Search index of issues 1-25
Index Y
Yapp, John: 12/79
Yardley, W.: 7/392
Yarlington church:16/28
1st Earl of 19/98, 19/131
Collection (painting) 19/98, 19/131
Yarp [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/129
Yates, Henry: 19/42
Yeaman, William: 6/286
Yede, Takahiro 27/96
Yeman, Richard Henry: 6/287
Yenn, John: 7/335
Yixing stoneware, 26/50
Yonge, Sir William: 13/104
York: 5/244, 10/119, 26/113
Archbishop of 13/104
Cardinal Duke of 7/368
Duchess of (17th c) 2/67
(Ann Hyde) 15/57
Duke and Duchess 14/5, 14/31, 14/40
Duke of 12/122, 13/107; (Ernst August) 19/109
Duke of (collection) 7/360, 7/363, 7/366, 10/116
Edward 17/28, 18/129
Gold boxes 13/103
James, Duke of 26/39
Merchant Adventurers 4/174
Charles 13/104
Edward 10/111, 18/129
John 15/93
Yorkstown, (Yorkstoun(e)), (Yorston), Mungo:
14/80, 14/81, 15/168
George: 36/68
James: 14/81
You, Thomas: 2/75
Youanmi mine: 15/176
Youghal: 13/35
Henrie 5/189
James 9/553, 21/26-7, 21/68
Simon 16/96
Smith & Co 21/108
Younge, John Trevers: 12/29-30
Younger, Edward: 11/194
Yourston, Thomas: 6/327
Yousef, Aix: 12/36