Search index of issues 1-25

Index S

Saarinen, Eliel: 12/153, 25/7, 27/19
Saddlers Company: 8/520

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/120
Thomas 13/94, 27/19
Sage: see Le Sage
St Agnes Church, Cornwall: 6/307
St Albans:

Duchess of 7/368
Earl/Duke 12/116, 12/118, 12/120, 12/124, 12/153, 15/53
St Denys 25/18
St Domingo, battle of 26/93
St Dunstan: 15/9
St Dunstan’s Club: 13/111
St Eloi (Eloy, Eligius): 15/7,15/147
St George, Oliver 22/33
St George’s Day 26/32
St John, Order of: 2/106
St John’s Wood Church: 16/150
St John, Viscount: 18/121

St Luke, Guild of, Antwerp: 36/47
St Martin’s Lane: 4/162

Academy 19/56, 20/130
St Nicholas, Chiswick: 21/92
St Oswald, Lord: 12/121, 13/138
St Werburgh’s Church, Bristol: 7/422, 7/430
Saint, Gideon: 20/75

Dunstan 15/9
Eloi 15/7, 15/147
Jean 19/170
Salaries: 18/22-3

Anthony 36/117
Marchese Brignole 12/148
Sale of plate: 12/130, 16/117

(18th) c 20/17
Devonshire, 5th Duke of 21/91
Paston collection 19/135
Preston, Lancs 21/45
see Auctions, Cost of plate, Fairs, Hawkers/pedlars, Shopkeeping
Sales by auction: see [Tab] Regular features
Salisbury: vol 3

Individual parishes not listed in this index illustrated 3/3, 3/5
Salmon, Robert 26/78

Bernard 16/57
(shop) 21/86
Valentin 19/113
Eric Clements, Birmingham, 1951 36/90
Royal Clock, Pierre Mangot 36/109
Saltram House: 5/245
Salvatico, Giuseppe, Count von: 20/114

Salver, James Ker, Edinburgh, 1737: 36/77
Saly, J-F.: 2/70
Salysbury, Thomas: 3/7

Sambourne, Linley 27/71
Sampaio see Paio
Sampajo M.P. de: 12/23
Samson, Michael: 10/75

Samuel Groves & Co, Birmingham: 36/95
Samwell, Thomas: 6/309
San Lorenzo: 8/435, 8/444, 9/610
Sandemanian Church 25/45
Sander, Hermann: 19/108
Sanders, Joseph: 7/343, 7/355, 21/75, 21/78
Sandford, Francis 26/34

Genealogical History of the Kings of Portugal 26/37
History of the Coronation of James II 26/37
Interment of Duke of Albermarle 26/34
Sandheim, Amy: 7/416
Sandleford, Berks 19/24, 19/24
Sandona, Argentiere: 2/105
Sands, James: 14/83
Sandwich, 1st Earl of: 16/131
Saracchi workshop: 5/208
Sargents (sword making) 27/6
Sartorio: 2/105

Wm 12/118
Mr 15/51
Satzger, Gottlieb: 16/52, 16/147
Ebenezer Oliphant, Edinburgh, 1749 36/70
Eric Clements, Birmingham, 1951 36/90
William Dempster, Edinburgh, 1767 36/67
Saucepan, Alexander Gardner: 36/82
Sauce pot, Eric Clements, Birmingham, 1951: 36/90
Saule/Saul/Salt [jeweller]: 18/120
Saumur: 10/14

Admiral Charles 14/124
[toyman] 18/120
Bryan 13/4
Joseph L. 21/112
Thomas 13/20-5
Savarin, J.A. Brillat-: 12/56
Savile, Sir George: 12/37, 15/32

Savory, J & H.: 21/127
Savoy, Royal house of: 15/170
Savoy Chapel, communion plate 25/70
Sawle, Francis 22/43

Admiral Herbert 14/21
Edward 10/81
Saxony: 20/47, 20/106, 22/126
Sayer, Robert: 8/526
Scafe/Scaffe/Scalf [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/121
Scale, John: 7/343, 7/346, 11/204, 22/52
Scalop, goldsmith of York 26/115

Scandinavia, influence on British design: 36/56, 36/89
Scarborough: 11/237

Earl of 4/118
William 25/65
Scarisbrick, Marquess of: 6/306

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/121
William 4/154, 6/309, 11/258, 25/65
1st Baron 6/313, 25/31
3rd Viscount 14/144
Earl of 8/490
Scasebrick, John: 12/48, 14/129-30
Schermbeek, Cornelis: 14/146
Schiebler, G.W.: 7/430
Schleswig-Holstein: 5/237

Prince Christian 14/131

Schlick, Benjamin: 19/5, 19/99, 27/8
Schlüter, Andreas 22/122

Arnold 15/12-13
Nicolaus 5/240, 7/362, 27/11
Schoepflin, Jean-Daniel: 15/112
Schofield, John: 11/208, 26/80
Schomberg House, London: 14/131
Schomburgk, Julius: 15/135
Schongauer, Martin: 13/42, 13/45

Medals 19/165
Of silversmithing 19/151
Schools 22/50
Schoonhoven Silver Award: 36/8
Schreiber, Lady Charlotte: 21/86

Collection 1/56, 5/229;
Jacob 5/236;
Schuppe, John: 4/115
Schürmann, E. & Co: 2/80, 2/82
Schwabe, Nicolaus: 36/51
Schwäbisch Hall: 19/115
Schwarz, Hans: 5/212
Schweinberger, Anton: 16/63
Schwellenburg, Mrs: 21/90
Schwestermüller, David I: 7/424, 14/46
Science in goldsmithing: 12/8
Scofield, John: 4/182, 10/76, 21/136
Scot, William: 15/116
Scotin, G.: 8/490
Scotland, royal arms: 14/25

& Smith 12/149
Alexander 13/87
Digby,1/32, 8/485, 8/522, (biog) 8/485
Digby & Smith, Benjamin 16/148, 22/100, 36/35
John 7/420, 12/108
Robert 13/29-30
Sir Edward 4/120
Walter, Sir 16/118
Walter 14/81
Walter of Harden 27/39
William 14/85, 27/40
see Rundells, and Smith, Benjamin and James
Scottish Gallery: 16/8
Scottish Goldsmiths Trust: 13/9
Scottish plate: 10/44, 14/79

Duty and licences 12/85
Edinburgh Incorporation 27/33
Perth 16/152
Provincial 10/119, 12/150
see individual centres
Scotto, Girolamo: 5/213
Scottowe, Timothy: 36/16
Scratchweight: 6/276

Continental 9/576
Hound sejant 15/31
see Weight

Scriven, Edward 26/89
Scroope, John 26/35
Scrope, Thomas: 7/341
Sculpture: 12/18

Cutter (Dublin) 16/89
Engraving 11/242
Great 14/20
Matrix 7/409, 12/153
Matrix (Gloucester) (17th c) 16/50
Matrixes (Finland) 25/89
Of America 13/30
Oxford 11/248
Rundell’s (illus) 22/49
Salvers and cups 7/424, 14/143
see Engraving, Medals/medallions, Officers of state
Seale, Edward: 10/76
Seales, Edward: 10/76
Seamer/Seymour/Seamo(u)r, James: 18/121

France 19/89
see Goldsmiths’ Company, Provincial silver
Searle, Ronald: 5/218-19
Sears [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/121

Seaton, John: 36/67
Seatoun, John: 5/190
Second hand plate:
 2/87, 4/115, 7/366, 8/474,
16/116, 21/89, 21/91, 22/35, 22/38, 22/50
see Alterations to plate, Antiquarianism, Auctions, Cost of plate, Invoices, Melting of silver, Toyshops
Sedding, John Dando 26/110
Seddon/Sedon [watchmaker]: 18/121
Seel, J. Finlayson: 14/8
Sefton, Earl of: 11/200
Segal, Zelig: 21/127
Segesser, Peterhans I: 11/258
Séguin & Cie: 16/18
Sephardic 55
Selibarne, Henry: 15/23
Selkirk, Earl of: 8/482
Seman, Bartholomew 19/123
Senior, Thomas: 3/16-18, 3/23-8, 3/34-5, 3/40
Seppa, Heikki: 4/173
Sequiera, Domingos A. de: 4/178
Serocold & Jackson: 8/455
Servante, Francis/Henry (Bideford): 4/153-4

College butler (19th c) 16/74
see Crime, Domestic arrangements, Officers of state, Use of plate, Workshop
Service à la française: 19/19
Sessions House, London (illus): 18/25—26
Seton, John: 14/81
Settle, Thomas: 10/76
Sevso hoard: 1/56, 2/109-10, 4/174

George 14/80
James 12/29
Sfrondrati, Cardinal: 11/253

Sir Edmund 16/37, 19/124
Sir John 16/37, 16/40, 16/44, 19/125
Shagreen: 12/106
see Techniques
Shakespeare Centre Library (Oliver Baker) 26/98
Shanley, Edw: 13/112*
Shapeau/Shoppo [jeweller]: 18/122
Sharling, Thos: 13/113*
Mrs Devn 13/112*
Richard (ewer and basin) 10/97, 26/73
John (Youghal) 13/36
Mrs, at Leighton 13/114*
Robert 11/191, 11/208
Wm & Thomas 8/504
John 1/28, 1/40, 12/78, 26/87
Sir John 12/114-17, 12/124, 15/48, 15/51
Robin 12/113, 12/123
Ronald 22/70
Thomas 12/69, 12/78, 22/102
William 18/121
William, & William Preist, 4/122
Sheafe, Alexander 27/30
Sheen, Alice: 21/73, 21/75
Artcrafts Guild 15/124
Assay office 12/42, 15/167
College of Art 22/70
Goodwin competition 22/67
Smelting Co 12/33, 22/46
Sheffield Plate: 4/159, 4/175, 7/343, 8/522, 12/26, 12/27, 12/41, 12/147, 12/149, 16/131, 19/19, 21/105, 22/51
see Alloys, Plated wares, Techniques
Sheilds, Robert: 5/246
Shelburne, 2nd Earl of: 11/202, 16/131

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/121
Dr Gilbert 15/30
/Shelty, William 18/121
Sir John 12/117
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/121
William 6/284
Sheppard, Gilbert: 11/168, 11/170

Barons 22/47
Charles 7/338
Thomas 10/75
Charles 26/44
Hannah 26/44
Sherell: 13/113*
Sherrard: 13/113*
Sherrett, Peter: 14/71
Sherwin, Henry: 11/151, 11/153, 16/92
Shield of Achilles: 2/96
Shimomura, Syoji: 21/120
Shiner, Cyril: 15/153, 16/7, 36/88
Shinkel, Karl Friedrich: 5/244
Shippen, Ann: 19/66
Shipton [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/122
Shipwrecks: 4/176, 12/150

Girona 12/153
see Treasure trove
Shirley, Robert: 15/30
Shop signs:

Angel & Crown 13/109
Angell and Trumpet 14/101
Basket 11/191
Black(a)moors Head 6/261, 10/52, 14/54, 14/59, 14/64
Crane (Winchester) 3/25
Eagle & Pearl 21/75
Falcon 19/171
Gold Ring 9/535-6
Golden Ball 14/90
Golden Ball & Pearl 14/65
Golden Cup 4/160, 8/469, 12/152
Golden ewer 11/140
Grasshopper 13/109-10
Greyhound 15/29
Lock and Key 19/69
Mitre 8/497
Parrott 22/30
Ring & Pearl 22/47
Ship 22/29
Spread Eagle 13/109
Three Kings and Golden Ball 15/99
Two angels 14/62
Unicorn 12/111, 14/90
Vine 11/135
see Shopkeeping, Trade cards illustrated
Howard, Mr 22/57
Richard, Mr 22/57
Shopkeeping: 14/49, 15/97
(16th c): 5/241, 9/575
(17th c): 1/55, 3/18, 3/25, 12/111
(18th c) 8/504, 26/17
(19th c) 2/91, 2/111
Boulton 22/51, 22/75
Curiosity 21/86
Dealers’ licence 12/31, 12/37
Display 18/26, 18/28
Dyson, J. (illustrated) 1/25
Edinburgh 14/96; (18th c) 19/49
Fittings 12/110
Illustrations 12/120
Import/wholesale 12/104, 15/26
Lambert & Co 21/11
Merchant 12/101
Norwich 21/20, 21/73
Rundell’s 2/93-4, 2/97
Sale and repair of plate 13/19
Thefts 15/79
Thomas, J.B. 1/23
Trans-Atlantic trade 13/19
Westminster Hall 12/104
Whipham & Wright 13/109
see Advertisement, Banking, Bankruptcy, Catalogues, Cost of plate, Curiosity Shops, Exhibitions, Exports, Fairs, Inventories, Invoices, Ledgers, Retailing, Shop signs, Toyshops, Trade cards illustrated, Workshop
Shopping: 16/117
Shorer, Michael: 13/11
Short, Jane: 12/5, 14/132, 15/167, 16/149, 36/117
Shortland, Midshipman Richard 26/80
Shovell, Sir Cloudesley: 13/103, 19/48
Shrapnel, Henry: 10/18
Shrapnell, James: 7/391
Shreve & Co: 15/173

Charles Talbot, 1st Duke of 20/44
Earl of 8/498
Shrubsole, S.J. Ltd: 19/64
Shruder, James: 
1/52, 6/272, 10/70, 12/149,
13/138, 20/2, 20/11, 20/80, 20/82, 20/131
Shufin, Ann: 13/71
Shuldham, Lord: 13/106
Sibenbuerger, Jeremias: 19/115
Sibley, R. & Co: 11/208
Sidley/Sidey/Siday [watchmaker]: 18/122
Sidney, Henry: 16/81
Siervent, Samuel: 8/485, 20/95, 20/97, 20/131
Signatures illustrated:

Badcock, William 9/589
Baer, Jean-Frédéric 15/110
Blackwell, Richard 15/19
Bodendeich 14/109
Gauchelet Germain 9/550
Harache, Pierre I & II 19/74
Main, John 21/53
Meyrick, Richard 19/68, 19/70
Mitchelson, James 21/53
Paio, João Coelho de S. 15/100
see {tab} Marks
Silber & Fleming: 2/108
Robert: 12/42-3, 15/116
Spitalfields 26/36
Cardinal J. da M. 2/68
Francisco de 12/113
Arthur 26/101
E & Co 27/92
Rex 26/101
Fine, working in 36/5
Silver Society:
Founder members: 10/4
Silver Trust: 12/5, 13/10, 15/166
10 Downing St 4/174, 5/227-8, 6/330, 16/26
Silver Workshop Ltd 27/76–77
Silversmithing, see Techniques
Silversmiths see Craftsmen, Individual

names, Techniques, Trades, Workshop
[jeweller] 18/122
[watchmaker] 18/122
Thomas 5/214
Abraham 5/214
/Symon/Simmons, Peter 18/122
Simons, William: 10/62

Charles 19/51
Hall, Miller & Co 27/72
John 15/23
Joseph 6/310
William 8/523, 14/80
Simson/Simpson [watchmaker]: 18/122
Sinclair, Alexander: 11/151-3, 11/165, 16/92
Singer, Isaac: 4/115

Francis 14/99, 14/108
Stevens, Roger & Katherine 14/101
Top marking 14/123
Sinkinson, Roger: 10/71
Sinzendorf, Count 22/8
Siveright family 19/53
Six, Flor: 11/151
Sizergh Castle 26/41
Skene, Edward: 14/81
Skidmore, Francis: 16/152

Christopher 16/100
Matthew 13/112*
[watchmaker] 18/122
William 11/151, 11/153
Skottowe, Timothy: 16/33, 21/64

Daniel 4/153
Thomas 11/153, 16/91
Slancey: 13/114*
Slater, James: 8/508, 6/47
Slavery: 13/14
Sleath, Gabriel: 3
/50, 6/312, 9/595, 9/603, 12/152, 13/120, 15/63, 19/166, 21/68, 22/90, 26/42
Sleider, John: 19/46

Edward 16/89
Edward Jr 11/151-2
Sloane, Sir Hans 21/37-8
Small, Dr William: 12/39
Smallman [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/122
Smallwork: 14/49

Bookmarks 7/420
Buckles 26/61
Marrow scoops 9/602
Register 12/97
Skewers 8/508
Snuff 8/521
Tea tongs 15/119
Smart, William: 10/59, 11/142
Smee, Alfred, Elements of Electrometallurgy 27/8

& Asprey/Smith & Co 7/391
& Sharp 1/3, 6/294, 6/313, 7/336-7, 8/522, 10/116, 12/152, 21/136
Abraham 12/121, 12/123
Adam 12/54
Alan 15/167
Ambrose 3/14-18, 3/23-7, 3/34-8, 3/43, 3/50
Ann 26/67
Benjamin & James 1/32, 4/161, 6/265, 6/283, 6/315, 7/364, 8/522, 10/115, 12/149, (includes individual references to each)
Benjamin 26/89
Benjamin II 11/258, 21/84, 21/136
[broker] 18/122
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/122
Catterson-, R. 19/154
Daniel & Sharp, Robert 16/147
Edward 7/421, 12/66, 12/68, 12/78
G. & Fearn, W. 4/137, 8/457, 9/603
George 10/62
George, bucklemaker 26/60
George II 8/510
George III 8/510,15/92, 26/65
Hannah 26/68
James 14/85, 21/79
Joachim 13/111
John 3/16, 3/43, 7/345, 7/355, 9/614, 14/85, 14/10001, 14/121-2
Jno of Bath 13/112*
Joseph D. 13/29
Mr (engraver 18th c) 22/28
Martha 26/65
Nicholson & Co 19/12
Richard (Winchester) 13/61
Robert 11/147-8, 11/151-2, 14/85
Robert Catterson 11/224-6
Sir Thomas 14/138
Sissons & Co 15/116
Stephen & Son 11/247
T & Sons 27/105
Thomas 10/75, 14/103
Thomas (engraver) 22/28
[watchmaker] 18/122
William (Dublin) 13/38, (Limerick) 13/35, (Liverpool) 12/153, (London) 13/113*, (Waterford) 13/38
see Rundells, Scott, Smith
Smither, James: 13/29
Smithin, Samuel: 11/135

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/122
Smithson [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/123

Robert 11/153
Thomas 9/562
Smythe, Wallace 22/70
Smythier/Smithier, Robert: 7/371, 7/375, 11/176, 12/120, 17/22, 26/8
Snawsell, William: 4/175
Snelling, John: 11/171
Sneyd chandelier: 11/181
Snitterfield House: 7/suppl

Robert 13/72
Thomas 18/123
Snowman, Kenneth, The Art of Carl Fabergé, 1953: 36/44
Snuff: 12/37
Snuffboxes 14/49, 16/114, 16/117
Snuffbox makers 14/49
Snuffer tray and scissors, William Aytoun, Edinburgh, 1722: 36/63
Soame, William 27/102
Society of Arts 27/6
Societies: Wine Label Circle 22/76
Société des Artistes Décorateurs: 15/144
Soham 25/17
Soho: 10/77

Mint 15/168
Manufactory 7/342, 10/77, 19/19, 22/51
see Boulton, Toymakers
Sokborn, Richard 25/15
Solanier, Paul: 11/255
Soldan, John: 14/58
Solegny, Eugene J.: 8/522
Soleirol, Gaspard : 4/63-4
Solis, Virgil: 15/14, 15/16, 16/57

Bernard 14/114
Samuel 12/110
Soloro, Gorspor see Soleirol

Charles Seymour, 6th Duke of 16/83, 20/36
21/27, 21/36
Dowager Duchess of 9/583
Duke of 19/74
Somervall, James: 36/71
Songa A. & B.: 12/48
Sonnier, Joseph: 13/15

Sorby, Henry Clifton: 36/6
Soret, Nicolas (-Duval) 19/18
Sotheby’s: 10/7, 20/130

see Auctions
Sotro, John: 16/120
Sottsass, Ettore: 19/165
Soumaine, Simeon: 13/20, 16/79
Source of silver/gold: 14/141

New Zealand 14/5-6
Youanmi 15/176
see Bullion, Melting of silver, Mining, Workshop
South Carolina: 19/15
South Sea Company: 12/85, 20/29, 20/118

Edward 11/172
William 3/36
Southam, Giles: 18/123

Earl of 6/307
French Church 16/30
Southton, Nathaniel: 11/164
Souvenirs: 12/65
Sowerwalt, Antony: 13/14
Spackman, John: 14/99
Spain and colonial silver: 1/5

Spalding, Peter: 36/64
Spanish Fury in Antwerp: 36/49
Spanish silver 25/32
Sparke, Robert: 14/103

Sydney 15/150, 15/153
Thomas 11/231-2, 13/29
Spayne, Ronald: 15/150
Speaker’s plate see Officers of state
Spearing, Richard: 3/48
Special Collection Scheme: 16/5
Spence, Sir Basil 74

Earl 8/485, 26/87
Edward 15/126
William 18/123, 27/5
Spertus competition: 21/128
Spilman, John: 5/246, 6/324
Spilsbury, Francis: 13/114*
Spinazzi, Angelo: 12/23
Spinola, Benedict: 11/191
Spitzer, Frederick: 1/7, 7/364
Spoon collections, Ellis: 14/128
Spoonmakers: 10/64

Coles, Lawrence 26/9
Apostle figures 13/40
Astor 5/204, 7/359
Bird-decorated 13/27
Drawback marks 4/136
Identification of 16/32
Laceback 13/61
Laceback trefid 4/153
of Lammaistenkoski 25/86
Netherhampton 3/13-17, 3/37-8
Plunkett 22/83
Salisbury vol 3
Spanish 25/32
Straining 25/70
Tichborne 9/559
West country 10/27
Charles 8/469

Spragg, Charles 18/123
Spranger, Bartholomeus: 4/148
Spratley, William: 6/285
Spratling, William: 15/160
Spratling: 13/135
Spreng, Johann: 16/58
Sprimont, Nicholas:
 1/56, 4/122, 7/364, 10/17,
20/11, 20/14, 20/41, 20/73, 20/131, 21/25, (portrait) 22/26, 27/91
Spring, William: 14/99, 14/103, 18/123
Spurgeon, Farrer: 14/127
SS collar: 16/67, 16/73-4
Stabler, Harold: 8/522, 12/135, 12/143
Stacey, Henry 27/32
Stade goldsmith’s corporation: 5/235
Stafford, Earl of: 8/487
Stahl, Jean-Geoffroy: 15/112
Stainbank: 13/113*
Stained glass 26/41
Stainless steel: 12/139, 12/143, 27/80

design and production 36/56, 36/96
Stair, Lord: 11/138
Stalker, John and W. Parker, A Treatise of Japanning & Varnishing 26/41

5th Earl of 25/30
6th Earl of 25/31
James 25/95
Employees of 25/96
Stamper, John: 11/231, 12/100-1, 19/47

Britannia 9/532, 10/29
France 9/545
German 17th c plate, 12/132, 14/112
Gold 10/30
Holland 11/182
Lille 6/298
Paris 11/181
Scottish 13/82, 13/86
Turin 21/31
see Alloys, Assay, Hallmarking, Laws, Weight
Standelfe, John: 19/121

Lt-Col Bennett 14/128, 16/142
Sir C. Thomas 7/416
Lady Grizel, accounts of 26/20
Lord, accounts of 26/20
Anthony 11/147-51, 11/153, 11/165, 16/92
(Auctioneer) 7/357
Charles 20/62
Edward 13/113*
Hans 13/104
Henry 6/316
Sir Thomas 11/191
Stanton, George 27/11
Stapley, Jack: 16/7
Starck, Jacob: 16/63
Stark, Stephen: 14/72

Henry 11/170, 12/120-3, 26/8
Thomas 12/120-2
Starkie, L.N. 27/85
Starkie-Bence cup: 10/111
Starr, Theodore B.: 8/523
Stationers’ Company 26/108

Statute see Assays, Laws

Staunton Harold altar set: 15/21
Staveley Iron Works: 12/29
Stayley, William: 15/88
Steel: 12/34

Florence 6/316
Stefani & D.: 2/105
Stein collection: 6/300
Steiner, Henry: 15/133-5
Stell, Philip, Probate Inventories of the York Diocese 26/113
Stelton 27/80

Stephanoff, J 26/37
Stephenson, William (Gibraltar) 61
Stepney, George 22/119
Sterling: 10/20, 11/230, 11/237

Table of 9/533
see Alloys, Assay, Laws, {tab} Marks, Marks illustrations of, Pyx, Standard
Sterling Silversmiths Guild of America 25/21

Steven, John: 14/85

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/123
James 18/123
Katherine 14/98, 14/100, 14/108
Roger 10/50, 14/99, 14/108
Sir Philip 13/105
Hugh 14/99
Steventon [goldsmith] 18/124
Archibald 6/317
Augustine 14/88
Graham: 7/419; 13/9
Joseph II 26/45
Peter 36/82
Stickland, Osmond: 14/99
Stieger, Jacqueline: 5/219
Still life painting: 19/131
Still life, illustrated: 14/147;

Chase, M.E. 4/161
Espinosa, J.B. de 1/6
Lance, George 15/114
Roestraeten 6/325
Vanitas 2/109
(Winghen) 5/239
Yarmouth collection 19/98
Stillingfleet, Benjamin: 16/132
Stirling, Alexander: 5/230
Stock [watchmaker]: 18/124
Stock-taking, Emes and Barnard 25/47
Stodhard, Thomas (coffee jug): 9/615
Stodhart, Alfred: 6/281
Stofer, Hans: 21/125
Stoke Gifford: 7/388
Stoker, Joseph: 11/164

Stolen silver: see Crime

A.J. 7/428
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/124
Revd Mr 13/113*
Robert E. 1/50, 6/324, 8/525, 14/8, 15/150
Stoneware 26/50
Stör, Thomas II: 16/55
Storage of plate: 11/245, 15/93

see Use of plate, Workshop
Storer, George: 10/18
Storr, Paul: 11/221, 11/255, 
14/29, 15/158, 17/29, 19/165, Chinoiserie teapot 26/56
& Co 2/89
& Mortimer 2/70, 6/283, 21/84, 22/100
Biog 2/89, 6/277, 6/288, 6/292
Candelabra 10/99
Candlestick 4/169, 7/368, 9/615, 10/97
Chester 4/146
Clock 10/98
Dish 7/362
Font 6/314
Kettle 6/265
Paul 22/47
Salts 4/120
Skewer 8/512, 9/603
Tureen 9/543
Urn 6/327
Vase 4/131
see Rundell, Bridge & Rundell
Stot, Benjamin: 15/116

Alfred Joseph 6/285
George 22/59
Thomas 4/161, 6/285, 7/362, 8/485, 15/158
Stoughton, Nathaniel: 11/146

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/124
John 19/117, 21/6
Stowe collection and 1848 sale: 5/245, 2/86,
5/246, 6/323, 7/363, 7/367
Stoyde (cutler): 11/151
Stoyte, John: 11/154

A.J. 8/503-4, 8/506, 8/525, 9/607
Rear-Admiral 26/90
Strafford, Earl of: 8/498
Strange, Sir Robert: 19/56

Fox 8/469
Mary 8/474
Strasbourg: 15/107

John 3/10
Lawrence 3/10
Stratford Guild 26/111

3rd Earl of: 13/81
10th Earl of 25/79
Strauch, Lorenz: 4/148
Strawberry Hill (collection and sale 1842):
6/306, 6/311, 7/360, 7/363, 7/366, 13/52
see Walpole
Streater, Edmund: 11/174, 11/183
Streeter, Edwin W.: 5/249
Stretton: 13/113*
Strickland (at Soho): 7/355
Stringer [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/124
Strong, Sir Roy: 16/150

Strode [broker/pawnbroker] 18/124
William 14/76, 15/158
Gen Sir John 1/35
James 7/341, 16/132, 19/23, 19/67
James (Old Pretender) 20/22, 20/29
James ‘Athenian’ 25/31
John 22/52
Prince Charles Edward 5/246, 6/318
Studio, magazine 26/99
Stukeley, William: 4/175
Styles, Alex: 1/51, 8/525, 14/9-10, 15/153

Hall 25/32
prizes: 9/608
Church Silver 36/13
Survery of 36/13
Trade routes of 36/15
Sugar bowl, Ebenezer Oliphant: 36/83
Sulkowski, Count von 22/123, 22/152
Summerly, Felix 27/11
Summers, William 27/86
Summons cards: 18/19
Sumner, William I 25/39
Sun Fire Office 19/170
see Individual firms, Inventories, Workshop
Sunderland, 2nd Earl of: 19/72
Sundials: 14/140
Surmount, Charles: 10/76

Surrealism, influence of in silver design: 36/90
Surrey enamel: 19/133
Surtout de table: 19/79

Surveyor of the King’s Pictures, Abraham van Dort: 36/48
Susini, Antonio: 12/151

Duke of 14/40, 14/112, 19/13
(sale 1843) 6/308, 6/312, 6/321, 7/363, 7/366
University 27/74
John 14/82
Wine cistern 1/53
James 25/96
s John 11/255, 19/123, 21/59
Sir Ralph 11/138
Thomas 11/166-7, 16/96
William 25/98
Suzuki, Hiroshi: 12/3, 16/11, 19/165, 21/122, 36/5

David 11/148, 11/151, 11/153
Edward 11/164
Swan service 22/125
Swansea, mayoral badges, designed by Eric Clements 36/98
Swanson, Robert: 13/105
Swaythling collection:
 4/119, 6/323, 7/359,
7/365, 7/368, 10/115
Sweden, 25/84
Sweden, argent haché: 36/106
Sweet, Edward: 4/154

James 7/336
John 6/327, 9/542, 22/90
Jonathan 16/78
Thomas 12/99
Swiney prize: 7/430
Swords/swordmakers: 7/392, 8/503, 14/140
Sy & Wagner: 4/175
Sylvius, Balthasar: 11/242
Symbolism, on Darnley Jewel: 13/56
Symons, Lyon de: 10/75
Sympson, Joseph: 6/262-3, 7/365, 9/611, 9/616, 14/144, 22/158, 36/35
Sympsone, James: 5/190

Philip 8/522, 19/66
Philip II 20/89, 20/101