Search index of issues 1-25

Index F

Fabergé: 36/40
Alexander 36/42
Archives 36/44
Articles on 36/44, 36/104
Carl 36/40
et Cie 36/42
Eugène 36/42
Faking of 36/42
Firm 36/40
Hardstone figures 36/42
Imitation of 36/42
Kovsh, Moscow, 1899 36/105
Study of output 36/43
Suppliers to 36/42
Studies 36/114
Tureen, tray and ladle, Moscow, 1908 36/104
Fabergé, P.C.: 5/246, 6/329-30, 8/522
see Individual masters
John 14/103
Joseph 14/99
Fabutt, George: 9/561
Faesch, Johann Rudolf I 22/157
Fahrner, Theodor: 4/177
Fairbank, William: 12/30
Fairhaven, Lord: 12/151

Fairs: 12/28-9, 12/102, 12/107
Fleet market 10/66
Frankfurt 5/241
Southwark 1705 9/593
Weyhill 3/14, 3/26
see Cost of plate, Goldsmiths’ Company
searches, Searches, Shopkeeping
Fajardo, Diego: 14/117
Fakes: 2/86, 4/117, 13/123, 14/141-
Goldsmiths’ Hall warning 21/7
Of marks 19/41, 23/107
see Alterations to plate, Crime, Duty dodging, Reproduction/replica
Falcke, David: 9/568

Frères 4/177
Lucien 6/321, 9/615, 16/145
Falke, Otto von: 4/149
Falkland, Viscount: 14/36
Fallows, Thomas: 14/71
Family trees:

Harache 28/14
Le Sage 28/172
Margas 28/15
Pantin 28/15
Fanden family: 14/117

Lady 12/121-2, 15/51
Sir Richard 12/115
Faraday, Michael and Sarah 25/46
Farebrothers (auctioneer): 7/357

Joseph 26/87
Nicholas 19/120
William 19/120
Farington, Joseph: 12/59
Faris, William: 20/87, 20/92

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/97
John 11/165
Richard 7/372-3, 14/99
Farnell/Fernhill/Farnel, John: 18/97

Cardinal 4/149
Elizabeth 12/148
Farnham, Paulding: 4/178, 15/159, 16/146

Alexander 14/82, 36/64
James 19/63
Lewis 14/84
Farrand, Benj: 13/113*
Farrell, Edward: 7/366, 8/485, 10/11, 10/116, 15/168, 28/104
Farren, Thomas:
 2/74, 6/276, 7/365, 11/135, 13/111, 19/101, 19/170, 20/22, 20/121, 20/131, 22/158, 27/20
Farrendine: 11/153
Fashion plates: (17th c) 15/55
Fashioning see Cost of plate
Faulkener, John: 8/485
Faulkner: 13/112*
Faust, Lorenz/Hans: 23/58
Faversham mace: 15/20, 15/31, 15/34
Favri, Nicola di: 8/440
Fawcett, William: 21/108

John I 12/152
William 13/120, 22/45
Feake cup: 11/171, 11/179
Fearn, W.: see Smith

Dorothy 25/35
Francis 25/36
William 25/35
Feasts, religious: 15/9
Featherstough, Sir Matthew: 13/114*
Feddersen, Hans: 5/238
Federmann, Daniel: 16/60
Feeterse family: 13/123
Feilde (spoonmaker): 9/562
Félibien, André: 12/10

Edward 6/276, 8/522, 8/525, 14/76, 18/97, 20/121, 20/131, 25/29
Magdalene 7/387, 7/391
Felling, Gabriel: 4/153, 10/26

John 7/344, 7/353
Jno 18/97
Felton, Robert: 3/5
Fendall, Rushforth: 14/76
Fenn, Howard: 3/11, 8/517, 16/10
Fennell, Theo: 12/151
Fennery [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/97
Fenruther, Robert: 19/126

Creswick & Co 10/90, 12/33, 13/113*
Matthew 10/76
Ferdinandsen, Yuki: 23/30
Fergus(s)on, James: 14/81

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/97
Ian 9/610
Fermin & Tartet 22/54
Fernandes, Ana: 16/22

Edward 21/71
William 6/280
Ferrars, Earl: 15/21
Ferreira, Luiz: 16/19
Ferrier, Alexander: 14/20
Ferriers & Co: 21/112
Ferron, Abraham/Michael: 12/101

Fewster, Mary 36/20
ffells, Joseph: 6/260
ffreeman/Furman/Freeman [watchmaker]: 18/98
Ffutrill, Ambrose: 11/146
ffynard, John 16/44
Ficketts, Anthony: 11/168-73, 12/120

Field of Cloth of Gold: 8/437, 36/109
Field, David: 12/98

Henry 18/32
Owen 13/106
Sir John 15/83
Fife, Earl of: 6/301
Files, Joseph (Bath): 15/81, 15/92
Filiberti, Filippo: 12/25
Filigree: 2/65, 12/45

Caldecott, G. & T. 12/50
Filkin, Thomas: 10/63

Hon Heneage 11/134
Richard 12/105
Roger 16/93
Russell & Co 10/81-91
see Aylesford
Findlay, Kirkman: 11/216
Fines see Assay, Customs, Goldsmiths’ Company
Fingask Castle 27/53
Finland 25/84

Provincial Museum 25/85
Finlay, Robert 36/78
Finsbury College: 11/224
Firemen’s badges: 13/138

Edinburgh assay office 5/187
Goldsmiths’ Company 12/98
London 12/114
see Crime, Workshop
Firmin, Philip: 19/170
Firmin & Sons, Birmingham 36/90
Firnhaber, Charles Edward: 15/135
Firth Vickers: 12/139

Alexander 1/56, 11/224-5, 25/85, 26/110
Alann 36/54
Bishop 13/104, 13/106
Braithwaite & Jones [Fisher & Co] 13/128
Edward 15/135
Jasper 19/129
W.H.S. 6/281
Fishmongers’ Company: 4/139, 5/220, 5/230, 18/22, 27/27
Fitz, Henry Fitz Alwin: 19/119
Fitz-Clarence, Frederick and others: 14/36
Fitzgerald and Vesci, Lord: 7/360
Fitzgibbon, John (Earl of Clare) 21/33
Fitzhall [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/97
Fitzpatrick, Mark: 4/158
Fitzroy, Hon Charles: 14/34, 37
Fitzwalter, Earl: 10/60

see Accounts
Fitzwilliam, Earl of: 7/337, 22/39
Water, Don Porritt, Sheffield, 2008 36/61
Water, Don Porritt, Sheffield, 2007 36/61
Flatware: 2/111, 6/306, 7/384, 11/218

Illustrations of Close plate 15/115
Marking of 14/123
Patterns 28/173
Prelude, Mappin & Webb, designed by Eric Clements, 1961 36/97
Repair of 18th c 19/22
Stainless Steel, Design 36/96
(Soho) 10/81
Tea tongs 15/119
see Cutlery
Flaxman, John 26/83
Fleureau/Floreau [jeweller]: 18/97
Fleury, François Joly de 22/123, 22/130
Flindt, Paulus the elder: 15/16, 15/18, 15/28
Flaxman, John 1/28, 1/40, 6/281, 7/366,

Fleet see Prisons
Fleet Street 26/28
Fleetwood, Charles: 8/488
Fleming family:

Edw 13/113*
Ignatius 13/39
Waterford 13/39
William 11/255, 13/120
Flemming, Carl George Friedrich, Count von:
20/13, 20/48, 20/50, 20/111
Flensburg goldsmiths: 5/237

& Gardiner 13/15 23/146
Andrew, Lord Milton 28/140
Mrs 13/114*
Sir Henry 14/91
Thomas Charles 16/79
Roger 14/138, 19/114
Thomas 14/97
Flippo [jeweller]: 18/97
Floate, Augustin (Newcastle): 9/535
Flood family: 6/308
Floris, Cornelis: 5/202, 28/8
Floris, Cornelius II: 21/37
Flötner, Peter: 7/373, 15/14-5, 15/159
Flowers: 13/112*
Floyer, Peter: 12/33, 12/47, 12/100, 12/108-9, 26/11

F Mountford Ltd 36/98
Fogelberg, Andrew (& Gilbert): 2/89, 4/122,

6/277, 6/290, 7/340, 8/455, 13/113*, 14/29, 14/78, (& Gilbert & Stephen) 16/147, 28/37
Fogell, John 36/81
Folkingham, Thomas: 4/169, 18/97
Fontaine, J. de la: 4/121, 7/345-6, 7/354
Font cups: 16/35
Fontes, see Melting
Fonthill Abbey: 7/362, 7/366, 7/368, 10/97

see Beckford
(late 18th c) 19/22; 19/27, 22/30
see Cookery, Dining, Domestic arrangements, Use of plate
[goldsmith] 18/97
[watchmaker] 18/97
Alexander 14/84, 36/65
Esther 11/152
George 36/70
Hon Admiral 13/114*
Forbes, John 19/78
John W. 5/246
Mr of Conduit Street 13/113*
Forbush, Robert: 11/153

Montague: 15/126
William 26/36
Ford Foundation 36/98
Foreign craftsmen see Aliens
Foreign exchange dealing 25/104
Forgeries see Fakes, Goldsmiths’ Company
Forgery see Crime
Forgotten books

Catalogue of the Royal Naval Exhibition 1891 22/82
Fornas, Carlos Gomis de 25/32
Forres: 4/177
John 13/106, 13/108
William 7/359
Forrester, Patrick: 5/187

Forster, John 19/122
Forterry [watchmaker]: 18/98
Fortescue, William Irvine James Ker and Ker and Dempster 1745-68 28/117br />
Fortification of cities during English Civil War 36/39
Fortunati, Ipolito (gilder): 12/20
Forty, Mr: 4/115

John 10/16
John Jr 12/110
Fossin: 16/149
Jean-Baptiste 1/4

& Son 7/357
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/98
Foster Lane, London 26/42

John 19/19
see Boulton
Foulkes/Fowls [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/98
Fouller, John: 14/83
Foulon, Nicolas-François: 4/168
Founder’s cup, Oriel: 16/65

Fowler/ffowler, Epaphroditus 18/98
[goldsmith] 18/98
[jeweller] 18/98
William 8/484-5, 12/148
Fourfault, Pierre: 9/609

Robert 27/100
Sir Thomas 11/169-73 15/48, 15/50-4, 12/111-25, 14/110, 14/117
William 11/171-2, 11/177
Fowler, Hester 26/7
Fowles & Wotten 22/37, 22/40

Bishop 13/46
C.T. & G. [includes separate entries for Charles and George] 2/89, 2/91, 4/181, 7/367, 26/88
Charles II 21/65
Henry 14/20
Richard 13/11, 15/167, 16/35, 17/40
George 26/88
see Ilchester
Foxall, John: 12/108
Fradin/Fraydon [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/98

Influence of 15/47
Inventory of toilet sets 4/163
Rococo 20/17
war with 26/78
see individual makers/rulers
Frances, John: 13/15
Franchi, Gregorio: 1/12, 7/363

[broker/pawnbroker] 18/98
James 14/73
Richard 15/92
Sir John 19/122
Francis I, King of France 36/108
Francisi, Giacomo: 12/24
Frank, Miss: 13/113*
Franklin, Benjamin: 12/32
Franz Joseph, Emperor: 19/170
Fraprie, Stephen: 4/158

Fishmongers’ Co chandelier 27/28
Gold Dust Robbery, 25/105
Frauenkirche, Dresden: 12/151
Fray, James: 11/154

Charles 21/89
John 14/85
Frederick I of Prussia 23/135
Frederick III of Prussia 23/135
Frederick William I of Prussia 23/135
Prince of Wales 4/118, 5/234, 7/402, 8/488, 14/24, 14/57, 14/74, 20/19, 20/133, 21/25, 27/28
the Great of Prussia 13/95
Alfred Robert 6/281
Richard 6/281
Free brother: 16/88
Free ports 27/56
Freedom boxes: 13/103, 13/138, 14/124, 23/73, 25/103

Godbehere & Wigan 25/103
Freedom, through other companies: Turner’s 19/16
John 16/37-8, 19/68, 26/44
Joseph 13/105
Philip 10/75
Richard 11/152, 11/160
Samuel 19/70
Freemen goldsmiths, Edinburgh, eighteenth century 36/63:
Fees payable for admission to freedom 36/85
Freemasonry: 12/48, 13/135, 15/104, 19/13, 19/58, 19/60, 22/155, 22/90, 28/112
see Masonic jewels
Plate 22/50, 20
Church, Southampton 16/30
‘Fashion’ 12/114-24
Hospital, 25/63
James 10/76
Plate 12/109
Silver in England 20/30
William 16/26
French goldsmiths’ workshops in 17c 28/18

French provincial 22/15

John 3/30
William 4/121
Frende, John II: 16/44
Fréret, Louis-Victor: 23/148
Freshwater, William: 23/82
Frick, Jacob: 15/137

Friedländer Brothers 36/42
Friedrich III of Brandenburg 22/117
Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia: 10/115
Friedrich Wilhelm, Crown Prince: 19/170
Fries, Joachim: 19/104, 19/106, 23/64
Friend, George: 14/8
Friendly Societies Gardeners: 15/104
Frolov, Ivan, Russian Assay Master 28/62
From members’ collections:

A snuff box with a story 22/101
A church – a Trowel 22/103
see {tab} Regular
Frowyk, Henry de: 19/120
Fryer, John: 14/90
Fryth, John (ChIsl): 9/538
Fuchs, Michael: 15/14

Daniel 21/84
Daniel Christian 20/100
Lewis 9/604
Fulham pottery: 4/172
Fuller, Francis & Co: 7/360
Fullerton of Craighill 27/53

Heinrich 13/69
Henrich 14/110
Patriotic Fund 26/77
See Lloyd’s
Fur trade, in Canada 26/70
Furniture: 7/376, 7/428, 14/14, 14/20

17th c English 23/141
Nell Gwyn’s bed 23/120
Ormonde, dukes of 23/124
Silver 11/176, 11/180, 11/182, 28/42, 28/77
Silver, Knole House 19/174
[jeweller] 18/98
[watchmaker] 18/98
Fused plate: 12/27
see Plated wares