Search index of issues 1-25

Index I

Ibberson, George 22/70
Ibbett, Mr: 13/113*
Ickworth 25/32
Identification (royal services): 14/17-18
Igonet, Sébastien: 4/165

Earl of 8/477
Stephen Fox, 1st Earl 20/9, 20/27, 20/33, 20/71, 20/133
Ilger, William: 16/45
Imhoff family: 15/15

Imperial Metal Industries 36/97

England to America 20/96
France to UK (18th c) 20/24
Ireland to UK: 12/88
plate (17th c) 19/72
Ince, Robert: 11/151
Inch, John: 20/89

Earl of 11/146, 12/37
Money 11/146, 11/206
Incorporation of Goldsmiths, Edinburgh see Edinburgh
Incorporation of Goldsmiths of the City of Edinburgh 36/63:
Charter, 1586 36/63
Incorporated trades, Dumfries: 10/44

see Guilds, Hammermen
Indenture, apprentice, in Edinburgh 36/66
Colonial 2/65, 4/150, 9/608, 10/117
Silver 12/151, 13/12, 14/141
Trade silver 26/74
Indianapolis Museum of Art: 15/169, 21/85
Ingermann, C.H.: 4/180

Brand: 16/147
Robert 36/65
Ingoldsby, Sir Richard: 16/90
Family: 6/256, 8/492
Family Plate 36/33
Sir Arthur 36/31

Family 19/55
John 12/120, 12/122
Robert 14/86
Innocent, John: 16/78
Inoue, Yosuke: 21/121

Nash, Gawen 12/100
see Bankruptcy
Insurance 26/76

17th c shop 1/55, 3/23-5
Amadas, Robert 16/41
Bath, Margaret Countess of 4/124
Beaufort/Badminton 7/381, 7/suppl, 8/465
Blatchley, Thomas 13/26
Br�hl, Count (probate) 22/139
Brathwaite, Martha 26/25
Canons Ashby (1798, 1717, 1756, 1770, 1791, 1824) 27/18-26
Collan, John 26/115
Cox, John 3/54
Earl of Pembroke 11/189
Craig, John 26/24
Dryden family, see Canons Ashby
Elizabeth I (1574) 22/92
Emes, John 25/76
French royal 19/82
French silver in 20/28
Hamilton, Duchess of 8/477, 8/479
Hanover 19/108
Hanover royal plate 14/15
Henry VIII (1547) 22/92
Herrick, Nicholas 9/575
Ingram, Sir Arthur (1642) 6/257
Jernegan 8/501
Jewel House, 1521 36/108
King’s Lynn 14/106
Kytson, Sir Thomas 4/124
Lobkowitz 1/11-12
Lorenzo d’Medici 8/444
Mells, Somerset 8/474
Menteith, Earl of 13/81, 13/93
Middlecott, Lettice (18th c) 10/26
Oriel College 16/66
Morton, Thomas 26/114
Nelson, Horatio 26/84
Osborne House 27/10
Pembroke College 25/15
Plate at Hoar Cross, Staffordshire 36/31
Probate 26/113
Probate (17th c) 16/46
Queen Isabella 11/245
Rowden, Richard 3/58
Royal (16th c) 16/40; (1687) 7/370; (1747) 14/18
Royal Mint (16th c) 16/35
Rudolph II 16/62
Salisbury Cathedral 3/4
Strangways/Wynn/Vaughan 8/474-9
Strathmore, Earl of 13/81
Walpole, Sir Robert 19/116
Warrington 4/118
Wilkinson, Anthony 3/52
Wolsey, Cardinal 9/573
Wynnstay 8/475
York diocese probate 26/113
see Goldsmiths’ Company searches, Invoices, Ledgers, Use of plate, Wills, Workshop
Inventories illustrated:
(17th c): 13/83
(18th c): 13/90-91
Amadas, Robert 16/43
Jewel House 16/42
Apprenticeships 14/86
Duchess of 14/33
(17th c) 15/34, Cambridge 15/31
(1743) 19/50
(18th c) 13/96, 22/90
(18th c) 26/18
(19th c) 13/128
Allan, George 26/23
Blackwell, Richard I & II 15/20, 15/24
Chenevix, Elizabeth 26/19
Child, Francis (1682) 21/6
Coke, Lady Mary (W&T ledger) 21/101
Cooper, Gislingham 8/474-8
Curghey, John 22/28
Farren, Thomas 27/20, 27/24
George III dinner service (W&T ledger) 21/101
Germain, Thomas 9/544-51
Gold boxes 13/104-7
Gray, Robert 11/216-28
Hoare’s Bank 22/28
Holland, Thomas 8/504
How, Thomas 26/23
Ingram 6/257
Irwin, Viscount 9/610
Lamerie, Paul de 4/166, 8/480, 9/555, 10/60
Lewis, George 4/167
Ker, James 27/39, 27/44
Lieberkühn, Christian 13/95
Orrery archives 13/35
Parker & Wakelin 6/264-5
Rutland 21/6
Sherborne family 22/47
Tatham, C.H. 8/484
Thompson, J. 6/259
Townshend 15/31-2
Vulliamy 10/99-101
Wakelin & Tayler 21/87
White, John 8/465
see Accounts, Cost of plate, Inventories, Ledgers, Shopkeeping, Trade cards illustrated, Wills
Invoices illustrated:
illus of 19th c 19/40
Blackwell, Richard 15/34-9
Dawes, R. 1/23
Germain, Thomas 9/550
Kandler, Frederick 8/500
Marsh, Isaac (1789) 21/78
Wakelin & Tayler 21/87
Willaume, David 20/45
Wirgman 14/76
Ipswich, Mark 36/15
Iranian silver: 15/157
Ireland, early treasures: 14/140
Irish silver: 7/412, 11/143, 11/158, 13/31, 16/25, 22/33, 22/83

Provincial 16/89, 16/95
Irminger, Johann Jacob: 8/498
Iron: 13/87
Ironside, Edward: 3/120

Irving, Emilius: 36/64
Irwin, Frances, Viscountess: 36/32
Irwin, Viscount: 6/256
Isaacson, Isaac: 4/132, 4/134
Isabel, Queen of Hainault: 6/319
Isborn, Valentine: 14/88-9
Isborne, Nicholas: 14/88
Isbrand, John 22/99

Isham, Justinian: 36/39
Ishiguro, Konan: 21/121
Islamic silver: 14/139
Ismay service: 8/521
Itteringham 25/74

Ives: 14/83
Ivie, John: 3/15-18, 3/23-33, 3/38-40

Carving 8/481
George 17/34
Izumi, Koshiro: 21/121