Search index of issues 1-25

Index E

Eagle of America: 13/30
Eakin (cutler): 11/151, 11/153
Eales, Thomas: 12/123
Earthquake, Lisbon: 12/21
East India Company: 4/130, 12/88, 12/111, 26/80

Easter egg, Imperial Red Cross, Fabergé, 1915 36/45
Eastlake, Charles: 12/62
Easton, Christopher: 3/15
Easton Neston: 19/170
Eastwick, Adrian: 12/98

John 26/60
Peter 26/62
Samuel 26/60, 28/57
William 4/137
Eberlein, Johann Friedrich 22/125
Ebrich, Adolf: 10/115, 19/170
Ecclesiastical see Church plate
Ecclestone, John: 12/129
Eckfourd, John: 21/136
Eden, Farrow 26/23
Edes, John: 16/32
Edgar, Maureen: 13/9, 19/165

1st Baron 13/104
Family: 4/122
Edict of Nantes, revocation: 19/71, 26/69
Edinburgh: 11/127, 19/49

Accounts 28/124
Apprentices 14/80, 19/54
Apprentices in, eighteenth-century 36/63
Bailie Court 36/63
Competition from Other Centres of Goldsmithing 36/87
Freemen Goldsmiths 36/74
Freemen Goldsmiths, fees payable on admission to freedom 36/85
Goldsmiths 14/96, 21/49, 21/53, 21/135, 36/63
Incorporated Trades 36/63
Incorporation of Goldsmiths 5/187, 13/9, 15/7
Incorporation of Goldsmiths of the City of 36/63
Incorporation – not all goldsmiths indexed individually 27/33, 27/42, 28/117
Journeymen 36/63
Journeymen rates of pay 36/81
Ker, James 27/33
Mark Plate, Destruction of 36/86
Metropolitan Cathedral 27/89
Porteous Riots 36/74
Society of Journeymen Goldsmiths 36/82
St Giles’ Church 15/7
Theft, in eighteenth century 36/77
Town Council 28/117, 36/63
Town Council, Deacon of 36/63

Edington, J.C.: 8/511
Edlin/Edlen, Samuel: 18/96

Frederick 7/420
Thomas 3/42, 3/49
Edmonston, Alexander 36/65
Edmondstone, Alexander: 14/80, 19/56
Edstrom, Stephen: 7/344, 7/346, 7/351
Edward VI 26/33
Edward, Prince: 13/107

see Stuart
Edwardes, Peter II: 9/610

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/96
D. 7/359
Edmonds, Griffith 18/96
Edward 1/28, 26/87
James 2/86
John 2/102, 11/135, 14/23, 21/84, 21/136
Monica 11/224
Mr of St Albans 13/112*
Miss 25/54
William 10/75, 15/135
Lady Ann 22/13
Sir Thomas 11/206
/Sykes (arms) 8/482
Egg cups: 16/52

Francis 7/343-7, 7/351, 22/55
John 7/342, 7/344, 7/352
Egmont, John Perceval, 2nd Earl: 13/105, 20/21
Egremont, Earl of: 14/35, 21/39
Ehe, Johann F.: 15/74
Eisenloeffel, Jan: 7/424, 8/520
Ekubia, Ndidi: 15/168
Elderton, John: 10/28
Eldon, Lord: 14/145
Elections, Edinburgh 28/117
Electroplate: 12/147

Illustrated 10/118
see Techniques
Elers, David and John Philip 26/51

Bishop of, Francis Turner 26/40
Fearn & Co 25/48
& Fearn 8/510-12
William 6/279, 6/284, 25/35, 26/56
William II 7/367
Elgin, apprenticeships: 14/85
Eliot, Christopher: 12/82, 19/126

I 13/50, 26/33
The Queen Mother 4/139, 14/5
Empress of Russia 28/46, 28/62

Elkington & Co (includes F, Mason & Co, etc): 6/316, 7/364, 8/487,11/258, 12/64, 14/6, 15/124, 16/64, 19/4, 19/99, 21/67, 23/49, 23/54, 26/9, 27/5, 27/70, 27/108
George 19/6—7
John 12/129
Ellerby, W.: 15/116
Elliot, Sir Gilbert: 12/88, 28/128
Elliott, Thomas: 12/117

Collection of spoons 3/21,14/128
Israel 12/129
J.E. 23/69
Richard 12/41
[watchmaker] 18/96
Welbore 12/153
Christopher 6/259
Robert 12/126
Elm Grove, Putney 36/37
Elphinstone, Charles: 19/53
Elston, John: 4/153, 13/103, 21/70
Eltester, Christian 22/119
Elvius, Jean/Johan: 14/70
Ely, Bishop of: 15/120

E. & E. 10/19
Harry 5/249
New plate allocation (1823) 22/49
to Russia 14/137
see Ambassadorial plate, Pawning silver
Apostle 13/40
see Spoons
Embossing see Chasing, Techniques
Embroiderers’ Company 26/47
Emdon, Joseph: 10/75
Emerson, A.R.: 14/8

& Barnard 4/121, 9/536, 21/83, 25/36, 25/42, 25/74
family 25/36, 25/42
John 10/16, 14/126, 16/127
Rebecca 25/43, 25/74
see Barnard
Emmanuel: See Cambridge

Benney, Gerald 21/129
Gough 15/150
Short, Jane 16/149
Widemann 2/80-3
Winter, Tamar de Vries 21/131
see Techniques
Enamelling: 16/22, 16/149, 19/161
German cup (17th c) 22/159
see Techniques
Enderby/Endersby [watchmaker]: 18/96
Enderlein, Caspar: 19/8
Eneroth, Petter: 6/290-3
England, Thomas: 18/96
English, John: 14/83
Engravers: 11/242, 26/47

Akin, James 13/29
Anthony, Dirick 11/190
Appleby, Malcolm 15/155
Baker, Francis 10/46
Beau, John A, (US)
Billam, Thomas 10/70
Bury, John Jacob 13/29
Cario, William 8/451
Clee, Robert 7/339
Cook, John 13/29
Cooper, Richard 19/49
Cornman, Philip 8/481
Coyte, Joseph 7/338
Davis, George 15/92
Dawkins, Henry (US)
Diemar, E.M. 8/486
Emes, John 16/127
Fossey, John 12/110
Freeman, John 19/67
Friend, George 14/8
Gardner, Charles 7/424, 8/472, 11/258, 22/29
Gillies, Bryce 10/44
Gray & Son 11/218
Grignion, Charles 14/61-2
Hall, Ralph 10/46
HB 11/258
Henry 13/29
Herbert, Lawrence 19/66
Horrmann of Munich 2/82
Jackson, Walter 8/522
Leddel, Joseph 19/65
Stothard, Alfred Joseph 6/285
Long, Thomas 19/42
Malcolm, James 13/29
Manaton 13/130
Manly, James 13/29
Maverick, P.R. 13/138
McMurray, Nathaniel 22/35
McQuoid, Denis 15/150
Meyrick, Richard 19/65
Ochiltree 5/191
Palmer, William 10/53
Pingo, John and Lewis 12/89
Pingo, Thomas 19/41
Purcell, Scott, Robert 13/29-30
Reece, Stanley 16/5
Roos [Ross], John 7/409
Roper, J. 6/315
Ryland, Edward 10/76
Sherborn, Charles 7/338
Sherborn, Thomas 10/75
Smith, Mr (18th c) 22/28
Smith, Thomas 10/75, 22/28
Smither, James 13/29
Soho 7/342
Wentworth 11/247
Wilkins, Raymond 14/141
Wise, Theodore and Alan 15/150
Wyon, William 9/614
Yates, Henry 19/42
see Armorials, Engraving, Seals
Engraved heraldic devices and initials:
Brown, arms, crest and motto of 36/64
Grill, Sweden 36/106
Murray, crest and motto 36/70
Pepys quartering Talbot for Samuel Pepys 36/101
Design source 12/31, 12/65, 16/57
On seal salvers 14/144
see Armorials, Cost of plate, Design, Seal, Techniques
Engraving added/altered: 4/116, 6/259, 6/264, 7/362, 7/370, 7/375, 7/suppl, 8/472, 9/612, 21/89
Garrard’s 7/362
Newcastle 9/536
Scrapbook 7/338
see Armorials, Cost of plate, Invoices, Medals, Medallions, Techniques
Engraving added/altered, Illus:
(16th c) 5/202, 9/571
(18th c) 2/64, 4/121, 4/181-2, 6/269, 6/314, 7/381, 8/472-3, 8/476, 8/489, 8/526, 22/11
(19th c) 4/121, 4/182
(20th c) 10/103
Rundell’s 22/49
Engraving, illus: 27/48
(21st c) computer aided 21/132
America 19/65
Armorials 19/20; (1960-70) 19/150
arms 28/36
Chain bottles (1579) 23/138
Hamburg (1642) 19/112
Hogarth, William (tankard) 23/105
Mark punches 19/41
Royal 14/21
Service (1770) 19/20
Engstrom, Gustav: 12/39
Ensenada, Marques de la: 12/148, 21/26
Eosander, JF (design) 22/117
Erasmus: 8/441
Erhard & Sons: 2/81
Erhart, Michel: 15/168
Erichsen: see Hogarth
Erle, Lt/Gen Thomas: 3/104
Erlie, John: 15/29
Ernst, Jörg: 15/12
Erroll, Earl of: 14/36
Erwin [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/96
Esdaile, Sir James: 8/455
Esher, Viscount: 23/56

Andres Francisco 11/233-5
Francisco/Manuel 11/235
Espinosa, J.B. de: 1/6
Espuñes: 4/176

Essay, in Edinburgh 36/84
Essex: 13/113*
Essory, Ralph: 19/119
Esterbrook, William: 9/604
Estimate illustrated:

Storr, Paul 22/48
Eston, Christopher: 1/53
Estonian silver: 15/162

Alfred 25/6
William 13/103
Etiquette 12/59
American (and books on) 25/19
Eton College: 1/3, 2/108
Euclid: 16/13
Eugene, Prince 22/11
Europe (EU, EEA, EEC, EFTA): 11/130
Evance, Sir Stephen: 12/121

Evans: 13/113*
Alan 14/11, 15/153
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/96
James Morley 10/75
John 12/128
Thomas 10/62
William 21/13
Evelyn, John: 4/164, 4/166, 12/113, 18/12

[watchmaker]: 18/96
Charles 12/117
Gyles 3/7
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/96
Philip 10/59, 11/142
Evill, William 22/55

Commissioners of 13/119
see Duty, Tax
Excise Office: receipt illus 23/114

Earl/Marquess 7/364, 7/368, 10/115, 11/136, 11/176
Goldsmiths’ Company 15/88
(2002 Jubilee) 14/4
Arts & Crafts (1893) 11/224; (1899) 11/225
Buckingham Palace 2008 23/34
Birmingham (1849) 19/10, 27/9
Britain Can Make It (1947) 27/79
Church Plate 2008 23/33
Dublin (1853) 27/5
Edinburgh (2008) 23/33; (1886) 27/106
George III & Queen Charlotte, Patronage, Collecting and Court Taste(2004)
London (1851) 10/8, 19/10, 27/12–13; (1862) 2/65, 4/118, 15/169, 27/12; (1871) 15/169
Eric Clements: silver & design 1950-2000, Birmingham 36/99
Fabergé in America, San Francisco, 1996 36/105
Great Fabergé, St Petersburg 36/44
Modern Silverwork (1938) 14/4
Munich (1888) 2/82
Paris – (1855) 2/72, 27/5; (1867) 10/111, 15/169, 25/80; (1889) 16/145, 22/78; (1900) 25/82; (1912) 21/116, (1925) 15/141; (1935) 15/148
Royal Naval (1891) 22/82
Silver and the Church 2004: J17
Silver and Tea – a perfect blend, Goldsmiths’ Hall 36/59
Silver: Light, Texture and Form, Butcher Works, Sheffield 36/54
Silver Speaks: Idea to Object, V&A 36/7
Society of Arts (1870) 27/106
Sporting Glory: The Courage Exhibition of National Trophies (1992)
St Louis (1904) 16/146
St Petersburg (1901) 16/145
The Fabulous Epoch of Fabergé, Pushkin 36/44
Versailles 2008 23/34
see {tab} Regular features
Exmew(e), Sir Thomas: 16/44, 19/126
Export bullion: 12/85, 12/88

East India Company 12/88
UK to Ireland 12/88
see Customs, Sale of plate, Shopkeeping
Exports: 2/79, 4/130, 6/273, 6/302
England to America 20/96
England to Maryland 20/88
James Dixon & Sons 21/105
see Customs, Duty, Shopkeeping, Transport
Eycott, William: 2/74, 7/375
Eyemaker/Imacer [jeweller]: 18/108
Eyles, Sir John: 14/90

Edward 11/160, 11/162
John 12/129
Sir Robert 14/144
Eysham[broker/pawnbroker]: 18/96