Search index of issues 1-25
Index L
L’Isle Baron de: 14/36
La Bas: 12/101
La Chapelle 22/154
Vincent: 20/20, 20/23
La Providence 25/63
La Providence hospital: 10/65
LaBrosse family, Pierre, Louise-Daniel:
Labrosse, Pierre: 14/54
Lacam/Lockan [jeweller]: 18/111
Lacazze, John: 13/15
Lace 19/47, 22/66
Lacemen 26/21
Lacquer, Japanese 25/82
Ladatte, Francesco: 21/33
Ladeuil, Léonard Morel: 15/124
Ladle, Ebenezer Oliphant 36/71
Ladvocat/L’Advocat [jeweller]: 18/110
Laer, Willem van: 21/136
Lagarene, Michael: 14/56, 14/66
Laine, Elizabeth 26/12
Lake, Sir James: 13/113*
Adam 6/317
P. 13/115*
George 10/58
John 8/510, 9/604, 14/123
Thomas 26/36
William Philips 26/36
& Co 21/11
& Rawlings 7/367
George 21/11, 25/72
Lamborn, Thomas: 9/606
Lambrecht(s), Hans III: 7/374, 14/115
Lamerie, Paul de: (see de Lamerie)
Lamiche, Nicolas: 20/27
Lamport Hall, Northamptonshire 36/39
election 1867 27/85
Lancaster Herald 26/37
Lance, George: 15/114
Landell & Chambers: 10/79, 10/87
[broker/pawnbroker] 18/110
John/Thomas 4/131, 4/134
Lang, Edward: 13/19
Abraham (auctioneer) 7/357, 8/456
St Albans 13/114*
Mary Jane 12/107
Sir James 4/181
Thomas 19/128
Langlands & Robertson (includes individual
members of Langlands family) 5/244, 6/314, 9/536
John 26/23
Capt Thomas 12/123
Gilbert 10/68
John 10/40
Sir John 19/128, 26/23
Langton, Mr [goldsmith] 18/15
Lante vase: 10/100
Lapidary: 10/40
Guy 11/148
Louis 18/110
Mathew 11/151
Larpent, Anne: 16/76
Laten, gilded copper 26/97
Lattey Brothers & Co: 4/152
Lauderdale, Lord: 12/124, 15/51
Lauer, Johann A.: 15/74
Laugher, John: 12/35
Launay, Nicolas de: 4/164, 4/171
see Delaunay
Lavender, William (Winchester): 15/81
Benjamin 7/391, 11/204, 11/208-9, 15/85, 26/59
James 11/198
see Butty & Dumée
Laverocke, Robert: 16/44
Lavery, Eliezvar (?): 13/112*
Lavy, Lorenzo: 9/615
Thomas 8/524, 12/30, 12/32, 12/36, 16/113, 22/67
William 11/154, 14/80, 36/64
& Co 22/55
Christopher 13/134, 14/141
Herbert/Montague 14/65
John & Co 12/66-7, 12/76
T.E. 11/247
Thomas 12/70
Sir Thomas 36/28
(1363) 12/86
(1424) 5/187
(1575/6) 10/30
(1697) 6/261, 10/29
(1700) 9/535, 13/119
(1719) 13/119
(1720) 9/533
(1730) 2/76
(1738) 7/343, 10/29, 12/45, 13/120
(1757) 12/37, 13/122
(1773) Assay office 12/42, 14/131, 19/43
(1782) 21/88
(1784) 4/131, 10/30, 12/37, 12/42
(1797) 10/30
(1833) 4/134
(1842) 4/136, 4/138
(1867) 27/85
(1973) 13/119
(1999) 10/110
Dealers’ licence 12/31, 12/37
Duty and marking 15/97
French (déclarations) 19/87
Hallmarking (2007) 22/115
Plate duty (18th c) 22/105
Poynings 16/98
Sessional papers 12/85
see Aliens, Assay, Crime, Fakes
Laws Proposed:
(1818) 4/137
(1836) 4/138
Chester 7/411
Huguenots 10/12
Pennsylvania 2/76
see Aliens, Assay, Crime, Regulations, Treasure trove
Laws, John (Newcastle): 9/536
Lawson, Richard: 10/75
Layard, Sir Henry: 15/169
& Clark 12/75
Timothy 17/27
William 12/76
Leacock, John: 13/20
Francis 7/372, 11/176, 12/119-21, 26/8
Ralph 6/308, 16/80, 16/148, 17/23, 17/25
Leake’s bookshop 26/21
Leal, Fred & Mathew: 15/167
Leathersellers’ Company 26/60
Leaves, Thomas: 11/193
Le Brun: 19/93
Antoine 4/165
Le Carré, church of 25/70
Le Heup family 25/67
Le Roy et Fils 25/80
Le Sage:
John 6/312, 8/471, 13/120, 17/27, 25/67
John Hugh 11/135, 18/110, 20/28, 20/131
Leblond, Sébastien: 15/61
Lebret, François: 11/175
Ledgers: 13/116
Backwell, Edward 11/172
Barnard, E. & Sons 13/128, 27/68
Beilby 9/536
Boulton & Fothergill 12/37, 12/45
Castle Howard 8/484
Child & Co 7/suppl
Dublin assay 11/143
Edinburgh assay 11/220
Parker & Wakelin 7/338, 7/381, 7/suppl, 10/65, 12/36
Richardson, John 13/19
Tanqueray/Willaume 16/124
Wakelin & Tayler 21/87
Whipham & Wright 13/109
Wilson, Joseph 12/36
see Accounts, Cost of plate, Individual entries, Inventories, Invoices, {tab} Marks illus of, Shopkeeping, Wills, Workshop
Ledgers illustrated: 13/19, 13/115, 13/117
Joseph 12/76
Vale & Wheeler 12/66, 12/76
Barry 22/70
Edmund 16/44
Elizabeth 15/85
John 8/467
of Winchester 13/113*
Revd David 13/114*
Revd Dr 13/115*
Samuel 27/97
Sir Henry 6/259
Thomas 13/112*
Viscount 15/174
Wright & James 10/91
Leeds College of Art 36/54
Leeds, Duke of: 6/312
Leeke, Ralph: 21/5—6
Edward 4/137
George 15/116
Leeuwaerts, Abraham 36/48
Lefeverie/Leafuber/Lefeaver/Lefavor [jeweller]18/110
Lefavor [broker/pawnbroker] 18/110
Lefebure, Louis 12/101-2
Lefong [jeweller]: 18/110
Legal miscellany: 15/95
Leheup, Peter: 7/412
Lehrer, Daniel: 21/129
Earl of 21/36, 21/75
Lady 16/83
Thomas Coke, 1st Earl 20/41
Leineschloss, Hanover: 14/15, 14/17, 19/108
Dukes of 13/103
James Fitzgerald, 1st Duke of 20/17
Leis, Adam: 5/189
Leitao & Irmao: 16/19
Lejeune, Louis-Aimé: 15/141
Lemair, Fredrich 36/106
LeMaire, Rudolphe 22/123
Lemmonier, Gabriel 25/83
Christoph 16/146
Johannes I 15/158, 19/115
Lene, Jean de: 19/79
Countess of 13/52
David 36/73
Family 13/52
Love serve 4/164
see Richmond & Len[n]ox
Leofstane: 19/119
Leonard (at Soho): 7/343, 7/354
Leopold I, Emperor: 19/83
Lepar/Leaper/Leopard [goldsmith] 18/110
Robert 10/75
Lequesne, Sir John: 6/271, 20/14, 20/62
Charles 16/93, 16/100
John 14/85
Thomas 36/64
Aaron 12/77
Aaron I 14/67
Aaron II 14/68
Family 14/66
Jean I 14/66
Jean II 14/67, 14/70
William 14/68
Letablere, John: 11/163
Letelier, John: 13/15
Lethaby, W R 26/107
Lethulier, John: 2/113
Lettering see Identification
Leuchars, William 27/108
Leven, Earl of: 19/55
Levi, Samuel: 10/75
Levin, Bernard: 16/12
Andrew 26/23
Isaac: 14/67
Lewes, Sir Watkin: 2/61
Lewyn, Gabriel: 20/90
George 4/122, 4/167
Joseph 26/47
Harvey 13/29
Henry 27/108
Kensington 7/363-4, 7/366, 10/11, 12/110, 14/40
Syndney and Frances 36/105
T.P. 15/135
Thomas 9/575
Walter 11/165
William 16/33
& Co 17/34
Henry John 6/284
Liberkühn, J.C.: 10/115
Liberties: 14/49, 14/121
St Martin-le-Grand 19/46
Liberton papers 36/66
Liberty & Co: 11/227-9, 12/141, 14/146, 15/172, 26/98
Library acquisition: see {tab} Regular features
Goldsmiths’ Company 19/47
Society of Antiquaries 19/110
Dealers 12/31, 12/37, 12/87, 12/107
see Shopkeeping
Lichfield Cathedral: 4/139, 4/174, 5/232,
Lieberkühn, Christian: 13/95
Liebert, Philippe: 8/524
Liegnitz, Duke of: 19/170
Isaac 4/118, 22/23, 25/32
John 14/144, 25/29
Lieger, John 18/111
Ligonier, John: 13/104
Ligonier de, Jean-Louis 25/68
Ligozzi, Jacopo: 5/210
Lijes, Jorres (Dublin) 22/41
See George Lyng
Lille: 6/296, 22/8
Lilley, Job: 18/111
Limerick: 13/33, 16/89
Limpach, Maximilian Joseph: 12/19
Lincolnshire: 11/185
Linden, Esias zur: 16/146
Lindsay, William: 6/318, 14/84
Ling, George: 11/153
Linnit, John: 13/103, 27/83
Lipscomb(e)/Lipscom [watchmaker]: 18/111
& Sons (Newcastle) 9/537
Thomas 8/485
Litchfield: 13/113*
Little, William Charles, of Liberton 36/66
Littleton family: 6/305
Liverpool: 8/525, 21/44
Anti-Monopoly Association 10/8
College/School of Art 19/152, 19/157
Earl of 21/89
St Jude’s 22/103
Livery Companies:
Freedom of goldsmiths through other companies 15/29
see individual entries, Guilds, Trades
Henry 36/72
William 14/81, 36/71
Llewellyn, John 26/100
Bell 13/113*
Edward III 20/88, 20/97
Loyd [watchmaker]; 18/111
Michael 8/525, 10/102, 13/9-11, 14/9, 14/11, 16/7; Shelf life 19/147
Lloyd’s of London:
Collection 7/430
Insurance 14/11
Patriotic Fund 1/27, 7/406, 19/38, 26/75, 27/16
to Anne, queen, wife of James I of England 36/37
to James I of England 36/37
Edward (Oxford) 9/607
Nathaniel 19/65, 21/69
Locker, Christopher: 16/100
Lockets, gold, for miniatures 36/50
Lockhard, Capt John: 7/403
Lockrum [jeweller]: 18/111
Lockwood, Samuel: 13/19, 13/25
Lod(d)ington [watchmaker]: 18/111
Lodges, see Freemasonry
Loewe Craft Prize: 36/5
Loftus, Sir Adam: 11/159, 12/80, 14/143
Logan, Robert: 14/82
Loir, Alexis III: 4/165
Loiseau, Mathew: 14/75
Lolen, John Gideon: 13/113*
Lombardic lettering illustrated: 16/72
Lomellini ewers and basins: 6/321
(1851) 13/129
Assurance 8/459
City of 7/405, 8/470, 8/503
Corporation of 11/180
County Council 14/7
Diocese of J17
Gazette 26/75, 26/94
Goldsmiths (Grimwade, additions) 9/605, 10/5
Insurance corporations 26/80
Stow’s Survey of 19/117
The missing Warning Carriers’ walk 18/14—5
see Civic plate, Map
Marquess of: 14/19, 19/46, 22/49
service 27/79
Family (Wilts) 21/81
Sir Richard 4/124
Sir Robert 12/114, 12/117, 15/48
Thomas 19/42
[watchmaker] 18/111
Longbowstringmakers’ Company: 9/584,
Longden & Co: 11/225
Longland [broker/pawnbroker]: 18/111
Longleat, sale from: 14/146
Earl of 21/136
Lord 12/59
Lopato, Marina Nikolaevna 36/114
Lord Almoner, Francis Turner 26/40
Lord Mayor’s (of London) gift 22/27
Loss, Johann Adolph, Count von: 20/48, 20/50, 20/108, 22/123
& Robertson 14/81
Edward 6/318, 14/81-3, 36/65
Irish 7/412
Jernegan 5/215, 8/492
Prizes 11/191
Sweden 6/291
Westminster Bridge 8/492
see Gambling
Lotti & Naldi: 2/105
XV 19/92
Louis, Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas 26/93
The Dauphin (Monseigneur) 19/88
Anthony 16/37
John 12/34
Richard 15/94
Robert 15/85
Lovett, William: 12/113
Lovidge: 13/112*
Low, Robert: 14/82, 19/54, 36/82
Drury 10/115
Edward 13/113*
George (includes Lowe & Sons/Co) 3/45, 4/146, 4/150
Lowenstein Brothers: 7/364, 7/367
Lowndes, Thomas: 15/87
Lownds, Richard: 13/112*
Lownes, Joseph: 13/15, 13/29, 20/102
Loyalists (in America): 19/16
& Clark [goldsmith] 18/112
[jeweller] 18/112
[toyman] 18/112
Lubomirski, Count 22/154
Gibson 13/112*
Walter 11/165
Ludovici see Ludwig, J.F.
Ludlow, John: 18/112
Ludwig, J.F.: 12/22
Luff(e), John: 18/112, 20/18, 20/30, 20/131
Luicius, Louis G.: 11/225
Lukes, George; 15/166
William: 6/261-3, 7/367, 8/525, 9/610-11, 14/144, 18/112, 36/35
Lukin, William I 22/100
Lumby, Peter 22/70
Lumsden, Benjamin: 14/84
Lunar Society: 12/39
Lüneburg: 13/67
Luti, Benedetto: 12/19
Lütkens, Christian: 7/424
Johannes 4/180, 15/31
Joannes I 16/53
Luton Hoo: 6/327, 7/424, 12/149
Luynes, Duc de: 16/148
Luzi, Filippo: 12/20
Lyall, John: 14/85
Lycett, Edward: 15/87
Lyfe, Richard 26/34
Lyle, Richard: 10/21
Lympenny, Robert: 9/562
Lyndhurst, Lord: 14/20, 14/145
Lyng, George 22/34, 22/41
Congregational church 4/180
Lord 11/134
1st Baron 16/132
Family 21/81
Sir Richard 11/134, 11/138