Search index of issues 1-25

Index T

Taaffe, Joseph: 11/167, 16/100
Table plan see Domestic arrangements, Use

of plate
Tackle House Porter: 16/128, 16/130
Tain: 10/119

Adam 14/82, 19/53, 36/73
Hugh 19/116
James 14/81, 19/52, 36/66
Taitt, Benjamin: 11/154
Talavera, battle of 26/93

Earl 27/91
2nd Earl of 11/208
J.M.: 12/149
Tallbott, William: 21/134
Tamagawa, Nobuo: 21/121
Tankard 26/34

John Richardson 26/11
Richard: 16/78
Rock crystal and silver-gilt, circa 1655 36/52
Tankerville, Earl of: 6/314
Tanner, John: 9/604

Anne 6/311, 7/424, 11/135, 11/140, 11/142, 14/29, 16/124
David 10/59, 11/135, 11/140, 11/142, 22/42
Family 4/162
John Sparkes 6/286
William 6/286
Targee, Peter & John: 4/158
Tasmanian silver: 2/71
Tasser, James: 16/38
Tassie, James: 6/292
Tate, William: 10/72
Tatham, Charles Heathcote: 8/481, 9/616, 10/101
Taudin, James: 10/47
Taunton (Britannia ware): 21/108

Collector of 26/44
Hearth 26/7
Land 26/6, 26/28, 26/42, 26/62
On possession 12/85
plate 22/39
Poor 26/66
see Duty, Laws, Quinto
Taylebois (Tayleboyes), Robert: 14/97, 17/13

Thomas 11/173
Vaughan 10/76
William see Wakelin
Michael 26/25
William 26/25
& Perry 12/66-79
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/124
Gerald 26/9
John 12/31
John (Soho client) 7/346
Joseph 2/74, 12/78
Lloyd 12/52, 12/46
Peter 22/50
Samuel 20/90
Samuel & Co 12/27
Sir Thomas 22/35
William 26/61
Tea caddy, William Ker, Edinburgh, 1772: 36/81
Tea kettle, Charles Kandler: 36/35
Design source 26/50
Don Porrit, Sheffield, 1962 36/56
William Aytoun, Edinburgh, 1763 36/64
William Dempster, Edinburgh, 1758
Minster, Don Porritt, Sheffield, 1998 36/59
Tea Service:
Clements, EPNS, Mappin & Webb, 1960 36/95
Don Porritt, Sheffield, 2010 36/61
Eric Clements, design for 36/90, 36/91
Erik Nordgren, paktong, Sweden, 1792 36/107
Teare, Samuel: 11/154, 14/124
Tearle, Thomas: 6/327, 21/65-6
Techniques: 21/133

(17th c) 9/585, 10/40
(18th c) 8/488; centrepiece 21/27
(20th c) 4/139, 19/103, 19/151, 19/165
Alpacca 2/109
Anglo Saxon 19/137
Annealing 12/35
At Soho 7/342, 10/77
Baked paper 12/44
Bark finish 19/149, 19/165
Bookbinding 11/240, 27/92
Britannia standard 9/596
CAD/CAM 19/103
Candlestick 11/199, 11/201, 11/203
Carving and casting models 15/14, 15/108-11
Casting 4/148, 4/167, 6/271, 6/274, 10/52, 12/11, 12/13, 12/22-4, 20/60; in America 20/100; Lamerie 20/122-6
Chasing 4/177, (19th c) 16/64, later 21/85
Chasing added later 21/85
Chasing (Illustrated) 14/13
Cleaning 16/102
Close plate 12/41
Coal 12/30
Colouring and patination 13/135
Computer aided engraving 21/132
Cuir bouilli 11/246
Cut-card 10/52
Cutlery 16/113
Development of 12/8
Dictionary of 12/151
Dies 22/54
Die-sinking/stamping 3/16, 4/153, 7/344, 6/279, 7/344, 9/571, 11/205, 11/218, 12/31, 12/34, 13/27-9, 19/42, 19/157
Electroforming 27/8
Electroplate 1/26, 27/7
Electrotype 19/5, 27/8
Enamelling 2/83, 19/102, 19/133, 19/161
Engraving 20/65
Engraving on close plate 12/42
Erichsen test 10/108
Filigree 2/65, 15/161
Finishes 5/248
Firestain 10/106, 19/161, 19/165
Flat-chasing 14/98
Fly-press and screw-press 19/42
French plating 12/35
Frosting 22/35
Germanium 19/102, 19/161
Gilding 4/160, 12/24
Handles, illustration 20/81
Illustrated 16/12, 20/84
Japanese lacquer and copperware 14/141
Japanese metalwork 21/120
Laser cutting 6/255, 15/166, 16/153
Mace (2010) 27/89
Machinery, use of 7/343
Manual of 21/136
Marking 19/41
Medal making 5/213, 5/215, 5/217
Melting pewter 22/66
Mercury gilding 22/66
Mixed media 27/14, 27/96
Mixed metals 26/104
Models and patterns 2/110, 4/148, 4/168, 4/180
Moulds 19/8, 22/153
Oxidising 13/138
Paktong 12/39
Patina 1/13
Piercing (illus) 27/48
Piercing (in America) 20/101
Plating 4/159, 12/33
Polishing/burnishing 19/21
Processing waste 12/33
Raising 4/142
Rococo and Régence 20/60
Rolling mill 2/62, 7/342, 12/32
Sculpture 12/19
Shagreen 9/609
Sheffield Plate 12/27, 12/41, 16/113
Solder 12/41
Spoonmaking 13/27-8
Stainless steel 12/144
Stamping 16/114
Tarnishing 19/165
Varnishing 12/31
Weighing gold 22/66
Wells metal 16/116
Wire drawing 21/80
see Alloys, Base metal, Casting, Chasing, Duty dodging, Engraving, Gilding of plate, Invoices, Patina, Plated wares, Terminology, Workshop
Telfer, Samuel:14/86
Temperantia Dish 27/11

(goldsmith) 7/391
Robert 11/172
Tempesta Antonio: 6/263
Temple Church: 15/152
Temple Newsam House: 6/256, 36/8, 36/31

dinner service at 36/32
Temple, Sir William: 11/137, 14/102
Templer: 13/113*
Tendring, James: 10/52
Tenner, Armin (Berlin): 21/112
Tenniel, Sir John 27/106

Ashet 5/192
Base metal and plate 12/26
Basins 12/114
Basket 12/118
Casolette 13/138
Caster 15/20
Clinch 26/115
Confection dish 13/87
Costume (18th c) 16/46
Cresset 26/115
Cruet etc 22/38
Dejeuner 10/84
Dining equipment 12/117
Electro-gilt 7/360
Essay cup 16/82
Fayn 26/114
Fork 13/88
Forties, etc 7/376
Free brother 16/88
French fashioned 15/47
French food and utensils 20/19
Frosting ‘dead silver’ 7/360
Geschworener & Vorgeher 15/75
Godet 16/67
Heraldic 14/29
Intermiss 7/376
Livery/flagon 4/127
Marriage plate 12/86
Mazarine(/een) 13/87, 16/82
Merchant 12/101
New fashioned 15/47
Ob[olus] 12/128
Oil of vitriol 12/33
Pearl ashes 12/109
Poteller 16/41
Pounson 26/115
Probate 16/46
Ringstand 16/82
Rinspindle 26/115
Sarce 26/115
Scarce-casket 26/115
Sherithez 26/115
Silversmith 7/342
Skinker 7/382
Sole plate 13/87
Spanne-tongs 26/115
Spitting pott 16/82
Stew pan 16/82
Stithy 26/115
Surtouts, centrepieces, etc 19/80
Tays 26/115
Tea tongs 15/119
Technè 12/8
Test bottoms 12/33
Triblet 26/115
Vernicle 4/126
Water bottle 16/82
Weights 16/39, 16/41
see Accounts, Alloys, Invoices, 7/suppl
Terne, Dr: 12/116
Terril: 13/113*

Carden: 13/32
George (Gibraltar) 27/59-60
John Edward 26/56
Teschen, Duke of: 7/424, 8/525
Tessiers: 4/180
Carl Gustaf 20/22
Nicodemus 19/85
Tétard, Maison 22/80
Tetzel family: 16/63
Teviot, Earl of: 12/114
Thackeray, William: 12/64

Thain, Marcus: 36/54
Thames, James: 19/121

Earl of 9/552
House illustrated 9/553
Tufton Sackville, 7th Earl of 20/67, 20/133
Thatcher/Fletcher [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/97
Thayer, Anthony: 36/38
Theatre: 19/14

Edinburgh 19/58
French 19/6
London 19/14
Theatrum Europaum 22/118
Theed, William: 2/100, 10/76, 27/14-15

Theft, in Edinburgh, Eighteenth Century: 36/77
Theft of plate: 15/79

(18th c) 16/46
see Crime
Thelot, J.A.: 5/246
Theobalds, William: 6/284, 8/512
Theophilus: 12/8
Thibault/Teboe/Thibauld [jeweller]: 18/124

Peter 26/27
Thomas 26/27
Thirkleby flagons: 15/20
Thiselton, Arthur Loutherbourg: 19/14—5

Thom, Alexaner: 36/80

John Blount 1/23
J. Rochelle 8/466
Mathew 11/144, 11/146
Richard 25/7
Thomas Coram Hospital: 11/252
Thomason, Edward: 15/116
Thomegay, Mark: 10/75
Thomlinson, Revd John: 12/57

James 11/147-8, 11/150-1
Jean 36/74
John (York) 6/258
Samuel (Durham) 15/82
Andrew 26/76
John 26/76
William: 14/84
Thomas 3/12, 3/16-18, 3/40, 3/46, 3/49-50, 16/33
Thornburg/Thornborough [watchmaker] 18/125
Thornborough, John: 3/19
Godfrey 26/79
John 11/145, 12/80
Walter de 12/153
Thorold, Sir Robert: 16/83
Thorp, David: 15/92
Thorpe, George: 10/117
Thrale, Mrs: 16/132
Threlfall, Capt: 13/112*

[goldsmith] 18/125
[toyman] 18/125
[watchmaker] 18/125
Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas: 11/191
Throgmorton Street 26/23
Throwstone, Sir John: 19/126
Thurkle, Francis: 10/75
Thursby, John 98, 26/10
Thurston, I.: 6/315
Thynne, Thomas, 2nd Viscount Weymouth, accounts of 26/20
Tichborne family/case 22/101
Tichborne spoons: 6/307, 9/559
Ticher, Kurt: 16/25
Tidmarsh [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/125
Tiffany: 12/150, 14/140, 14/142, 25/19

& Co 4/178, 8/522, 10/115, 16/146
Louis C. 11/253
Tillander, Alexander: 36/42
Tillemans: 6/263
Tilly[i]er family: 13/110*
Tilsen, John: 13/112*
Timberlake, Thomas: 14/62
Timbers, Calambourg: 19/73

Timbrell, Robert: 17/45
Timeline: (1682—1762) 20/128
Times past 22/75
Timme/Tim, Jochim: 14/14
Timms, Capt John Fann 26/89
Tincombe, John: 13/107
Tingcombe, John: 13/105
Tingley, Samuel: 5/246
Tintern Abbey: 12/74
Tire, George: 14/99
Tirebuck, G.F.: 15/124
Tiron, Pierre: 6/299, 22/10-12

Titanium 36/97
Toch, Adi 27/91
Todd, Samuel (goldsmith): 15/78
Tofani, Filippo: 12/23-4
Toilet service: 4/162, 8/465

(for Dresden) 20/47
Tolcher, Henry: 13/104, 13/107
Tolentino, Treaty of: 12/21
Toleson/Tolson/Tollson [watchmaker]: 18/125
Tollemache, see Dysart

Harding 27/30
Thomas: 8/504
Tomkinson, Humphrey: 10/76
Tomlin/Tomlyn/Tonlain [watchmaker]: 18/125
Tomlinson, Capt Nicholas 26/78
Tompion, Thomas: 10/32
Tong[q]ues, Gilbert: 11/146-7, 11/158
Tongue, John: 12/69, 12/73, 12/78

Tonks, Birmingham: 36/95
Tonnellier: 9/615
Tonques, Gilbert: 12/80
Tontines: 8/445
Tonyn, Revd Mr: 13/113*
Tookey, James: 13/110, 13/114*

John 11/185, 11/187
Nicholas 11/185, 11/187
Tools see Techniques
Tordsen: 14/117
Torey/Tower [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/125
Tormes, Miss: 13/114*
Torrington, Viscount: 13/104

Tortoiseshell: 12/31
Touch money (Dublin): 16/93
Touch/touchmark: see Assay, Hallmarking
Tough, Philip: 11/153, 16/92
Toulman, Edmund: 18/13
Touraillon, Nicholas: 20/18
Tournament roll: 8/440
Tournes, Jean de: 16/58
Tournham, Mrs, at Leighton: 13/114*
Tournières, Robert Levrac: 19/92, 19/97
Tourton & Baur 22/130
Toussaint, Louis: 14/69
Towle Silversmiths 25/24

John (Cape) 9/604
Philip 16/92
William 16/100
Family 15/31, 15/36-9
Francis 16/83
Lord 11/134
Thomas 26/35
Toy, Joseph: 20/92
Toymakers: 7/342, 9/590
see Shopkeeping, Smallwork
Toymen/Toyshops: 12/65, 14/54, 14/60, 14/68, 26/17, 27/111, 16/117
Chenevix 14/74
Deards, John 22/47
Farquharson, James 19/63
see Curiousity shops, Shopkeeping, Smallwork
Traba (at Soho): 7/355
Tracey, John S 26/89
Trade card:

Hopkins, John 22/50
Samuel Godbehere 25/98
Trade cards illustrated:
Dixon, James & Son 21/105
Drury, Dru 10/74
Garden, Phillips 20/43
Green & Ward 4/161
Rundell’s 2/91
Whipham, Thomas 13/109
White, John 8/469
see Advertisements, Catalogues, Invoices, Shop signs
directories 26/47
see Catalogues, Cost of plate, Craftsmen, Shop signs, Toyshops, Workshop management
Trades 26/46
Alternative occupation of Silversmiths 13/19, 16/78
Ancillary 9/574, 10/8
Chaser 19/46
Clockmaker (16th c) 13/51
‘Cofermaker’ (16th c) 13/51
Cutler (16th c) 13/51
Cutlery firms 12/28
Framemaker 19/46
Gold beater 19/46
Hoop pettycoat maker 16/78
Laceman 12/109-10
Locksmith (16th c) 13/51
Luxury 26/17, 26/47
Maiden Hospital, Ediburgh 36/63
Merchant 12/101
Numerous 14/49
Patte[r]nmaker 19/69
Seal cutter 19/51
Snuffbox makers 14/49
Swordmakers and allied trades 14/140
Toyman 14/56, 26/17
Various 12/105-6
Water-gilder 19/46
see individual entries, (eg Chaser, Engraver), Livery companies, Workshop
Battle of 1/27, 26/75
Bicentenary 19/38
Vase 1/39
see Assay, {tab} Marks, Standard
Traffords of Cecil St: 13/114*
Transport: 11/245, 16/130

England to America 20/96
Of plate 4/130, 8/442, (17th c) 15/25; (18th c) 20/24, 20/54-6
see Customs, Export, Import, Invoices, Workshop
Transportation as punishment: 15/92
Trappis, Robert: 19/128

Earl of, accounts 19/62
Phoebe 15/72, 19/171
Ramsay 12/149
Trastevere: 2/82
Travers, Hartley & Son: 12/47

Francis Nelme, 1726 36/35
Digby Scott and Benjamin Smith, 1802 36/35
Treadwell Whitcomb & Co: 21/110
Treasure trove:
 14/141-2, 16/152-3
Charles I 5/249
Hoards 1/10, 4/176, 4/180, 7/422, 8/462
River Plate 5/250
Spain 1/6
see Laws, Shipwrecks
Treasury silver: 14/145
Treaty, Anglo-French Trade: 20/24
Treble/Trible [jeweller]: 18/125
Treby, George: 4/165-6, 10/60, 20/12, 20/14, 20/60, 20/68, 20/133
Treen, Edward 26/7
Tregent, Anthony: 16/118

Trent, Council of: 15/10
Treskow, Elizabeth: 2/110
Treste, Abb� le 22/127
Treveylin, Sir John: 15/94
Trevor, John Morley: 16/83
Trials, see Crime, Old Bailey
Tribe, Mr: 12/101
Trier, Archbishop/Elector: 5/241
Tringaund, Mrs: 13/114*
Trinity House: 8/457-9
Trip/Tripp[broker/pawnbroker]: 18/125
Troby, John: 14/37

Trongate, Glasgow illustrated: 11/213
Tropher [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/125
Cricket 27/67
Racing 14/11, 16/90, 16/147, 26/40, 27/34
see Presentation plate
Axa Equity & Law Sunday League 36/54
Don Porritt 36/57
Trouvain, Antoine: 15/55
Truclock [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/125
Trundell (spoonmaker): 9/562
Truro, Lord: 14/35
Truxtun, Thomas 26/78, 27/16
Tsushima, Jean: 16/30
Tucker [watchmaker]: 18/125

& Leader 8/524, 10/85, 10/90, 12/30-3, 16/112
Art Works 15/150
Henry 10/76
Richard 8/509
Tudric pewter 26/111

John 9/574, 10/73, 26/18, (Tute) 16/92
William 8/509, 9/582
Tulip mania: 16/53
Tulloch mazer: 13/54
Tumbler cups: 11/254
Tunkes, Gilbert: 7/391
Tunnicliffe: 13/113*

Family 12/100-1
Jean-Baptiste-François Cheret 36/35
Tray and ladle, Fabergé, Moscow, 1908 36/104
and stand, argent haché, Caspar Liedenberg, 1768 36/106

Royal silver 21/31
Silversmiths 15/162
Turke, Lionel: 3/36
Turku 25/84
Turmeau [jeweller]: 18/126
Turnbull, Patrick, 40

Francis, Bishop of Eley and Lord Almoner 26/39
George 10/75
John 10/100, 13/113*
Sir John 14/107
[watchmaker] 18/126
Turners 26/47
Turnerelli, Peter: 8/503
Turpin, Antoine: 15/60
Turquand [jeweller]: 18/126
Turrel [goldsmith]: 18/126

(Close plate) 15/116
John 12/49
John & Co 22/70

Tute (Tuite), John: 16/92
Tweeddale, Marquess of 27/39
Tweedie, Walter: 8/510, 10/72-6
Twell, William 26/45
Twentyman & Co: 4/152, 9/604

Twiford, Sir Nicholas: 19/121
Twining: 13/112*
Richard 7/392
Twist, John Brown 25/106
Twistleton, John: 19/127
Tye, George: 12/78
Tyldsley, Thomas: 16/44
Tyler, William: 11/168, 11/172
Typlady, Thomas 18
Tyrell, Robert: 13/115*
Tyrer, William: 7/343
Tyrill, Robert: 8/469
Tysoe, John: 11/135
Tyson, Henry: 7/355
Tyte, Robert: 3/10-28, 3/34-8, 3/48, 16/33