
see Mounted wares
Hardwick, Lord: 12/54
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, Baron 20/38, 20/133
Hardy/Harding/Hardey [goldsmith]: 18/103
Hardy, Thomas & Elizabeth: 23/82
Harewood, Earl of: 11/208
Harlands, Lambeth: 13/114*
Harlech, Lord: 6/327
Harleux: 21/84
Lord 4/167
Speaker 11/134
Harman & Co: 21/11—13
Robert 21/84
Thomas 10/17, 19/13
Harpin, Jeanne 25/68
3rd Earl of 11/209
Bernard 15/124
John 12/132
C.S. 6/265
Gareth 12/152, 23/5
George 8/521
Jacob 11/172
Job 12/122
John 1/12, 7/367-8
Katie 11/227-8
[watchmaker] 18/103-4
William 12/89, 12/120-3
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/104
George Eli 6/281
[watchmaker] 18/104
Harrod, Tanya, interviews with Eric Clements 36/99
Harsdörffer, Georg Philipp: 16/55
David/George 6/324, 6/330
Jacob 10/76
John 16/37
Son Peard & Co 19/12
William 18/104
Hartforth, John: 16/44
Hartington, Lord 36/62
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/104
Thomas 12/139
Hartop, Christopher, East Anglian Silver 1550-1750 (2004) 36/15
Hartsonge, Robert: 21/73, 21/76
Hartwi[y]ck, Christopher: 11/152-3
/Harvy [broker/pawnbroker] 18/104
Capt John 26/80
John 9/605, 10/18
Lord 18/27
Theophilus 13/32
Bartholomew 21/76
T. 15/116
Thomas (Norwich) 21/76-7
Haseler, W.H.: 11/227, 11/229, 19/151, 19/165, 26/100
Arthur, of Norwich 36/21
Elizabeth 21/73, 21/76
Family 21/76
Hasell engraver 20/67
Hasse, Johann: 7/372
Hastier, John: 13/20-1
/Haistings, John 18/102
(Town) 11/136
Hatchell, Henry: 7/413
Hatfield, Charles: 8/500, 10/59, 11/135, 11/142
Edward 11/173
Richard 8/525, 9/537
Sir Christopher 11/242
[watchmaker] 18/104
Haughwout, E.V & Co: 21/110
Hauley, Benjamin: 11/153
Hauser, Hans Jacob: 12/119
Havenhand, James: 23/47
family (re Emes) 25/78
Thomas: 14/88, 21/73, 21/77
Thomas, of Norwich 36/21
Hawke, Admiral: 8/457; 14/44
Hawkers/pedlars: 12/107
see Shopkeeping
Hawkesbury, Lord: 21/89
David 13/105, 13/107
Richard 10/62
Rhode 27/12
Hawksworth, Thomas: 18/25
Hawson, George 26/11
Haxton, Robert: 5/192
Andrew 14/81, 19/51
Mrs 13/113*
Thomas 36/73
Hayden/Hayton/Haydon [broker/pawnbroker]:
Haydon/Hayden [watchmaker]: 18/104
Cornelius (Cornelles) 16/38
Thomas 16/38
William 10/52
Hayford (Hefford/Heyford):
Mr 16/95
Sir Humphrey 19/124
Hayman, Francis 26/27
Haynes, James: 14/76
George 26/68
George Smith 26/68
Martha 26/68
Thomas 26/65
Elizabeth 3/49
Thomas 3/28, 3/40-4
Haywood, John: 7/343, 7/346, 7/353
Family 14/89
Elizabeth 14/88
Head, Joseph: 13/15
Heal, Ambrose: (trade cards) 23/99
Heal’s: 12/141
Hearnden, Nicholas: 10/62
Hearst, William Randolph: 13/64
(and sales) 4/116-17
Heartley, Thomas & Son: 12/47
Harry 13/6
Mr 4/134
William 4/132
Sir Gilbert 3rd Bt 12/148, 20/18, 20/30, 23/117
Sir William 11/252
Heavin (Hevin), Timothy: 11/148, 11/151
Heberlein, Jobst: 15/13
Heckel, Augustin: 20/75
Hector, Joseph 36/81
Hedvig Sofia, Princess: 15/58
Heeley (close plate): 15/16
Hegge, Pieter van der: 7/422
Heifetz, Albert 36/43
Heigham & Co: 7/359
Heimlich, Jean-Daniel: 15/111
Heins, Thomas: 21/77
Helena, Princess: 14/131
Helft, Jacques (dealer): 6/300
Hellner, Franz Xavier: 1/55
Helsinki, National Museum of 25/85
George 12/57, 25/35, 25/43, 26/59
George snr 26/59
Mary 26/59
Richard 15/82, 15/93, 26/59
Thomas 7/339-40, 8/522, 8/524, 10/74, 10/112, 10/115, 11/133-9, 11/196, 11/198, 11/204, 12/36, 13/110, 13/112*, 17/28, 17/45, 19/146, 19/170, 21/88, 26/58
Thomas jnr 26/59
& Chawner 22/47
Henchman, Dr Humphrey: 15/30
Hende, Walter: 3/5
Alexander 36/65
of Fordell papers 36/67
Hendery, Robert: 5/244, 23/69
Hengrave Hall, Suffolk: 4/124
Henley, Robert: 13/104
David & Son 13/110, 13/114*
Frazer and Haws 36/112
R. & D. 2/87, 8/522
Robert 21/27, 21/69, 21/83, 26/47
duchesse d’Orléans 19/87
Maria, Queen 12/111, 12/116,
12/120, 15/48, 15/53
Henry, Lewis: 15/84
II (of France) 5/208
VII 11/245
VIII 8/435, 16/37, 22/92, 26/33, 36/108
Frederick, Prince 23/139
Guillaume 9/541-3
Peter 18/105
Hentley, Richard: 10/52
Heracles and Iole: 20/63, 20/79
Heraldry: 14/21
see Armorials, Engraving
Badge, sipher, monogram 23/23
From Bow St 13/114*
Henry 14/144
William 14/59
Hercules and the Hydra 26/89
Hereford Cathedral: 4/178
Heriot, George: 3/54, 36/37, 36/63
Heriot’s Hospital, Edinburgh 36/37, 36/64
Herlin, Jesse: 19/113
Hermitage, St Petersburg 36/114
/Hern [broker/pawnbroker] 18/105
Lewis 10/70
& Butty 27/91
Herr, Hans: 16/146
Herrenhausen: 2/68-9, 5/247, 14/15, 14/23
Herrick, Nicholas: 9/575, 10/120
Herring/Hering [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/105
Earl of 12/47
Lady 11/206
George, 2nd Earl of Bristol 25/32
Lady 16/52
Lord John 12/55
Hervot, James: 14/67
Herwejek, Stephen van: 11/191
Hessler, J.C.W.P.: 7/423
Heuglin, J.E. II: 12/149
Heusden, Henri van: 7/422
Hewett [broker/pawnbroker] 18/105
James 4/84, 36/66
William 36/86
Heytesbury Manor: 5/203
Hibbert, Louise: 15/161
Hiccox/Hickox [watchmaker]: 18/105
Samuel 14/90
Thomas 14/89
Hicks, Randall (Limerick): 13/35
Charles 15/85
Francis 23/18
George 14/69
Higgenson/Higerson [broker/pawnbroker] 18/105
Highclere Castle: 8/513
Highmore/Heymore [broker/pawnbroker]:
Highstreet [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/105
Higs/Higgs [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/105
Hilder/Wilder [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/128
Atholl 27/76
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/105
C.J. & Co 2/87-8
James 14/83-5, 36/70
John 9/616, 14/116
Leonard 13/111
Reginald 14/8, 15/153, 23/19
Robert 6/310, 25/69
Stanley 19/102, 19/151
Thomas 13/112*, 18/105
Thomas I (Gloucester) 4/146, 16/33, 16/47
Hill Street, (Montagu) London 19/23
Hillan, Christian: 20/71, 20/74, 20/83, 20/131
Hilliar, Robert: 10/27
Hilliard, Nicholas, miniaturist 36/50
Treatise on the Art of Limning 36/50
Hilot/Hallett/Hillot [watchmaker]: 18/105
Hilt-makers: 7/392, 9/584, 11/149, 11/193
see Cutlers
Capt John 7/396
Robert 12/137
Joseph Beeston 15/124, 23/47
Joyce 15/124, 23/47
Hindmarsh, George: 10/69
Hiring/borrowing of plate: 12/60, 12/64, 12/115, 21/88, 22/67
see Use of/and Cost of plate
Hirose, Kazuo: 21/121
Hirst, Robert M.: 12/27
Historical background:
Anglo-French relations 20/116
Timeline (1682—1762) 20/116
Hitchins, Ivon: 27/78
Hitchcock, Samuel: 9/603
Hoar Cross, Staffordshire 36/31
& Co (Bank) 7/381, 7/385, 7/D288suppl, 9/546, 16/83, 16/138, 22/27, 22/45, 26/18
Hoar & Co 18/05
Helen 13/113*
Mary 25/36, 25/43
Montagu, Elizabeth 19/20
Prince, William and Hannah 16/121
Richard 16/82, 22/27, 26/21, invoices to 26/31, silver traded by 26/30
Sir Richard 36/102
Hoare’s bank 36/102
Lord 16/124
Sir J. 13/104
Hobson, George 22/70
Hockley, Daniel: 9/606
Hodel, Joseph: 13/137
Edward 7/344-6, 7/354
George 18/106
John 12/34, 22/53
Samuel 6/281
William 14/50
Hodgkinson, Bank: 13/113*
Hodsell/Hadsel, William: 18/102
Hoetger, Bernhard: 23/42
Hoffmann, Josef: 7/423, 10/115, 11/258, 16/148
19/170, 26/99
Hofford Mill: 12/34
Hoffstaedt, A.J.: 21/109
Erichsen & Co 15/135
William 6/268-70, 14/144, 20/9, 20/14, 20/42, 20/65, 20/80, 20/131, 23/105, 23/12
Hogg, Geo: 13/113*
Edward 9/542, 9/606
/Holiday/Holladay/Halliday, Sarah 18/103, 21/83
Hans 8/442, 12/149, 22/93
Hans the younger 15/175
Hans the younger, designs by 36/110
Holbrooke, Joseph: 10/75
Holburne, Francis: 13/104
Holcombe, Humphrey: 12/121
Holden’s Directory: 26/67
Holkham, account’s at 26/18
Baron 14/20, 14/36
Henry (16th c) 16/44, 21/85
John 18/106
Thomas 8/504, 22/59
William 16/40
Hollar. Wencelaus 26/34
Holliday, Charles 22/70
Hölling, Conrad: 7/424
Holloway, John: 10/75, 14/76
Holme, S.: 7/344, 7/354
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/106
Charles 13/104
Eric 13/4
W. (& Dumee) 6/313, 10/75
William 15/92
see Butty & Dumée
Holstein, Duchess of: 19/113
Holstein-Gottorp, Duke of: 10/84
Holt, Jason: 13/104, 13/106
Holtom, John: 18/11, 18/23, 18/40—51
Newbould & Co 12/29
Wilkinson & Co 10/82
Holy Thorn reliquary: 23/62
Home, Earl of: 13/104
Home entertaining ideas 25/22
Hompel, Simone ten 16/8-9, 16/80, 19/116,
21/23, 21/122
Hood, Samuel: 6/309, 26/89
Hooker (chaser, Soho): 7/345, 7/354
Hooper, Thomas: 3/14-19, 3/23-6, 3/31
Hoosnell/Husnel [jeweller]: 18/108
Adrian 13/9, 27/91
Alexander 14/83
John 36/64
Robert 14/82
Sir Alexander Beresford 27/92 Thomas 7/364, 7/368, 23/146
Hopegood, Andrew: 8/452
Hopgood, John 36 36/89
Hopetoun, Earl of: 6/318, 27/34, 27/39
Hopewell-Spencer-Fulton: 1/3
Hobkins, John 18/106, 22/50
Jasper 18/13
William 8/469-70
Hoppe, Henry: 11/193
Hopwood, Peter: 21/43
Horder, Morley: 15/126
Horn, Albrecht von: 8/522, 21/137
[goldsmith] 18/107
Mrs 13/113*
Horneby, Joseph: 12/113
Charles 14/136
Mrs Strangways 15/120
Horrmann: 2/80, 2/82
Horsman family: 8/450
Henry Howell 27/9
Lady Ann 14/32
Horwood, Richard 26/42
Hoseman, John: 18/20, 18/33
Hoskins [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/107
La Providence 10/65
see Bethlem Hospital
Hossauer, J.G.: 2/70, 4/175, 5/244, 12/150
Hotham, Baron: 14/95
Hougham, Soloman: 21/127
Houghton: 7/424
Houle, John: 6/282, 6/287
Hound sejant: 13/138, 15/19
House of Commons: 12/85
Household guides: 12/59
Houser see Howzer
Flemming Palace, Dresden 22/154
Montacute, Somerset 22/21
see Individual major establishments,
Domestic arrangements, Pictures, Plans
Housto(u)n/Howston/Houstown, George: 18/107
Houtwipper judgement: 11/130
Hoven, Joseph van: 16/147
How(w)zer, Wolfgang: 11/176, 12/116-23, 13/75
Hovyngham, William: 26/115
Cup 5/204
Edmund 26/23
[goldsmith] 18/107
Mrs G.E.P. 10/4, 16/142
Thomas 26/22
& Co (New York) 4/115
(Close plate) 15/116
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/107
Charles, 4th Earl of Carlisle 26/8
Gerrard & William 18/107
Howard Grace cup: 8/444
Howarth, Thomas: 21/112
Howe, Earl: 13/104
Admiral Earl 26/79
Howes, William: 13/112*
Howkins: 13/114*
Howzer/Houser: 7/371-2
Wolfgang 15/51
Hoxne hoard: 6/326, 6/329
Hoxton, French Congregation at 25/10
Hoyland, John & Co: 12/29-32
Hoyle, Edmond (Hoyle’s Games): 23/96
Hoym, Count von 22/123
Hoyte, Francis: 2/74
Hubbard, Daniel: 13/19
Huber, Patriz: 4/177
Hubert/Hubart/Hubbard [watchmaker]: 18/107
Hübner, Paul: 19/115
Hudart/Hudard [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/107
Hudell, René: 8/469, 19/166
Hudson & Drury: 10/89
Hudson’s Bay Company 26/71
Huet (porcelain merchant) 22/154
Huggin Alley 26/60, Lane 26/60
George Ravensworth 36/91
Graham Hughes 36/91
John 7/345, 7/354
Joseph 11/168, 12/122
Sarah 26/11
Huguenot refugees: 10/12
see Aliens
Huguet, Pierre: 23/92
Hukin &Heath 26/27
Hull: 21/46
& Sanderson 16/79
[jeweller] 18/107
Hulse, Sir Edward: 4/154, 12/58
Hume, David: 12/54
Humfries [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/108
G. 23/96
James 14/85
Hugh 11/168
Joseph 11/168
Richard 13/29
Humphries, John: 11/147-51, 11/165
Humphrys, John 16/86
& Roskell (includes J.S. Hunt) 2/111, 6/282-3, 7/422, 8/475, 10/11, 11/221, 15/24
James 10/76
Richard 6/282
Thos and Rowland 13/113*
William 26/27
Andrew 26/27
William: 8/451
Huntsman, Benjamin: 12/34
Hurd, Jacob: 4/180, 9/604, 21/84
Hurley, Cornelius: 13/38
Henry 2/93, 2/100, 26/27
Noe 2/99
[toyman] 18/108
Hussye, Lawrence: 16/44
Hutchings, George: 13/23-4
Hutchins, John: 11/168
Archibald 12/153
Richard 21/77
Hutson, John: 21/83
Hutt, Captain John 26/80
Buscel 12/128
[goldsmith] 18/108
Robert 16/37
W. & Sons 11/227-8, 26/99
William 15/116
Hyams, Hyam: 4/169
& Co 13/111
James 9/606, 26/46
Thomas 9/606, 10/16, 26/46
Hyltoft, John: 19/121
Hyndford, 3rd Earl: 13/95
Hythe 26/33