Search index of issues 1-25
Index of Authors
The articles listed below appeared in The Silver Society Journal (1990-2003) and Silver Studies the Journal of the Silver Society (2004 onwards)
The first number refers to the issue and the second to the page number
Short biographical details of authors are included at the front of Journal issues 1-24.
From no. 25 onward they are at the end of each article.
Adolph, Anthony:
Thomas Hickin, Catholic goldsmith 14/90
Albainy, Tracey:
Hanoverian royal plate in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 14/14
German silver in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 19/105
Alcorn, Eleanor:
Introduction: new perspectives on rococo silver 20/8
Andrew, John: A Sterling Renaissance: British Silver Design 1957-2018 35/21
Malcolm Appleby: 50 Golden Years in Scotland 35/54
Aschengreen Piacenti, Kirsten:
Medici mounted hardstone vessels in the Pitti Palace 5/206
Ashton, Norman:
A metallurgist looks at old silver II/5-6:103
Baker, Malcolm:
‘Most curious and costly’; the silver made for William Beckford of Fonthill II/11:213
Baños, Fernando Gutiérrez:
The chalice of Bishop Bustamante 11/233
Banister, Judith:
A postscript to the Barnard ledgers III/1:38
Identity parade: the Barnard ledgers II/9-10:165
Pepys and the goldsmiths I/10:9
Pocket nutmeg graters II/2:45
Silver of the Channel Islands II/75
Some ingredients of silver toilet services II/2:37
A basketmaker’s accounts with some 18th century silversmiths I/9:21
Barker, Robert B:
Jamaican goldsmiths, assayers and their marks from 1665—1765 III/5:133
Jamaican goldsmiths — some early 18th century inventories III:7-9:190
Proposals for an assaying system in Pennsylvania 1753-1770 2/75
See also Beet, Brian
Barker, Robert and Beet, Brian:
A ‘Sterling’ mark employed by Joseph Richardson Sr 11/230
Barlow, T.E.:
A badge and a ticket for the Wine Label Circle 4/158
Barrett, Geoffrey:
The Haslewood family of Norwich I/3:7
G.N. The Norwich assay: 1564—1702 II/7-8:124
Barry, Clare:
see Eatwell, Ann
Beasley, David:
Thomas Maundy: some aspects of the life of a 17th century goldsmith II/7-9:178
Rule Britannia! three hundred years of ‘23 carat silver’ 9/532
Beecroft, John
On collecting wine labels II/2:34
Beet, Brian:
Foreign snuffbox makers in eighteenth century London 14/49
Huguenot refugees from Anjou 10/12
John Pickhaver 14/95
Thomas Hyde and his successors 10/16
Beet and Barker, Robert B.:
A ‘Sterling’ mark employed by Joseph Richardson Sr 11/230
Begeer, Sebastiaan:
Vocational training in the Netherlands 9/579
Bell, Chris:
The Pingo family and eighteenth-century hallmarking 19/41
See also McKinley, David
Benedikz, Phyllis:
The early records of Birmingham Assay Office 16/103
See also Priestley, Philip
Benney, Simon:
Dining silver of the Institute of Chartered Accountants 19/149
Bentley, Peter:
Changes to the Hallmarking Act 22/115
Bernbaum, Anthony:
More light on the Liberty Cymric metalwork Venture. An evaluation of the contribution of Oliver Baker 26/98
Silver ceremonial trowels 31/99
Bimbenet-Privat, Michèle and Mitchell, David:
Words or Images: descriptions of plate in England and France
1660-1700 15/47
Bleuzen, Alice:
The French origins of the Harache, Margas and Pantin families 28/12
Bliss, Simon:
Thoroughly modern: reflections on the work of Jean Puiforcat 15/141
‘Cubistic claptrap’ ? Erik Magnussen’s The Light and Shadows of Manhattan of 1927 21/113
Museum focus: New displays. The Musée des Arts décoratifs, Paris 22/77
Boughton, Peter:
A pair of silver seal matrices for the County Palatine of Chester 7/409
Chester’s new silver gallery 4/145
Museum acquisitions. Grosvenor Museum Chester 14/143
Breckenridge, Jean:
Robert E. Stone (1903-90) 15/150
Brett, Simon:
St Dunstan’s Day dinner 23/12
Brett, Vanessa:
A century of sales 7/357
A coda on John Duck 14/106
Chains of office and a ‘Jews Cup’: Richard Hoare’s purchases from John
Curghey and John Kemp in his mayoral year 22/27
Comment. Pursuit of truth via the Internet 16/24
Forgotten books. Catalogue of the Royal Naval Exhibition, 1891 22/82
Forty years on 10/4
Getting involved in silver 21/4
Legal miscellany. An efficient owner, Catholic thieves, a Jewish fence and
a new deal 15/95
Members who make silver 13/4
Miscellany: Treasure and Privateering 23/118
New work. Jerwood Applied Arts Prize 2005: Metal 21/122
Ongoing research. The Harache family 21/8
Portraits of silversmiths 22/26
Recent acquisition: The perils and pleasures of shopkeeping 23/96
Rod Kelly silversmith 4/139
Silver today: the role of the client 8/514
The Bute House silver collection 13/9
‘The Compleat Appraiser’. An eighteenth-century manual and the valuing
of plate 15/97
The early years 23/7
The great (and lesser) toyshops 16/117
The Padgett and Braham archive 21/14
Miscellany: Treasure and Privateering 23/118
Thomas Whipham: Behind the wallpaper 13/109
Twentieth century silver from Clarence House 14/5
Miscellany: Treasure and Privateering 23/118
Brett, Vanessa and Sale, Anthony:
John White: some recent research 8/465
Buck, Alex:
Silver by Leslie Durbin at New College, Oxford 10/103
Buckingham, David and Jane Ringrose:
The Foundress’s Cup of Pembroke College, Cambridge 25/14
Burstyn, Dorothea:
A Canadian wine jug 23/69
The evolution of dining habits, modes of entertaining and marketing methods as revealed by American silver makers’ ‘etiquette’ books 25/19
Cameron, Peter:
Henry Jernegan, Charles Frederick Kandler and the client who
changed his mind 8/487
The first ‘castle tops’. A short examination of some Birmingham
topographical souvenirs and their makers 1825-38 12/65
A cup stolen from Frederick Kandler 14/95
Times past. A child’s memories of Harman & Co., 177 New Bond Street, London, 1914-1920 21/11
Cartier, Nicole and Isabelle:
The Elie Pacot surtout 6/296
Cartier, Nicole:
People. Profile of a distinguished French silver collector and scholar in her own words 22/15
Carver Weiss, Beth:
English silver in an American museum. The Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute 4/115
The Verplanck family silver: fashion and politics in colonial New York 20/104
Cassidy-Geiger, Maureen:
‘Quelque chose de beau et de bon gôut’: a silver gilt toilet service for the
Dresden Doppelhochzeit of 1747 20/46
Ein neues silbern Französisches Tafel Service: Linking the Penthièvre-Orléans service to Dresden 22/123
Sugar and silver into porcelain: The conditorei and court dining in Dresden under Augustus III 22/152
Gold boxes as diplomatic gifts: archival resources in Dresden 31/48
A lemon tree for the Prime Minister’s table? Two drawings in Dresden for a silver centrepiece for Heinrich, Count von Brühl 32/29
Drawings for silver in the Hauptstaatsarchiv in Dresden 33/5
Citroen, Karel:
My favourite fake III/3:73
Some Dutch fakes and forgeries II/5-6:89
Silver in a painting by Jeremias van Winghen 5/239
The faking Feeterses 13/123
Rembrandt’s Sophonisba 14/92
Clarke, Julia:
New Geneva 19/18
Clayton, M.D.G.:
Archery prizes and medals I/11:17
Clements, Eric:
Modern silver design I/8:26
Clifford, Helen:
Silver in context: The Watkin Lewes silver table 2/61
Calculating goldsmiths 6/276
Goldsmiths of invention: hidden connections and alternative
occupations 9/574
Nicholas Herrick 9/575
The Vulliamys and the silversmiths 1793-1817 10/96
Of consuming cares: attitudes to silver in the eighteenth century 12/53
Verve and Vision: Paul Dyson at the Goldsmiths’ Company 2001-2013, 29/109
A portrait of Robert Garrard II (1793-1881) 31/46
Clifford, Helen and Sale, Anthony:
Museum focus: Gloucester 16/28
Coates, Kevin:
The Angel’s Wing 5/222
Cohen, Frederick E. :
Silversmithing in the Channel Islands 9/538
Conroy, Rachel:
Letters from America: James Dixon & Sons and the American market, 1835-63 21/105
Miscellany: Two lost epergnes 22/44
The work and legacy of the Sheffield Artcrafts Guild. 23/47
Two years of silver at Amgueddfa Cymru National Museum of Wales. 27/91
Constable, David:
The Ellis catalogues 14/128
Cooper, Alison:
The Sparke Cup 32/65
Corbin, Donna and Malenka, Sally:
A Magnificent Deception: the re-evaluation of a pot à oille from the Parisian Service in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art 28/62
Cousins, Julian:
Pierre Harache I and II 19/71
Coutts, Howard:
Silver at the Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle, County Durham 25/79
Crawford, Claire:
The Knesworth Chandelier: a silver branch in memory of Sir Thomas Knesworth 27/27
The Portsmouth lectern: the commission of a lectern for the Worshipful Company of Fishmongers 29/112
Crosskey, Gordon:
A case of late payment 28/112
Joseph Wilson, factor: the unknown plater and silversmith 32/5
The early development of the plated trade 12/27
Sheffield Plate and the Rococo style 33/10
“Wasting a great quantity of silver” 29/12
Culme, John:
Beauty and the beast; the growth of mechanisation in the trade II/9-10:158
The most shocking fakes’ 2/86
A devoted attention to business: An obituary of Philip Rundell 2/91
The new approach 10/7
The embarrassed goldsmith, 1729-1831. Eighteenth century
failures in the London jewellery and silver trades 10/66
Trade of fancy: new findings from eighteenth century London 12/98
The ‘goose in a dotted circle’ 14/97
Cunningham, Jessica:
John Cuthbert: a portrait of a late seventeenth-century Dublin goldsmith 32/79
Curb, Charles S., Hood, William P, and Olso, John R.:
Gorham’s Knickerbocker, etched: Japanese inspired American Flatware 28/173
Curb, Charles S; Olson, John R and Hood, William P and:
Gorham’s Knickerbocker, etched: Japanese inspired American Flatware 28/153
Dane, P.P.R.:
A French chalice in Portsmouth I/8:7
Davidson, Cathlyn:
A portrait of a Chester goldsmith: Richard Richardson IV (1755-1822) 31/66
Davidson, Simon:
John Denziloe of London. A goldsmith working in Aldersgate 1774-1805 16/125
Tackle House Porters 16/130
– and Cathlyn Davidson:
Chester silver: two short articles 14/129
Peter Hopwood: a goldsmith in Preston 21/43
Goldsmiths that keep Running Cashes: Seventeenth-century commissioning agents for obtaining and retailing plate 27/97
John and SamuelRichardson: Seventeenth-century goldsmiths, their marks and lives 26/5
De Vasconcelos e Sousa, Gonçalo:
Luiz Ferreira and Manuel Alcino 16/19
Oporto’s Rococo silversmith. João Coelho de S Paio (1719-84) 15/100
Deelder, Theo:
Andrew Moore of Bridewell: almost forgotten and disguised? 11/178
Update on the Windsor Castle table 14/20
Delamer, Ida:
Irish freedom boxes III/1-2:18
Delamer, Ida and O’Brien, Conor:
Dublin hallmarks. A reappraisal of date letters used 1638-1756 11/158
Dicks, Sophia:
‘Perfume for a lady’s chamber’ – a seventeenth-century perfume burner 23/141
Dietert, Rodney R. and Dietert, Janice M.:
The ‘figure-between’ goldsmiths of eighteenth-century Edinburgh 21/49
James Mitchelson – his legacy restored 21/53
Dobie, Kirkpatrick:
The siller gun 10/44
A medallion for the ‘Siller Gun’ 13/61
Dolan, Nicholas:
Newcastle silver in the collection of the Laing Art Gallery 9/534
Donohoe, Ted:
Quebec captured — Dublin rejoices 14/124
A silver bottle shade 14/126
Dove, Anthony B.L.:
Refunding of duty on the export of silver 4/130
House of Commons sessional papers 12/85
Top marking on flatware 14/123
Other societies. The Arms and Armour Society 21/10
Plate duty. Its origins, marks and variations 22/105
Further observations on plate duty and its marks 23/111
Down, Ferelith:
Coin clipping and the window tax II/7-8:114
Drysdale, Arthur:
The Silver Society Prize for Silversmithing 2017 33/168
du Boulay, A.J.H.:
Some parallels in silver and ceramic forms I/7:18
Dunlop, Francis:
Sybil Dunlop (1894-1968) 15/138
Eatwell, Ann:
Capital lying dead: attitudes to silver in the nineteenth century 12/59
Furnishing a late Victorian dinner table 23/53
– and Clare Barry:
Nonconformist silver in England 21/59
Edge, V.E., A.M. and J.J.:
The colour of enamels on germanium and traditional Sterling silver alloys 19/161
Ellis, Martin:
Collecting contemporary silver at Birmingham Museum
& Art Gallery 16/4
Elwes, Rachel Layton:
A new addition to African American silver 13/14
The Croft cups: a note on their provenance 13/62
English, Christopher:
The Silver Trust 13/10
Golden Jubilee commissions 15/166
Evans, David:
Changes to the Hallmarking Act 1973 11/129
Fairclough, Oliver:
Mrs Strangways’s silver 8/474
The Williams Centrepiece 34/39
Fales, Martha Gandy:
The letter book of Joseph Richardson III/5:127
Fallon, John:
The Goulds and Cafes, candlestick makers II/9-10:146
Two covered cups with stands 10/117
Researching the Barnard Ledgers 13/128
The House of Barnard 25/42
The Pottinger plate 29/89
Fennimore, Donald L.:
American bird-decorated spoons 13/27
Men at Play: The Tale of Armorial Silver Punch Bowl 35/37
Fewster, Mary:
Norfolk goldsmiths 14/87
Fitzgerald, Alison:
Oliver St George’s passion for plate 22/33
Forbes, John S:
Fakes and forgeries in silver I/2:4
Change of date letter at the London Assay Office 12/82
Eighteenth century ‘duty dodgers’ 13/119
Fortescue, William Irvine:
Alexander Aitchison I and Alexander Aitchison II:Edinburgh goldsmiths of the eighteenth century 33/35
James Ker, 1700-1745: Master goldsmith and Edinburgh politician 27/33
James Ker and Ker and Dempster, 1745-68 28/117
Fothringham, Henry Stuart:
The records of the Incorporation of Goldsmiths of the City of
Edinburgh 5/187
Silver appearing before the Reviewing Committee on the Export of
Works of Art 1953-1993 6/302
The Darnley Jewel 13/52
The Strathmore silver inventory of 1695 13/81
Scottish goldsmiths’ apprenticeships 14/79
Saint Eloi (circa 588-660). Patron saint of Scottish goldsmiths 15/7
Scottish goldsmiths’ weights 15/68
The over-optimism of Octavius Morgan 15/114
Fox, Ross
Robert Cruickshank, silversmith of London and Montreal 23/83
English silversmiths and goldsmiths in Canada during the Eighteenth century 26/69
Lois Etherington Betteridge, Pioneer of a craft Revival in Canada 25/5
Fritz, J.M.
Protestant communion plate in Germany 19/112
People. Marc Rosenberg (1851-1930) Art historian and collector 21/41
Gadd, Jan and Homer, Ronald
Fake and pseudo silver marks on pewter 10/46
Garibaldi, Christopher
see Jones, Kathryn 21/25
Gill, Margaret A.V.
Newcastle silversmiths II/11-13:180
Glanville, Philippa
Robert Amadas, goldsmith, court jeweller to King Henry VIII III/5:106
Chinese porcelain and the English goldsmiths, circa 1550—1650 III/6:156
People: Lionel Crichton and a library acquisition 19/110
People 22/15
Problems of mounted objects III/7-9:229
People interview with Richard Vander 23/17
– and Gordon Glanville
‘French fancy’ silver from Paris and English patrons 20/16
Glynn, Gale
Heraldry on English silver III/1-2:6
Some tontines commemorated on English plate 8/445
Royal heraldry on silver 1714-1837 14/21
Criminal proceedings involving silver and silversmiths 15/79
Richard Meyrick — an English engraver working in Philadelphia 19/65
The Ormond(e) titles 23/121
Glyn-Jones, William:
Silver for Spence’s Sussex University: The gift of specially commissioned silver water jugs to the first ‘New University’ of the 1960s 27/74
Godwin, Joselyn:
George Barton Cutten and American coin silver 31/68
Queen Anne’s Gift of Silver to the Onodaga Indian Chapel 34/22
Goldsborough, Jennifer F. :
Fit for a gentleman’s table: revised thoughts on rococo silver in Maryland 20/86
Goodall, John:
Gold and silver in the ancient Far East III/5:124
Goodway, Eileen:
The Rapilliart family. David Willaume, his son, their
apprentices – part I 10/56
David Willaume and his apprentices, part II: further research 11/140
Gleanings on Daniel Garnier 12/125
Ongoing research 16/124
Grant, Ronald:
Drawback and Smuggling 4/131
The Ireby cup 9/581
Gray, P.C. :
A Cambridge Wait’s badge I/9:20
Drinking vessels of the 17th and 18th centuries I/2:9
Griffin, Eric:
The account book of William Palmer, Master engraver 1735-1812 10/53
Grimshaw, Margaret:
The three Gabriels II/7-8:141
Why school medals? III/5:137
Grimwade, Arthur:
Earl Fitzwalter’s London household accounts I/2:9
The Garrard ledgers I/4:1
The auctioneer and his public I/10:7
Some treasures of Anglo-Jewish silver II/1:11
The rise and fall of Rococo II/5-6:91
Georgian church plate II/11-13:222
Michael Clayton: A tribute 2/103
A Tudor plate inventory examined 4/124
Judith Banister: A tribute 5/242
New light on the English Royal plate 7/369
Cardinal Wolsey’s plate 9/573
Silver in eighteenth century wills 9/583
London goldsmiths 1697-1837: Additions to biographical entries 9/605
Paul de Lamerie’s bills 10/60
– and J. Banister:
A case of mistaken identity; Thomas Jenkins II/11-13:105
Gubbins, Martin:
The assay office and silversmiths of York 1776—1858 III/3:74
Re-discovering Paul Storr’s grave 6/288
Close plate 12/41
Marks on close plate 15/115
Gutiérrez Baños, Fernando:
The chalice of Bishop Bustamante 11/233
Hagemann, Alfred:
New discoveries concerning the Berlin silver buffet 22/117
A Prussian rediscovery – two Elizabeth chain bottles in Oranienburg Palace 23/135
Halliwell, E.O. :
The so-called Buddha knops of Barnstaple I/9:3
Hare, Susan M:
English silver since the fifties III/7-9:207
The history of the Goldsmiths’ Company from their records II/11-13:174
A tribute to Paul de Lamerie 4/160
Harris, Loretta and Mckay, Tinker:
Chapel Plate for Nova Scotia 28/24
Harris, Lee; May, Brian; Phillips, Richard; Joy, Rachel and O’Donnell, Craig:
Robert Mitchell: a Birmingham silversmith in the early nineteenth century 33/97
Hartop, Christopher:
New light on Spanish seventeenth-century silver 1/5
Patrons and consumers: buying silver in eighteenth-century London 20/34
Norwich goldsmiths 1700-1800 21/73
Sir Robert Walpole’s silver 29/24
Sir Robert Walpole’s Silver (Special issue) 30/3
Hawker, Peter:
The Lincoln Cathedral treasury of diocesan plate I/7:8
The Cunliffe beaker 9/580
Lincolnshire makers of church plate 11/185
Hawkins, John:
Alexander Crichton and Through the Looking Glass, 27/104
Chinese silversmiths working in Nagasaki between 1660 and 1800 33/139
A Siamese Ambassadorial Gift to Louis XIV 34/49
Hayward, Helena
English rococo designs for silver II/3-4:70
Hayward, John
Ambassadors’ plate I/3:4
Erasmus Hornick and Mannerist silver of the 16th century I/7:14
Silver mounts on firearms I/8:13
The goldsmith’s designs of Hans Holbein I/11:22
A William & Mary pattern-book for silversmiths II/1:18
An introduction to heraldic engraving II/2:43
Royal silversmiths of the Regency II/3-4:58
The destruction of Nuremberg silver by the Goldsmiths’ Company II/11-13:195
Hayward, Maria:
The storage and transport of Oxford silver 11/245
Hennell, Percy:
The Hennell family of silversmiths I/11:3
Hill, Richard:
A cone cut obliquely. The work of Michael Rowe 16/13
A conversation with Stanley Hill 19/151
Hofman, Louise:
Contemporary Judaica made in Britain and America 21/127
Holmes, Paul:
Communion spoons in the City of London 32/5
Homer, Roger:
See Rabinovitch, B. Seymour 4/160
Homer, Ronald:
See Gadd, Jan 10/46
Hood, William P, Olso, John R. and Curb, Charles S. :
Gorham’s Knickerbocker, etched: Japanese inspired American Flatware. 28/173
Hoyle, Ralph:
Candlesticks for Sir William Heathcote 11/252
Hughes, Graham:
Louis Osman 1914-96 8/518
Robert Welch obituary 12/143
Hull, Charles:
Four missing cups 12/127
Hull, Robin:
The Elkt, the Faup and the Jack o’Dells 15/155
Hunt, John:
The Limerick mitre and crozier I/9:25
Hunt, Simon:
The diaries of Henry Ellis of Exeter II/11-13:210
Hutchin, Scarlett:
The Croll Testimonial: its history, construction and restoration 29/84
Hyman, John A. :
Indian Colonial feeders 4/150
Skewers at Colonial Williamsburg 8/508
Marrow scoops and spoons at Colonial Williamsburg 9/602
Immonen, Visa:
Goldsmiths and their products in Finland circa 1200 to 1600 25/84
Inglis, Brand:
The Silversmiths of Lynn II/7-8:135
An ostrich egg cup by Lawrence Gilbert of Colchester 9/570
Irmscher, Günther:
Hans Petzolt and Christoph Jamnitzer: the collaboration of two
Nuremberg goldsmiths 4/147
Itakura, Ushio:
John Scofield – a glimpse of his family history and silversmiths in Bell Yard 33/110
James, Jolyon Warwick:
The Collins caster: A Tasmanian survivor 2/71
A European heritage: nineteenth-century silver in Australia 15/133
Jenstad, Janelle Auriol:
The Gouldesmythes Storehowse. Early evidence for specialisation 10/40
Johns, Peter:
Firestain resistant silver alloys 10/106
Johnson, Paul:
The Lyon and Twinam forgeries III/1-2:25
Johnson, Charlotte:
Testimonial: The Life Story of a Monumental Vase 34/123
Johnson, Sally:
The Sussex Yeomanry, a collection of military plate 28/146
Jones, Bruce:
A Presentation Silver Nail 34/111
Business succession in Gutter Lane 32/21
Mr Robinson’s conviction for counterfeit marks 23/107
The Wine Label Circle 22/76
Patterns of occupation around Goldsmiths’ Hall 26/42
Sandylands Drinkwater: the progress of a smallworker establishing a business 28/50
Jones, Kathryn and Garibaldi, Christopher:
Crespin or Sprimont? A question revisited 21/25
Bruce Other societies 22/76
Jones, Kathryn:
Prince Albert and Elkingtons 27/5
‘A peep at the spoils of ambition’, Napoleon’s plate in the Royal Collection 32/57
Jones, William Glyn:
Silver for Spence’s Sussex University, 27/74
Jowett, Judy:
The Warning Carriers 18/1
Trade cards @ 23/99
The Le Sage family of Goldsmiths circa 1695 to 1812 28/153
Lewis Cuny and Henry Hebert, goldsmiths (1663-1733 to 1764) 32/31
Kaellgren, Peter:
Chinese Yixing stoneware teapots as a source of English Silver design 1675-1830 26/50
French influence in a toilet service by David Willaume 4/162
The Clayton family of goldsmiths and jewellers circa 1658-1743 9/590
Princess Amelia’s strainer 14/37
The Lee collection, Toronto 15/174
Royal Ontario Museum, Recent Acquisitions: Posy Holders 26/96
Kellett, Ronald:
Thomas Harper — Masonic jeweller II/3-4:67
Kelly, Rod:
Silversmith 4/139
Kent, Timothy Arthur:
Edward Sweet: a west country silversmith II/5-6:100
The Goldsmiths of Falmouth II/9-10:155
Gabriel Felling, goldsmith of Bruton II/11-13:219
The Southcomb family spoon III/1-2:38
The great days of Exeter silver: 1700—50 III/3:53
When goldsmiths dare — the story of a Taunton family III/4:82
Salisbury silver and its makers 1550—1700 III/5:114
Some Tudor and Stuart wills and inventories III/7-9:183
Exeter silver — the later phase 1750—1883 III/7-9:223
Decorative features of 17th century English provincial silver spoons III/7-9:234
Salisbury silver and its makers 1550-1700 3/1
Warminster silver 10/20
West Country freedom boxes 13/103
A breast jewel of the Ancient Order of Free Gardeners 15/104
The Earl of Romney’s silver: an important auction of 1704/05 16/81
Thomas Harper, Masonic jeweller and the jewels of his period 19/13
From members’ collections. A snuff box with a story 22/101
Two Historic Boxes 27/83
– and Schrager, Luke:
Thicker than water, the Chawners and their connections 25/33
Adam Murray and his two boxes: a family story 29/20
– and Wilson, Timothy:
The Tichborne Celebrities 9/559
Kirkus, Sister M. Gregory:
A recusant monstrance 9/582
Langdon, John
Notes on some Canadian silversmiths I/3:11
A snuff box with a story 22/101
Latham, Patrick
Some comparisons: silver, glass and pottery III/1-2:10
Law, Edward J.
Some provincial Irish silver lotteries 7/412
Layton Elwes, Rachel:
A new addition to African American silver 13/14
The Croft cups: a note on their provenance 13/62
Le Rossignol, Peter:
Bullion-dealing and trading in the eighteenth century 22/45
Lightbown, R.W.:
Christian van Vianen at the court of Charles I II/1:2
Lipscombe, S.:
The old silver of Australia I/7:7
Lloyd, Michael:
Debate. Shelf life 19/147
Lokalova, Olga:
The Orlov Service: Newly Discovered Letters from Jacques and Jacques-Nicolas Roettiers 34/7
Lösel, Eva Maria:
Swiss Silver III/7-9:203
Lomax, James
The grandeur of plate: four hundred years of country house silver
at Temple Newsam 6/256
Family silver returns to Temple Newsam 9/610
Royalty and silver: The role of the Jewel House in the eighteenth
century 11/133
Robert Rowe, Obituary 25/109
Lopato, Marina
Notes on some celebrated pieces of English Silver in the Hermitage Collection 28/34
Malenka, Sally and Corbin, Donna
A Magnificent Deception: the re-evaluation of a pot à oille from the Parisian Service in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of Art 28/62
May, Brian – Phillips, Richard – Pemberton, Mandy, and O’Donnell, Craig
New light on Samuel Pemberton I and his descendants: Birmingham toy makers, jewellers and silversmiths 29/91
May, Brian; Phillips, Richard and O’Donnell, Craig:
Thomas and Joseph Willmore and James Alston, John Yapp and John Woodward: silversmiths of Birmingham 31/32
May, Brian; Phillips, Richard; Harris, Lee; Joy, Rachel and O’Donnell, Craig:
Robert Mitchell: a Birmingham silversmith in the early nineteenth century 33/97
Mayhew, Nicholas
Currency and plate: Some thoughts based on Oxford coinage and
the Civil War 11/236
McFarlan, Gordon
Robert Gray & Son: goldsmiths of Glasgow 11/211
McGill, Lyndsay:
Alexander Crichton, a Scottish silversmith and the sailing Marquess 33/73
McKay, Tinker and Harris, Lauretta:
Chapel Plate for Nova Scotia 28/24
McKinley, David
AH crowned cinquefoil below and HA crowned cinquefoil below. A
possible attribution 16/77
McKinley, David and Bell, Chris:
The Pingo family and eighteenth-century hallmarking 19/41
See also Bell, Chris
Medvei, V.C.
Collecting silver in Roman days I/7:19
The cult of the teaspoon III/6:164
The military Maria-Teresa order I/10:17
The mystery of the Beresford plate I/9:24
Micio, Paul
Early French surtouts 19/79
A French drawing for a candlestick at the Yale Center 32/18
Millner, Arthur
Bhuj silver 13/12
Mitchell, David
Marks, Manwarings and Moore: the use of the ‘AM in monogram’
mark 1650-1700 11/168
‘To Alderman Backwells for the candlsticks for Mr Coventry’. The
manufacture and sale of plate at The Unicorn, Lombard
Street, 1663-72 12/111
See also Bimbenet-Privat, Michèle
Molyneux, Bridget
An Edwardian collection: Scandinavian folk jewellery at Preston
Manor 7/416
Montagu, Jennifer
The practice of Roman baroque silver sculpture 12/18
Mortlock, D.P.
Thomas Coke and the family silver 9/552
Morton, James
Commemorative medals 5/212
Morton, Lucy:
Jenny Edge 29/116
Miriam Hanid 29/114
On the market recently. The Gough tea caddies 11/256
On the market recently 16/145
The Journal 23/14
The Silver Society Prize for Silversmithing 2014 31/121
The Silver Society Prize for Silversmithing 2015 32/56
The Silver Society Prize for Silversmithing 2016 33/165
Silversmith under thirty 35/107
Munro, Caroline
Collecting by two I/8:4
Murdoch, Tessa:
The Courtaulds: silversmiths for three generations 1708—80 III/4:88
Ducal splendour: silver for a military hero. The Elie Pacot ewer and basin made for John Churchill, 1st Duke of Marlborough 22/5
Cricket Trophies 27/67
Silver at the French Hospital 25/63
The James II coronation cup and the culture of gifts and perquisites in Stuart and Hanoverian coronations 26/32
A glimpse of the apprentice William Hogarth engraving his master’s 31/63
Personal Favourites: a Royal Christening Gift and Other Christening Gifts in the Victoria & Albert Museum Collections 34/52
Murdoch, Tessa and Schofield, John:
A memorial to Paul Storr 33/159
Needham, David
Old Sheffield plate and the early wine label 16/113
Mrs G.E.P. How 16/142
O’Brien, Conor
The early records of the Dublin Goldsmiths Company 12/80
Some misidentified Munster goldsmiths 13/31
In search of the Duke of Ormond’s wine cistern and fountain 15/63
See also Delamer, Ida
The ‘Plunkett’ spoons – a reappraisal 22/83
O’Donnell, Craig – Pemberton, Mandy – May, Brian and Phillips, Richard
New light on Samuel Pemberton I and his descendants: Birmingham toy makers, jewellers and silversmiths 29/91
O’Donnell, Craig; May, Brian, Phillips, Richard; Harris, Lee and Joy, Rachel:
Robert Mitchell: a Birmingham silversmith in the early nineteenth century 33/97
Olso, John R., – Hood, William P, and Curb, Charles S.
Gorham’s Knickerbocker, etched: Japanese inspired American Flatware 28/173
Oman, Charles
The influence of English silver on foreign silver I/1:3
Some sidelights on the assay office in the reign of Charles II I/3:12
The Ghent touch-plates and early London makers’ marks I/7:13
The beginning of silver collecting I/8:18
The civic gifts to Charles II II/3-4:54
The nursery plate of the Old Pretender II/3-4:66
Packer, Daniel
Christoph Jamnitzer’s Metamorphosis beakers 16/57
Payne, Michael
The 1937 ‘Coronation hallmark’ 21/103
Pearson, David
Bookbinders and goldsmiths: their tools and trade in Oxford 11/240
Kurt Ticher’s research and collection of Irish silver 16/25
Pemberton, Mandy – May, Brian – Phillips, Richard and O’Donnell, Craig
New light on Samuel Pemberton I and his descendants: Birmingham toy makers, jewellers and silversmiths 29/91
Penzer, Norman
An index of English silver steeple cups I/6:1
Percival, Piers
John Evans, maker of steeple cups 12/128
A set of Apostle statuettes 13/40
Maker’s mark a heart. Could this be the work of Robert Amadas? 16/35
Patrick Brewe: an Elizabethan goldsmith with theatrical connections 32/68
Richard Hanberry, circa 1531-1608: Rogue or Entrepreneur 35/25
Perkins, John
Goldsmiths from Lancashire and York parish registers 29/5
Pestell, Tim
Silver and silverworking in Anglo-Saxon East Anglia 19/137
Peterkin, Keith Grant
A mystery spanning five hundred years III/1-2:36
Peyronnin , Addie:
Barkentin & Krall: grand commissions from a Philadelphia patron 33/22
Phillips, Anthony
Turtle surfaces 9/616
Lying at the King of England’s feet and haunting the King of
Prussia’s elbow 13/95
Jean-Frédéric Baer’s cup 15/107
Yvonne Hackenbroch:an obituary 28/180
Phillips, Richard – May, Brian – Pemberton, Mandy, and O’Donnell, Craig
New light on Samuel Pemberton I and his descendants: Birmingham toy makers, jewellers and silversmiths 29/91
Phillips, Richard: May, Brian; Harris, Lee; Joy, Rachel and O’Donnell, Craig:
Robert Mitchell: a Birmingham silversmith in the early nineteenth century 33/97
Phillips, Richard; O’Donnell, Craig and May, Brian:
Thomas and Joseph Willmore and James Alston, John Yupp and John Woodward: silversmiths of Birmingham. 31/32
Piacenti, Kirsten Aschengreen
Medici mounted hardstone vessels in the Pitti Palace 5/206
Pinn, Keith
Paktong 12/38
Priestley, Philip
Early watchcase-makers and their marks 1631-1720 10/29
Watchcase-maker’s marks in the missing register of 1739-58 12/90
The early records of Birmingham Assay Office 16/103
See also Benedikz, Phyllis
Pudney, Stephen
Connell’s of Cheapside: ‘Pioneers of modern artistic silverware’ 11/223
The Keswick School of Industrial Arts: A Victorian experiment
in artistic philanthropy 12/134
Quickenden, Kenneth
Boulton and Fothergill’s Silversmiths 7/342
Silver, ‘plated’ and silvered products from the Soho Manufactory,
1780 10/77
‘Lyon-faced’ candlesticks and candelabra 11/196
Boulton & Fothergill’s bullion supplies for assay silver 12/45
Elizabeth Montagu’s service of plate Part 1 16/131
Elizabeth Montagu’s service of plate, part 2 19/19
Richard Chippindall and the Boultons 22/51
Rabinovitch, B.Seymour
The patina of antique silver, a scientific appraisal 1/13
– and Homer, Roger
A new gilding technique by use of gold sols 4/160
Ransome Wallis, Rosemary:
The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and its patronage of the art medal today 5/217
Reason, Robert:
Card Eduard Firnhaber: South Australia’s first gold and silversmith 31/68
Renton, Andrew
Sir Charles Jackson 19/144
Adi Toch, Wide Open: a new silver commission for the P&O Makower Trust Collection at Amgueddfa Cymru (National Museum Wales) 31/117
Admiral Edward Russell’s silver andirons 33/57
Richardson, Jackie
First day cup returns to Sheffield Assay Office 16/112
Léonard Morel Ladeuil 15/124
Ridgway, Maurice
Some Chester goldsmiths I/9:6
Ringrose, Jayne, see Buckingham (above)
Ringrose, Jayne and Buckingham, David:
The Foundress’s Cup of of Pembroke College, Cambridge 26/14
Risch-Stolz, Marianne
A Welcome to the Brother 5/235
Ritchie, Helen
A Superb Service of Toilette Plate’: historicist plate in the Royal Collecton 28/101
Rock, Joe
Robert Gordon, goldsmith and Richard Cooper, engraver 19/49
Rothwell, James
An armorial epergne. The return of silver to Montacute House, Somerset 22/21
‘A vast quantity of handsome plate’: recent acquisitions by the National Trust 25/29
From Copes to Crowns: A History of Silver at Canons Ashby, Northamptonshire 27/17
Recusants and Race Horses: the silver of Coughton Court, Warwickshire 35/69
Rowe, Robert
Neo-classical silver in England I/5:1
Sachs, Sir Eric
Silver belonging to the Middle Temple I/8:20
Sale, Anthony J.H.
Goldsmiths of Gloucestershire 1500-1800 2/74
Another Gloucester maker’s mark 4/146
Laceback trefid spoons 4/153
Records of plate of the Beaufort family in the Badminton House
archives and elsewhere 7/381
Laceback trefid spoons, a further note 13/61
Made in Gloucestershire 16/47
Four Nonconformist communion cups for Gloucester 19/78
The Sherborne archives 22/47
Silver in medieval probate inventories of the diocese of York 26/113
Plate tax 23/114
– and Brett, Vanessa
John White: some recent research 8/465
Sale, Anthony and Clifford, Helen:
Museum Focus: Gloucester 16/28
– and Thompson, Eleanor
The Duke of Beaufort’s surtout
by Thomas Germain 9/544
Salter, John
Salter, John The silversmiths of Banff and their marks III/1-2:13
Salter, John Tain silversmiths 1660—1870 III/5:140
Silver in East Anglia III/7-9:194
Salter, John The silver from Water Newton and the law of treasure trove III/3:50
Sanders, G.S.
Sanders, G.S. An Admiralty barge badge of 1736 I/10:7
A gold cup I/10:17
Savigny, Brigitte von
Daydreams and mermaids 2/81
Schlosberg, David:
Sugar nips, nippers or tea tongs – and a specialist maker 15/119
Schmieglitz-Otten, Juliane:
Out of the darkness into the light: early baroque Homage gifts presented to the House of Hanover 32/88
Schmitt, Peter:
Christoph Diemer’s vessels for commission: a legacy in his lifetime 23/41
Schofield, John and Murdoch, Tessa:
A memorial to Paul Storr. 33/159
Schrager, Luke
Recent research into the missing registers 10/62
The royal and aristocratic patronage of Wakelin & Tayler, 1776-92 21/87
Silver ephemera – a rare survival 23/116
Sold at auction 23/117
Elizabeth Jackson/Oldfield 27/101
– and Kent, Timothy
Thicker than water: The Chawners and their connections 25?/6/33
Adam Murray and his two boxes: a family story 29/20
Schroder, Timothy
Sixteenth century English silver; some problems of attribution III/1-2:40
Paul de Lamerie: businessman or craftsman? 6/267
‘Rich, fierce and greedy for glory’: Court goldsmiths’ work in the
early years of Henry VIII 8/435
The Duke of Sussex and his collection 14/40
Obituary: Arthur Grimwade 15/4
Silver and the Church (special issue) J 17
Evidence without documents: patterns of ornament in rococo
and Regence silver 20/58
letter to editor 23/22
The Cockayne Cups 28/5
The Silver Society visit to Bavaria 2017 34/114
Church Plate in England (Special issue) 24
Schroder, Timothy and Vanderpump, Richard
David Brand Inglis: an obituary 29/127
Seelig, Lorenz
The Dinner Service made for George III by Robert-Joseph Auguste and Frantz-Peter Bundsen: neo-Classical goldsmiths’ work in Paris, London and Hanover 28/76
Sherratt, Michael
A church — a trowel 22/103
From members’ collections 22/103
Shifman, Barry
Museum acquisition /Indianapolis 15/169 and 16/148
Shirley, Pippa
The Macclesfield wine set 10/112
Shirley, Pippa and Truman, Charles:
A Rediscovered Cup by Christian Van Vianen and the Collecting of Alice de Rothschild at Waddesdon Manor 35/83
Shlosberg, David
Sugar nips, nippers or tea tongs — and a specialist maker 15/119
Silfverstolpe, Susann
Swedish or English? Another look at the work of Andrew
Fogelberg 6/290
Sinsteden, Thomas
Four selected assay records of the Dublin Goldsmiths’ Company 11/143
Household plate of the dukes of Ormonde 23/123
Surviving Dublin assay records. Part 2 (1708-48) 16/87
Slattery, Fiona
Museum acquisition /Perth 15/170
Skerry, Janine E:
Beyond the Working Dates: reconstructing the life and Career of Elizabeth Pantin Buteux Godfrey 34/75
Sloane, Jeanne
Competition and craft; silversmithing in Bermuda 13/18
Smith, Eric J.G.
Jacob Bodendick 13/66
Jacob Bodendeich 14/109
Richard Blackwell & Son 15/19
The subject of much controversy. The Founder’s Cup at Oriel
College, Oxford 16/65
Times Past 19/64
London goldsmiths in John Stow’s Survey 19/117
Temp. Anne Boleyn. The cup in Cirencester parish church 22/91
Smith, Richard
Thomas Sadler 13/94
Snowman A. Kenneth
Peter Carl Fabergé — decorator extraordinary II/5-6:86
Snowman, A. Kenneth The gold snuffboxes of Paris III/1-2:2
Souroujon Sinai, Stephanie:
A Gift from George Lambert: the Golden Jubilee Steeple Cup in the Goldsmiths’ Company Collection 35/60
Sousa, Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e
Oporto’s Rococo silversmith 15/100
Luiz Ferreira and Manuel Alcino. Two twentieth-century
silversmiths in Oporto 16/19
Southwick, Leslie
‘DD’ A silver hilt-maker identified (?) 11/193
Sword of Richard Twining signed Yardley 7/392
The silver vases awarded by the Patriotic Fund 1/27
Wellington’s freedom box for Salamanca 8/502
William Badcock, goldsmith and hilt-maker 9/584
New Light on John Linnit, goldsmith, jeweller and boxmaker 23/73
Jasper Cunst: Goldsmith, Box-maker and Glover and Samuel Cooke: Buckle-maker and Silversmith 34/89
Spink, Michael
Silver filigree from Cuttack 2/65
Stein, Fabian
Weights on Continental silver 9/576
Steuart Fothringham, Henry:
Saint Eloi (circa 588-660). Patron saint of Scottish goldsmiths 15/7
Scottish goldsmiths’ apprenticeships 14/79
Scottish goldsmiths’ weights 15/68
The Darnley Jewel 13/52
The Strathmore silver inventory of 1695 supported by other papers from the Strathmore archives 13/81
Stewart, Graham
The Metropolitan Mace 27/89
Stone, Jonathan M. L.
1697 and all that III/6:161
The so-called London Forgery Group spoons I/10:3
Strong, Donald
Silver of the Roman period I/8:9
Tait, Hugh
The advent of the two-handled cup; the Croft cups II/11-13:202
A parcel-gilt ‘livery pot’ of 1578 III/3:63
The use of filigree and granulation on Jacobean plate III/3:63
The Wyndham Ewer and Basin and subsequent additions to Tudor
and Stuart silver plate at the British Museum 5/195
Tanner, Sarah
A man who never was 2/89
Paul Storr: his master and apprentices 6/277
Taylor, Clive
George Smith of Huggin Lane: a Georgian silver bucklemaker 26/60
Taylor, Gerald
Some London platemakers’ marks 1558—1624 III/4:97
Tebbe, Karin
Nuremberg marks in the late eighteenth century 15/73
On growing flowers, stylistic howlers and tulip cups 16/53
Ongoing research. Minor details of great importance: new insights into the marks of Nuremberg goldsmiths 21/39
Thompson, Eleanor
French silver in the Musée du Louvre 2/67
See also Sale, Anthony J.H.
The Welby Bequest: memories of Michael 29/125
Thompson, Eleanor and Sale, Anthony:
The Duke of Beaufort’s surtout by Thomas Germain 9/544
Thornton, Dora
The Waddesdon Bequest as a neo-Kunstkammer of the nineteenth century 23/57
“A long succession of magnificent provocative treasures for the collection at Goldsmiths’ Hall”. Designs and making of Louis Osman’s Commissions for the Goldsmiths’ Company 1966-1985 35/5
Ticher, Kurt
Irish silver I/7:5
Some Limerick oddities II/7-8:142
Timann, Ursula
About candlestick cups 15/12
Tobin, Sophia
“These six sheets of paper”. Some biographical insights from the will of Thomas Heming 26/58
Truman, Charles and Shirley, Pippa:
A Rediscovered Cup by Christian Van Vianen and the Collecting of Alice de Rothschild at Waddesdon Manor
Tsushima, Jean:
Notes & Queries 16/30
Turner, Guy:
Lord Pembroke’s inventory of 1561 11/189
Twist, Anthony
James Bult and his partners 1774-1864 25/94
Towards the Patriotic Fund 26/75, 27/16
Udy, David
The influence of Charles Heathcote Tatham II/5-6:104
Unwin, Joan
The Goodwin silver competitions 22/67
Vander, Henry
Hand-forging flatware II/1:22
The model of HMS Victory I/11:28
The technique of Chasing I/3:9
Victorian figure casting II/2:44
Vander, Richard
Old Sheffield Plate I/10:5
Some Sheffield silversmiths II/7-8:118
Vanderpump, Richard and Schroder, Timothy
David Brand Inglis: an obituary 29/127
Vaughan Lewis, Maggie and William
Rebecca Emes: New Discoveries 25/74
Vickers, Michael
Roman faceted silver and its relationship to rock crystal and
glass 8/462
Vitali, Ubaldo
Beyond the secret traditions: the evolution of styles and techniques
in the art of the goldsmith 12/8
Retooling for the rococo: assembling the complex network of talents, skill and
language to express the new style 20/72
Von Savigny, Brigitte:
Daydreams and Mermaids 2/81
Walker, Ben
New work 19/160
Wallis, Rosemary Ransome
The Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and its patronage of the
art medal today 5/217
Warner, Christopher
Tumbler cups at Lotherton Hall 11/254
Warshawsky, Lee
Museum acquisition /Portland 15/172
Museum focus: Seattle. 16/79
Warwick James, Jolyon:
A European heritage: nineteenth-century silver in Australia 15/133
The Collins caster: A Tasmanian survivor 2/71
The Silver Society visit to Switzerland – September 2019 35/99
Wees, Beth Carver
English silver in an American museum, The Sterling and
Francine Clark Art Institute 4/115
Weinstein, Rosemary
A goldsmiths’ widow of the 1670s 10/50
Wenley, Robert
The Paston treasures 19/131
Westwood, A. Hamil
An assayer’s notes I/11:6
Whipham, Thomas
Behind the wallpaper 13/109
Wilkinson, Wynyard
Benjamin Schlick 19/5
The Key to Gibraltar 27/54
Wilmot, D.G.U. de B
The assembly of a canteen II/1:23
An exercise in collecting I/9:4
Wilmot, R.T.D.
The Dorrien Cup I/8:22
Wilson, Muriel
John Bonnor (1875-1917) 15/126
Wilson, Sandra:
The mystery of Dutch raising 33/81
Wilson, Timothy
See Kent, Timothy
Winterbottom, Matthew
(and Alfred Hagemann) New discoveries concerning the Berlin silver buffet 22/117
Wood, L.J. Cardew-
Calcutta silver I/2:6
Young, Hilary
The silver designs of Sir William Chambers: a resumé and recent
discoveries 7/335
Philip Cornman: a biographical note 8/481
Zech, Heike:
When Christ became an astronomer: the contrasting histories of two seventeenth century Augsburg shrines 31/18